Friday, June 21, 2019

Ice Pirate Journey Darvin Challenge 1

Darvin Challenge 1:
A week into the journey the crow's nest gives alert that they have spotted dark, damaged, looking ships on the horizon - reminiscent of those that attacked Baldur's Gate. They aren't sure that the Lady Narath has been spotted yet. The crew turns to you, Darvin, for command.

In narrative form:

"Captain!" Called Yeshanks, an oddly stylish gnome, from the crow's nest. "I see an undead ship on ze horizon!"
"Have they spotted us?" Glibpo, the cities recommendation to serve as first mate, said stepping forward, "Are they making way for us?"
"Zey have ze wind at zer backs, but I am not sure zey have seen us - we are quite a distance now. It is only zanks to my vision that we can see them at all!"

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Violet's Past, Part 1

As the Lady Narath Company left for the ruins of Waterdeep, their trials and struggles slipped from Violet’s mind like the last ray of sunlight on a winter’s day, leaving her alone with her thoughts once more. She would not think of Darvin, Talathel, Beranhond, Tigrisclawu, or Johan again except for the occasional fond memory that graced her face with the quirk of a smile or flickered on her voice like the ghost of a laugh at a joke told at the end of a day long past.

Nym, however, loomed over her thoughts as a dark storm threatening to blot out the sun.

That damned slip of an elf had destroyed her utterly, and left her with the bitter taste of regret and lost dreams where once she had relished the prospect of riches and renown over the course of thrilling years at the pinnacle of her craft. To have that future incinerated by such a pathetic little elf seemed fitting for her now, with her days spent helping Odin and searching for some sense of purpose and meaning. Whenever she ate, the food tasted like ash, regardless of whether she managed to care enough not to burn the meal to a crisp.

The life of an assassin is by nature both dangerous and uncertain.

Thinking about Nym caused her to genuflect, as it so often did now. When she had first joined the Lady Narath Company, she had been at the peak of her abilities. She was a finely honed killing machine, drunk on her own abilities and her knowledge that she held the power of death in every fiber of her being. She was a mage killer. Mages, the most dangerous of prey. Not only were they fully capable of rational thought, but they were also the most eccentric and usually the most intelligent of the sentient beings.

Accepting assassination contracts for mages was what she did for thrills, knowing that it would be dangerous, but that it would be a hell of a ride. She had some misbegotten notion that if she was going to go, she would go out in flame and glory. It would be a hell of a show for whoever was around to see.

She had made quite a name for herself when she took on the contract that ended her career. She had put down a revolt by literally beheading its leader, stopped a notorious sex trafficker, and "convinced" a politician to pursue a life of animal husbandry by brutally dismantling her best friend while she watched. She was proud of her efficiency and her body of work had spoken for itself, leading to increasingly lucrative and complicated contracts.

Then she had taken on a very unique and intriguing contract. She was to sever the connection between the Dark God and his forces on this plane. Her sources informed her that if she was able to strike during the transformation, when the high priest transformed into a terrible avatar of the Dark God's power, that he would be severely weakened, and would take decades to recover, if that was even possible. Of course, this might kill the priest, but her contract didn't have any stipulations about her fate.

There was a certain beauty in the irony that the moment when the awesome power was released from Nym as she transformed into the avatar of the Dark God was also her moment of greatest weakness, and could be her undoing. Violet found herself smiling in the midst of remembering all of this, the power of the memory bringing back the emotion of eager anticipation for the challenge ahead of her. She was to strike as the transformation began, first with a blade she had been given, to freeze the transformation in place, and then with a spell scroll she could read to destroy the Dark God and send him back to another plane.

Such a convenient contract. Take this knife. Take this spell. Go kill a god. In fact, the priest is only a few miles away from where she had accepted it, and she was told she would have her first chance to accomplish the task within a day or two. The contract was not detailed in its description of the Dark God, not even giving a name or a gender, but she had considered that mystery part of the excitement of the contract. She had practically drooled over the prospect of killing a god, and had fantasized about the act, picturing the god as a large, imposing man with an oiled beard, a ravishing come-hither smile, and an aura that pulsed of dark promises, desires unfulfilled. She had spent most of the day she took the contract absently stroking the dagger and picturing herself using it to slice this vulgar deity from groin to throat.

The evening of the day she'd received the contract, the dark god had erupted within the Orc Camp in the Shaar. Violet witnessed much of the devastation, but had not been in place to be able to accomplish her task and save the encampment. She learned what she could about her target, and realized that she would have to find a way to join the Lady Narath Company if she was to remain close to Nym.

For reference:

I think that will be it for this post. Next time: What happened at the Druid Temple!

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Sea of Shining Stars

It'll take between two to three months over overland travel to get to the western most portion of the sea of shining stars. Travel through the astral sea could shorten the path.

I'm open to other paths that you can justify of course!

Ice Pirates

The Lady Narath set sail two days later sailing north to the city of Luskan. The route will take the Lady Narath far to the west of Waterdeep. If you're going on this adventure please give me three checks, of your choice, that you would use for sailing. This could be a mixture of perception, dexterity, constitution, or whatever you'd like.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Conference Table (22 months before finale)

Beranhond looked around the conference table aboard the Lady Narath and sighed. No one had really offered any good arguments for where else they should look for allies. "Alright folks, as I understand, we can go to the Druids of Moonshae, the Elves of Silverymoon, possibly some wizards near the sea of Stars or up north to the Barbarian ice pirates..." He paused trying to take in the ridiculousness of the statement. "I think we can split and recruit two of these groups that, along with Illuvaen's Elven warriors from the dream realm might be enough."

Monday, March 18, 2019


Nym and Johan are already back in baldurs gate when the three musketeers arrived.

Darvin I need your reaction post.

The rest of y'all need to decide where you want to go next to recruit.

1. Druids of moonshae.
2. Elves of silverymoon
3. Wizards if the sea is stars
4. Barbarian ice pirates of the north

Illuvaen is trying to find allies from the dream realm elves.

Darvin might have a new source of power to fight the evil 

Nym and Johan might have a new ally.

If you could post some kind of "report . And argument for where you'd kind to go that would be great. By... Next Sunday? I'll fill in the rest. Let me know via email, fb, whatsapp if you want more details for any of the places.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Dice Roller!

Dice roller link

Of comfort, no man speak

Talathel left Beranhund at the gates. He felt the need to be...well, not alone. He knew he didn't want to be alone. But he wanted different companionship. He wanted...

He wasn't sure. The old Talathel would probably be seeking rum or ale. He would have gladly chased happiness at the bottom of a flagon. That had never got him anywhere. Over the long had it been? It wasn't as if he'd abstained from alcohol. But, he didn't seek it out either.

Baldur's Gate hadn't seemed to change since he'd last been there. The buildings looked the same. There were people, even at this hour, going from place to place. He heard a song from an alehouse. It was all so familiar. And yet, not so.

He reflected on his adventures. He had walked around Faerun. He had visited a Dream Plane. He had communed, albeit briefly, with his god, his god that he had thought was probably dead or lost forever.

He knew too much of the world, he decided. The elves that stayed on the Moonshae Isle, now they had it right. They were blissfully unaware of how cruel and unforgiving everything actually was. Leaving one's bubble had it's advantages sure, but suddenly feeling the weight of everything aged him. He stood in the middle of the street and put his weight on his staff.

Maybe being around the cleric wouldn't have been such a bad idea. But that damned cat...

He found his way to Millway's. He recalled, a brief smile on his lips, Lailsan. That may have been the time, in all of this, that he had felt most alive. To find someone, anyone, in this stupid world was the only thing you can ask for, and he had chosen the world over her.

"You owe me," he said, to no one and everyone.

The world responded with silence, as it usually did.

If he hadn't actually spoken to him, he'd swear right now that Kaleal was dead, and the rest of the gods too. Maybe he had just dreamt that.

It occurred to Talathel that he didn't actually know what had happened to Lailsan. He laughed, actually laughed, the sort of laugh gives when cosmic absurdity is revealed to them and them alone. It was a laugh full of regret and contempt.

He moved on from Millway's. He found his way to the docks. He saw the Lady Nareth. Even in the dark, he could tell it still needed work. That ship would probably be the death of him. He walked towards it. He remembered being in the crow's nest with Lailsan. He remembered being at peace there. He boarded the ship and climbed back up to it.

There was no comfort this time, his only companion were the mocking thoughts of the life he could have had. No sense worrying about that though, his decisions had been made. He said a brief prayer for Lailsan, wherever she might be. He hoped that there was still some sort of god out there that might hear it, but his prayer was faithless. He closed his eyes to meditate, and then soon afterwards, allowed himself to sleep.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Darvin in the Woods (Past)

Darvin grinned - he had managed to not only distract the black horsemen from Beranhond and Talathel, but he had also managed to lose the black horsemen. "Success!" He said raising a fist. Then he paused. "Wait..." He said looking around. "This doesn't look at all familiar." 
He turned his horse about in the darkness, the woods not appearing at all like the woods near Baldur's Gate. Suddenly, to his absolute surprise, out of the edge walked a hobbit.
"It's been a while Darvin." 

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Upcoming Quests

I have about a year of quests I'm going to fill in before the great battle at the ruins of waterdeep. There's allies that need recruitment. Here are a couple ideas:

1. Druids of the western Isles
2. The Pirates of the North
3. Dragging the High Elves out of their forest haunts.
4. The Wizards of the Sea of Stars
5. An outside force from a different plane.

If you have other ideas let me know. I'll start working on two of them within the week, so let's say 2/22 is the deadline to make a choice or make a suggestion.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Every New Beginning Comes from Some Other Beginnings End (Present)

A renegade ray of sunlight slowly made its way across Darvin's face. The half-elf stirred and tried to roll over. Minutes later the sunlight had found his face again. Darvin slowly opened his eyes and stared at the walls of his tent. As he transitioned from sleep to wakefulness he thought about all that had brought him to this tent in this muddy field.

The repair and refurbishing of the Lady Narath had been one of the happiest moments of Darvin's life. When the ship and its crew had set sail for Waterdeep some 20 months ago, he felt like the young man who had ventured out from Secomber those many years ago. The happiness was short lived.

After three years in a drunken stupor, Darvin had no idea how badly the waters around the Sword Coast had become. From the beginning, their voyage had been fraught with one setback after another. First, it had been a storm that damaged their main mast just two days out of Baldur's Gate. They were able to repair it at sea but it was only a temporary fix. Just a few days after that, the Lady Narath came across her first undead pirate vessel. Darvin, being inexperienced and impetuous, ordered the crew to engage in combat. That first sea battle with the undead left a mark on the half-elf that would never leave. The battle was long, it seemed that no matter what the Lady Narath threw at the undead ship it just came back stronger. With every volley crew members dropped and Darvin eventually had to make the decision to outrun the undead ship and head for Waterdeep.

The crew that was lost that day haunted Darvin. He saw their faces in his dreams. He should have been more cautious and willing to get his sea legs back underneath him before rushing into a battle that he had no way of winning.

Once at the staging ground near the ruins of Waterdeep, the Lady Narath did find a role patrolling and protecting the camp. In the confined space of the makeshift harbor, the ship could hold it's own and fight off any undead vessels that tried to approach. This went on for over a year but about four months ago the number of undead ships had become so large that defending the harbor was becoming a seemingly impossible task. So, hesitantly and painfully, Darvin left his beloved Lady Narath sitting in the harbor and retreated to the army camp with what was left of his crew.

"Mornin' captain," said Guybrush as he climbed out of his small cot, "Thinking about Miss Shandri again, sir?"

And then there was Shandri, if there was a more perfect woman, Darvin would not believe it. She had made the trip to Waterdeep and survived the battle with the undead but as he had become more tortured with his decision and his inability to clear the shipping lanes for her father, it became harder for him to talk to her. He had tremendous feelings for her but on the day she came and informed him she needed to go back to Baldur's Gate he didn't stop her. He understood why. All that he asked was that she let him know that she had arrived home safely. She sent the letter when she got to Baldur's Gate. There had been no other letters. That was months ago. He thought of her often. He ached for her. He hoped that one day he could get his act together and see her again.

"Always," Darvin replied to his monkey companion.

However, seeing Shandri again was the last of his current priorities. This day just had one simple goal. Survive.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

At Daybreak on the Last Day [Nym/Johan] 2.9 update (Present/Past)

Tigrisclawu wove in and out of his steps as he moved through the fog hovering in the air, the slight light of dawn giving just enough light to make his movements through the mud easier.
"So, did you expect what happened to Johan and Nym?" Tigrisclawu asked purring.
"Did anyone?" He paused, and swallowed, then shook his head, he had heard about the Crinti slaves, but hadn't expected the truth.

Two years prior.

As Nym and Johan examined the names on the shipping manifests near the Crinti they found few names they recognized. A few belonged to some of few nobles in Neverwinter and a few former ministers of Waterdeep. However, these names were far from the standard as the general names were numbers presumably standing for merchant quarters and shipping sections of Neverwinter.
Along with the destination addresses and numbers were rows and columns filled with statistical numbers of height, weight, age, and a few other numbers intended to hide any names or humanizing features.
Still, despite the dark reality, the list was nothing more than a normal shipping document - aside from the dark reality that the numbers and facts represent. As they were searching the captain of the vessel - apparently on a late night guilt trip - worked down and sobbed outside of one of the boxes.
"You." Johan shouted raising his fist.
"Ahhh…" The captain shrieked and turned tripping on the steps. Johan slipped into mistform and appeared in front of him. With a sneer he grabbed his shoulder and tossed him back toward Nym.
"I'm sorry.. I know it's wrong, but the money's good and the magicks of Neverwinter - they are terrible!" He sobbed, turning to face Nym, Nym. "They threaten all of us and they are in league with the foulness that haunts the ruins of Waterdeep. I have heard that..." He said between sobs. "That they are turning these slaves into automotons that are then sent to join the army of the dead that surrounds Waterdeep!"
 "Great." Johan said restraining the urge to kill the man in case he had more information. "More monsters on the west coast." Johan said cracking his fingers as he eyed the captain.
"We need a solution."
"Drop us off near Daggerford and then turn this ship around and sail to Baldur's Gate and free them." Johan said drawing his sword. "I'll know if you don't."
The Captain nodded, squealed, and then got up and hurried away.

The next day the Captain dropped them off north of  Daggerford - he even helped to row the dinghy personally to the shore before promising that he'd follow through and free the captives. Johan and Nym gave him glares but let him go on his way.
The region north of Daggerford had once been a collection of hamlets and independent farm-holds. Yet, as Nym, Esme, and Johan made their way foward they were met with naught but barren lands and abandoned buildings.
"This place is creepy, even for a vampire..." Johan observed. "It reeks of death and of the undead." He paused then reflected. "The other undead I mean."
Nym nodded gloomily.

At daybreak on the last day [Present & Past] Darvin/Talathel 2.11 edit


Beranhond's eyes flicked open and, out of habit, his hands reached out to take hold of Aesahaettr before letting and returning it to its place beside his cot. The cannon blasts against the walls of teh stronghold were intentional, and expected, and nothing to worry about at the moment. In a few hours perhaps they would be of concern, but for now he shut his eyes and tried to return to sleep. Before he could, Tigrisclawu jumped onto his cot and prodded him.

"Perhaps, since you are awake, and because it is probably our last day on this plane, we should go and check on your remaining companions. It is a clerical duty after all!"
Beranhond nodded and sat up.
"Very well. Have you been chasing rats?"
"Chasing rats?" Tigrisclawu looked bemused by the question. "No, they've been serving me from the mess pots at the central army kitchens. I think they find me to be a good luck charm."
Beranhond smiled, reached up, and scratched the cat's head. "Well, you've always been one for me." He turned, smiling, as Aelysin remained fast asleep to his side. "To think," he thought to himself. "At one point she refused to talk to me and now we go to face our deaths together."
"Let's let her sleep for now." Before he slipped from the cot and started to don his robes. The robes were worn, threadbare in section, Narath's insignia battleworn, but still visible. He belted Aeshaettr to his side and grabbed his shield, swinging it behind him, before stepping out to find his companions.
"How far we have come together..." He thought, before his mind slipped back to that day that changed everything when they finally found the elves and then sought the treasure beyond....

Two years prior.

The elves at the archaeological dig did not give them any songs, travel goods, or outlandish gifts to help them in their journey. Instead, they quickly escorted them to the boundary and sent them on their way all the while trying to block their vision of the pits of the shoveling equipment.
"Well, they were very welcoming." Tigrislcawu mentioned as they headed down the path.
"Extremely." Beranhond said in agreement.

The three of them traveled up the path for a day, stopping only for a light meal break, before they came to a part of the woods where the technicolor storm had caused lasting damage. The vegetation along the path was covered in numerous pastel hues, almost as if the hails had melted and covered the trees and foliage in dyes.

Tigrisclawu scampered underneath a bush in search of a rat - when he emerged a moment later he too was painted in a dozen pastel hues.

"Don't... say... anything." He hissed.

Beranhond just grinned winking at Talathel and Darvin. "Nothing at all." Before he moved forward and peered into the distance. In a clearing in the trees, not too far from the trail proper, the storm had lashed into the soil causing deep ruptures.
"It's almost as if the sky was trying to tear open the earth itself." Beranhond observed. He looked upward as if expecting a sign. While he did Darvin's careful, treasure hungry, eyes noticed a glint of gold. Darvin sprinted forward and reached down to tug out bars and coins aplenty.

[OK. So. That wraps up the side quest to the woods for the stupid treasure of Eel Skin Jack that Darvin and Co were getting to refit a fleet to go off to Waterdeep...]

Bernahond smiled, remembering how that moment had reawakened his faith and reminded him that though the God's were busy, Narath could still work a few miracles. As he walked toward his companions tents, he nodded at the passing soldiers and his mind slipped into memory. One miracle that Narath was unable to help with was making it easy to slip treasure into Baldur's Gate undetected...

"Darvin! You said you could pass off as a slaver." Beranhond said as he tried to urge the horse on, the cart behind him bouncing from the speed.
"I would if you hadn't wanted to smite that merchant for trying to cheat us and supporting the undead army up north. Great time to go all Paladin again." Darvin said shaking his own reigns of his horse.
"Well, to be fair..." Talathel said from behind them as he bounced on the top of the wagon. "Darvin is terrible at disguises and you are terrible at not smiting things. But for now let's stop arguing and try to get away from whatever it is chasing us." As he looked over his shoulder hooded figures on ghostly horses chased them barely twenty yards behind.
"We are only a mile from Baldur's Gate - I think we can make it. I'll do what I can to distract them." Beranhond said turning around in the saddle and raising his shield. He shut his eyes and a wave of blue light burst from the shield and toward the dark shapes. They slowed to avoid the blue light, a few hissing in anger.
"Well, that at least gained a couple of seconds. Make haste!" Bernahond once again turned forward in the saddle and shook the reigns encouraging them forward.
Darvin shook the reigns, guiding his cart and wagon free horse with ease forward. "Come on ye scallawags."
"Darvin, some of us are carrying the treasure we worked so hard to get." Talathel said shaking his reigns to encourage the horses. They neighed their protest but picked up the pace slightly.
"We can't keep this pace up - we need to split them up." Beranhond called. "Darvin, can you try to pull them away and then catch up? You will be faster than us and that could buy us some more time."

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Bringing it to an end

Hi folks,

There has been some rumors about bringing this thing to a proper end. I'm not opposed to that.

I've been ruminating on how to accomplish this and I think I have some ideas. I understand that some of y'all have gotten busier than others and posting, even at the best of times, was difficult for some.

As such, my goal to complete the whole story is to remove a fair amount of the posting role play, despite how fun it is, and instead move toward a few more broad situations that don't require much response, an informative climax, and a chance to sort out the epilogue.

That being said, before I start so anything I need some confirmation from all interested parties that y'all actually want to participate.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Heading up the road

The elves did not give them any songs, travel goods, or outlandish gifts to help them in their journey. Instead, they quickly escorted them to the boundary and sent them on their way all the while trying to block their vision of the pits of the shoveling equipment.
"Well, they were very welcoming." Tigrislcawu mentioned as they headed down the path.
"Extremely." Beranhond said in agreement.

The three of them traveled up the path for a day, stopping only for a light meal break, before they came to a part of the woods where the technicolor storm had caused lasting damage. The vegetation along the path was covered in numerous pastel hues, almost as if the hails had melted and covered the trees and foliage in dyes.

Tigrisclawu scampered underneath a bush in search of a rat - when he emerged a moment later he too was painted in a dozen pastel hues.

"Don't... say... anything." He hissed.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

A vision of the gods

The snow blew about as Talathel made his way up the mountainside. How long had been climbing? What was even the name of the peak? He could not remember. He had only known the climb.

He looked down. He certainly was not dressed for a mountain climb. He wore the same clothes he had worn in Baldur's Gate. He was an adventurer, yes, but he had been smarter than this. He shrugged, and pressed on, using his staff to check for footing.

Talathel pushed on, not knowing his destination, until he came across a cave. He was weary from the climb, and decided that he needed to rest. Rest would allow him to clear his head, to remember his purpose.

The cave was not very large, but it would give him some reprieve from the elements at least. He pulled out some tinder and flint from his bundle and started a small fire. The fire had only been going a moment when he heard, "Talathel, do you mind if I join you?"

A man was standing at the front of the cave. He was plainly dressed. He had long, brown hair. Talathel heard himself saying, "Yes" before he could figure out who the man was.

"You seem troubled, elf."

"I cannot remember why I am on this mountain. Or who you are."

"You know who I am."

"Sorry stranger, I do not."

"Stranger?" The man gave out a laugh. "If you hadn't spent all your time in the Old Order at the bottom of a mug of ale, you'd recognize me at once."


"The same."

"I have found you! After all these years!"

"I can not be found."


"There is no time. I am weakened, but come with a message. In a realm that borders this one, an orange orc has assumed power. There are dark days ahead."

"And we must fight him?"

"Do not interrupt, mortal. These dark days may be made light, but only by seeking adventure once more."

"I was on one..."

"You have done nothing in months."


"The orange orc may be beyond your reach, but you adventurers can be a light in your own realm. Do not give up your searching for glory within Faerun."

"I will do what I can, O Glorious Kalaen. You say you are weakened? What can I do to aid you, and bring you back to our realm?"

"The answers you seek are not yours to know. Not yet. But, I implore you, go forth and be a light in dark times."

With that, the god faded away, and Talathel was alone once more in the cave. The elf blinked rapidly and shook his head. When his eyes refocused, he was outside of the elven camp.

"Oi! Darvin!" The half-elf turned.

"I'm coming with you. I speak elvish, you may recall. Let's go on an adventure."

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Elven Camp

Darvin, Talathel, Beranhond, and a slightly amused Evelaen, made their way up along the southern side of the swollen river. After two days the river course narrowed and the water speed increased. Finally, on the third day they overheard the sounds of shovels against the soil, cussing, and a smattering of Elvish words called through the air in a opening in the trees.

Monday, April 25, 2016


As Nym and Johan made their way to Daggerford by way of the sailing vessel the rest of the Lady Narath Company prepared to head north along the merchant road. Although the LNC had grown some, the two most recent members, Shandri and the Lady Azeline stayed behind to help prepare the vessel.

The first two days of the journey were rather quiet - the company made quick work of the road in the well worn path north of Baldur's Gate. The third day they awoke to a swollen river and a damaged bridge.

"Well, this looks troublesome." Beranhond noted as they stopped. "I'm not sure if we want to play carpenter with this type of structure. Any recommendations Darvin, Talathel?"

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Onboard the Rock Hard Abs

ym and Johan set sail at first light the next morning. The small, narrow hulled, sloop, made good speed out of the harbor and hugged its way along the coast.
"Whew, good work first mate." The captain called from the aft of the ship. He then sauntered on down and introduced him to the crew. There were only fifteen on board so it didn't take long.
"We keep our numbers down in order to maximize our storage capabilities, plus, a lot of vessels keep larger crews in order to man the guns." He pointed out the four cannons along the vessel. "We've noticed that the undead don't really care about damage to their vessel."
He showed them to a set of hammocks that they could call home for the remainder of the voyage. Though hotbunking was normal for the crew, guests usually had their own assigned hammocks. Once back on deck the captain motioned off to the starboard side of the vessel.
"We will try to keep within view of the coast for much of the journey. This vessel is built for speed, not defense, so our best chance to avoid the undead pirates is to hug along the coast and outrun them."

At a late lunch Johan and Nym attempted to ask about daggerford, finally the captain relented and started to talk.
"Daggerford has gotten really strange over the last year. A really large wall is being built all around the city and even into the harbor. Visitors aren't allowed past the wharf area without special permission from the Commisar, and merchants found to be engaging in smuggling are often found with their heads set on spikes in the harbor."

Thursday, April 7, 2016

On the Road Again

After a half hour of searching Johan found Nym drinking tea with the off duty guards in a well known watering hold near the main guard house. She had two more cups before agreeing to join Johan and meet with the rest of the Lady Narath Company that evening.

Darvin spent most of the afternoon examining the plans to repair the Lady Narath. Fortunately, the shipwrights in the city had a good idea of what was needed to restore the Lady Narath to shipworthiness. Shandri watched him scamper about the ship, her dark eyes examining and measuring him up.

Beranhond and Evelaen spent the afternoon putting together their gear and visiting various tailors to help gather the gear that they would need for the journey up to Daggerford.

 That evening, in Odin's shop, the Lady Narath company sat around and first listened to Nym's story of defending the city. After a few minutes of feeling embarrassed and foolish for sleeping while Nym defended the city along with hapless guards the company got down to business and made final plans for leaving for Daggerford.

It's roughly 480 miles to Daggerford.

by horse: 10 days (horse rentals will cost some substantial money, but I'd be open to an argument on how you obtained them)
walking: 24 days
Ship: There aren't many trading vessels heading north or south, so you'll have a delay as you find a vessel, plus then I'd have to do some calculations on wind and such.

Your chance until Saturday to argue about the plan!

Friday, March 25, 2016


Hi folks,

The responses from the GM will be a bit slow. I'm super busy with Easter Weekend.

Still, that being said, you can finish up your own posts if you'd like Talathel/Darvin when you have a moment.

Darvin - the ship is undergoing cleaning at the moment, so that could be a moment to reflect on the last few years as Shandri looks on.

Talathel - you've already started your little, whatever, feel free to respond to that.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Meeting at Milway's

Talathel gave a slight bow to to Beranhund and begun to weave his way through the city. It was a fairly nice day, and he took some time to enjoy it. He had not specified a time with Azeline, but he had said evening. He had time to relax and see what had changed in Baldur's Gate since he had last seen it.



Not much had apparently changed. He found that odd. He had certainly changed much since then, but cities, he supposed, were harder to change.

He found himself wishing Beranhond or Darvin had accompanied him. He had been wandering alone for most of the past few years. If anything, the conversation had been nice the past few days. He hoped that Azeline would want to come, if anything because he'd have someone to talk to.

He came across Milway's. For a second, he thought of Lailsan. After all, this had been where they had met. He had roped her into his adventures then, for a similar reason. A selfish urge to have companionship. No doubt, he had shared some special moments with Lailsan, and while it had not ended bitterly, it had ended.

He waited outside the pub for a half an hour, and did not see her come. Perhaps she was already inside. He entered Millway's and looked around. No sign of Azeline.

"I am the last Azeline," had actually been her response. There might be more to Azeline than he had thought.

He settled in at a table with a view of the door. He told the waitress that he was waiting for someone to avoid ordering at the time. He would have to rectify his money situation as well. He waited and watched the door.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Eric sprinted down the streets, his pencil case clutched in his hand as Nym and Angel followed behind.
"Thy doom is at hand undead scum, I shall strike down axe upon thy head and send you back to the netherworld from which you came." Eric shouted as they ran down.
"I'm sorry." She said to Nym. "He's impossible when he gets like this. He's supposed to be solely managerial and clerical. His mother was a barbarian and his father a low level priest, so he's got some oddities."
"Eric the Red Hamersmith Thunderdor shall show you the true meaning of power!"
Angel just sighed again as several pedestrian stopped and stared in shock.

The scene at the pier stood in sharp contrast to the beauty of the day. More undead had climbed from the ocean and the small patrols were hard pressed on all the sides.
"What are we to do? There must be a dozen of them!" Angel said, her eyes enlarged, and her hands clutching the blunted sword.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

The Road goes on...

The afternoon following the Equinox Ball the Lady Narath Company met in Odin's Sporting Good store. Beranhond looked rather tired as the evening had been less dancing and more politicking than he'd prefer. Talathel and Darvin appeared to be sporting stupid grins.
"Well, thanks to Nym's work we've managed to pay off a portion of the lien. Thank's to Odin's advice I went over this morning and arranged to pay an additional fee in order for more time. So, assuming our treasure recovery goes smoothly we should be in the clear very soon." He cleared his throat.
"We have the down payment on repairs thanks to Darvin and his... romancing?" Evelaen grinned at this. "Or something."
"So, that being said, repairs should begin tomorrow. So, I think we are almost all set to set off to recover some treasure and/or goes and rescue a child. I'd hate to separate the company, but it's probably time for us to decide which path we shall take."

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Update 2

Hi Folks!

We're starting to get into that classic multiple timeline thing that I dislike sooo much. I'll be aiming to wrap up the party by Wednesday evening, so do try to get your final thoughts in - otherwise I'll do them for you.

Nym - I know you're a little way in the future so shoot me an email about anything you'd like to do/know about etc. before everyone catches up. That way I can feed you some more plot centric details for your next post.

Darvin - I know you're in a busy time, so we don't need to 'roleplay' everything. You can just post more direct responses.

Johan - Yes, I know, cockblocking (fangblocking?) is mean. Sorry brah. Though, as a little bit of free info, the HQ of the Syndicate is probably less busy tonight due to the massive shindig around the city, and you now know that it is the former home for the Lathanderian priests and thus sanctified ground, so if you'd like to go visit them with a bit more suave you probably could as well.

Talathel - you have some time for more back and forth, but let me know if there is more 'serious' business you want to accomplish before Wednesday night.

On Thursday we'll all be starting on the road up north, presuming that the lien is handled in some fashion, which it appears to be.