Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Players

Hello everyone!

This message has a couple purposes. The first is to test everything. I have added you all to the subscribers of this blog. You will now get emailed whenever someone posts or comments on the blog. I have set the blog to only allow those of us who can write in it to read it as well, so you don't need to worry about posting personal info or whether or not someone will find out that you are a big nerd. :)

The second reason I am posting is to repost the info I sent you today in an email so that this blog can be the sole source of information for the adventure. So here is the email sent today, edited into post form:

All 6 of you are now added to the blog. You may not have accepted the invitation, but it has been sent. Please do not invite anyone else to join the game. 6 is a good number, but any bigger than that, and I am not really sure that I would know what I'm doing. :D This is my first time REALLY DM'ing a game, so I hope you will bear with me if there are any things that don't go completely smoothly. Also, if you have any suggestions or requests, please let me know and I will see what I can do to accommodate you.

That said, the 6 of you are:
  • Nick Page (friend from PLU, living in Western WA)
  • Alan Hoffman (Nick's friend, living in Western Washington)
  • Whittaker Harpel (friend from PLU, living in Eastern Washington)
  • Andy Musson (friend from PLU and my sister's fiance, living in Western Washington)
  • Evan Sweeney (friend from Montana, living in Southwestern Montana)
  • Doug Rakel (Evan's friend, I assume living in Southwestern Montana)
Because there are 6 of you, and several of you have odd schedules, I am uncertain if we will regularly be able skype chat or anything along those lines. I will be online most weekdays for most of the day, as my job leaves me with a good deal of time to type and work on things of this nature. I mean, as long as I am waiting for my computer anyway, I might as well get something productive done. :D I propose that the game officially start on Monday, October 12th. I will post the "prologue" up long before then, so that you all know what's going on in the world, and then that morning, I will post the starting setting and such. You are expected to post at least once every weekday. I realize that people do things on the weekends, and

From that point, you all get to start having ownership in the world beyond just having characters that live there. Because this is a Play by Post game, it will be slightly different than usual. I have laid out the official rules as they stand on this blog and I ask that you follow them and just try to have fun. I will be working on a better way to share files than I currently have, and am investigating dropbox, so that we can easily share slightly larger files without me filling up all of your inboxes. :) Other than that, good luck creating your characters if you haven't done so, and please let me see them before the 12th.


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Posting Conventions

Format for posts:
  • Out of Character:  
    • To say something out of character, either use italics, or email it instead of posting it.
    • Also, if you respond to a post via a comment, it will be assumed that it is out of character.
  • Spoken:
    • "If your character says something out loud, use quotes and red text."
  • Thoughts:
    •  If your character is thinking something, use blue text.
If there are any problems with these conventions, let me know.

Character Creation Guidelines

  • Anything found in either the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook or the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting is fair game. 
  • I will be finding/developing rules for firearms shortly and posting them here.
  • To set attributes, you may use the purchase system described in Chapter 1, "Getting Started", with 20 points to spend.
  • You are allowed to choose 2 Traits from the Pathfinder RPG Character Trait Sheet, but they cannot be from the same family.
  • As has been stated, this game will be high seas-ish. The setting is Faerun, but with the addition of firearms, which will have very poor accuracy, but good damage. I would not recommend you specializing in using guns, as they will really not be that useful. Cannons on the ships will be useful, but handheld muskets and pistols won't be too amazing.
  • Another thing to keep in mind is that many sailors are very superstitious and do not believe that either wizards or women should be allowed on board a ship. This may or may not come into play, so if you are playing a woman or a wizard, be prepared to face adversity in trying to find passage.
    • Your character is just setting out on their first adventure. They are above average, but they have not done anything truly incredible yet. 
    • Please create enough of a backstory that your character can explain why they have the skills and feats you have given them. It doesn't have to be complex, but I may be willing to give you extra skills or feats if you write a compelling backstory.
    • Once you have created your character, pass it by me so I can work on fitting your particular strengths/weaknesses into the plot and provide advice on build and/or ask for clarification.