Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Break-In

Standing outside Nym's door, Janusa asked, "In here? Are you sure?"

Beranhond nodded yes, and before a plan could be made, Thjodolf opened the door and roared a challenge as he charged into the room. "RAAAAAooooooorrrr!"

When he got into the room and had time to look around, though, all he saw was Nym, lying on the ground. Thjodolf picked her up and set her on the bed, moving a large conch shell that was lying there. "She in dream again?"

Janusa responded, "Last time, they were at least all sleeping and just didn't wake up. This time she just passed out. I don't think it's the same thing."

Darvin, worried for Nym's safety, gestured at his cleric companion. "Beranhond, please take a look at her."

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Changing Winds

Nym leaned against her door. Her mind swam with unfinished thoughts as she stared into her dark room. Her heart was racing with anger toward the druids, this Ishmael character, the Lathander priests, the power hungry elf-queen from the dreamworld, the shadowcasters, the dreamworld monks, the red wizards… She felt like a fool for ever having thought good outweighed evil in this world. With an angry gesture, she lit a small candle on a shelf and began pacing the floor. She found she couldn't focus on any one thought. Nym's hands shook and she ground her teeth in blind anger. Having no proper outlet for her anger, she threw her small table across the room where it shattered.

"Now, whatever did you do that for?" cooed a familiar voice in the dark. Nym spun around expecting to see her old friend Rahm behind her. There was no one. "Oh, don't worry, little bird, you're not going mad," the voice of Nym's father soothed from across the room.

Confused and still angry, Nym shouted, "What do you want?" into the dark. For what seemed like a long time, there was no response. Finally, a quiet voice sounding like Druuv the goblin echoed her, "What do you want?" Nym's eyes narrowed. "Have I gone mad?" she wondered. "Perhaps the dream world was too much for my mind... perhaps all this destruction was too much..."

Nym was jarred out of thought by the realization that someone was standing in the room with her. Nym gasped in surprise and demanded again, "What do you want?" The figure stepped forward. Before her stood a half-elf man who for all intents and purposes looked like Illuvaen. Nym blinked at the figure. He almost looked like Illuvaen. The same features, same clothes, hair... but the smile was wrong. And the eyes. This Illuvaen's eyes were dark and there seemed some malice behind them. His smile looked like what Nym imagined a predator would make right before pouncing on helpless prey... Her thoughts were interrupted when this Illuvaen repeated, "What do you want?" as he stepped toward her.

"Who are you?" demanded Nym icily. The figure's smile broadened. "Why, I'm you of course," it replied, taking on Nym's features. Nym blinked slowly as she stared at herself; all except the eyes... and the smile. "I'm part of you here to tell you that you're right to want the druids dead." Nym had backed herself into a corner, "Maybe they were tricked into doing what they did..." she replied weakly. "You know as well as I that that cannot possibly wipe all that blood off their hands..." The smiling mirror-Nym gingerly picked something up from the ruins of the table. It was the little girl's doll Nym had found in Baldur's Gate after it's destruction. Nym stared at the dirty broken doll, overwhelmed with emotion. The figure was now a sad looking little girl with dark eyes. "You fantasized you'd return this to the little girl who lost it... But we both know she was murdered..." "...By the druids..." finished Nym as she took the doll. Tears were forming in her eyes as the reality of all the innocents who died at the hands of the druids at both Baldur's Gate and now Waterdeep. "Now you begin to understand," the figure whispered to Nym, still smiling. Again it looked like Nym. "There can be no good while devils such as these exist." "Yes," agreed Nym. She felt mesmerized by the figure's dark eyes and predatory smile. "You know what you must do then?" it asked. Nym felt light headed. "To restore good, I purge the evil..." "YES," hissed the mirror-Nym. Nym's mind was swimming and her vision was becoming blurry. She realized a dark liquid was running down her chin onto her clothes. She wiped her nose. Blood.

Nym looked back to the figure, which was now blurred in her vision. "Purge the evil..." she muttered as she fell to the floor unconscious. She dreamt of a black starburst behind a skull and the haunting eyes of the figure.

Southward Ho!

Darvin was surprised when Beranhond quickly downed his brandy. The cleric was not one who drank often and seemed to turn his nose up at the stuff most of the time. "He must realize the gravity of the situation." Darvin thought to himself. Talathel came in and sat down and Thjodolf soon followed.

"Where's Nym?" the half-elf asked to the rest of the group. No one seemed to know and everyone just kind of shrugged.

"Oh well, she'll show up if she feels like it." Darvin said as he picked up the bottle of brandy and filled up everyone's glasses.

"I called you all in here because it is obvious to me that something very evil is afoot. We don't know exactly what we are getting ourselves into but I highly doubt its going to be easy or safe. It seems unlikely to me that these terrible things are only happening in the northern half of the coast and I want to head to south to gather more information and get a broader perspective on the situation. I wish us all luck and if this is the last time we are all together, know that it has been my pleasure serving with you." As Darvin said this he held up his drink in toast and then downed it.

"Now, down to business. Thjodolf, where exactly are we going?"

Monday, July 12, 2010

Recounting Beranhond's Adventure Less Briefly

Here follows the full tale of what happened while Kilink was in the dream plane.

The Lady Narath headed back to Waterdeep. When the ship arrives back to Waterdeep, there is a lot of chaos as people are running everywhere, packing up their things. The ships in port are filling with passengers, and the roads are filled with people leaving the city.
"Any idea what is going on Beranhond?"
"None whatsoever; however, lets anchor here and try to see what is going on." The Lady Narath dropped anchor and the crew attempted to contact the other ships for information about what happened.

People on ships nearby are amazed you are pulling into port and tell you that you should get out while you can, because the druids of Istishia have given a warning that they are going to create a disaster like they did at Baldur's Gate in response to threats given by the holy order of Lathander. Beranhond tells the crew that Istishia is a goddess of water.

Beranhond and Kailina take a rowboat into the port. Once there they head on to the temple district to question the priests of Lathander.
There are people swarming the docks, and Beranhond fears that if he leaves the rowboat unattended it will not be there when he returns, so Kailina takes the boat back to the ship after dropping off Beranhond. His size and sword are enough to scare off all but the most foolish and he was polite enough to simply knock them out.
Once Beranhond gets to the temple, he finds priests in a state of disarray. Half of the temple seems to be packing up and trying to get out, another group (about 1/4 of them) are trying to convince them to stay, and the last group, he finds out, are meeting to try to determine what should be done. Beranhond's gardener friend is in the second group.
Beranhond asks the gardener friend what is going on, why he wants them to stay, and why the Druids have decided they would target lathander.

The gardener explains they received a very very threatening and confusing letter saying that they druids had received their emissary, Ishmael, and that they had no intention of standing by while Lathander desecrated their holy sites. They were no longer willing to stand by and watch things happen, were going to make sure Lathander's vile threats were not able to be carried out.

The gardener tells Beranhond that nobody has any idea who this Ishmael was, but he certainly wasn't an emissary from Lathander, and that there is a large group of priests who are thinking of attacking the druids before they can carry out their threat. It's getting very dicey, and is likely to turn into a full-on war very shortly.

Beranhond quickly recounts what he learned from the druids. "I suspect there is a third party that is inciting this conflict. There usually is."

The gardener tells the cleric that he suspects that as well, but it has gotten past the point of it mattering whether there is a third party involved or not. Whoever Ishmael is, he convinced the druids that he came from Lathander, and now this magical arms race is getting out of hand. It will be very difficult to get the priests to listen to reason. He suggests Beranhond and his friends get out while they still can.

Beranhond asks who else has been in the region, any possible groups that could be behind them. It might be possible to confront them and alleviate the situation before it has gone too far. Druids might be haughty, obnoxious, and overtly suspicious, but they are not unreasonable. 

The gardener tells Beranhond of several poorly handled incidents since they'd received the letter from the druids. First, the emissary who delivered the letter, a pelican, had been shot down by an arrow as it went to leave the city. It had been particularly well-loved by its owner, who came  asking for it a day afterward, but when he arrived at the city, he was laughed at and offered roast pelican meat as a mocking apology. He stood up quickly, enraged, and a scuffle ensued, in which both he, a low level druid, and a low level priest were killed, along with 3 commoners. Both sides took those losses very personally. Also, it was discovered that Ishmael had somehow managed to seriously injure the wife of one of the more powerful druids, as well as branding another druid with the mark of Lathander as if they were cattle. Several other events had happened as well, none of it good.

So, any idea who this Ishmael is with, any way to find him? And any idea who shot the bird and who served up the dish? The Lathander order doesn't make this poor of choices. What about Torm? Any idea what they are up to? I haven't seen many of them around. Could they be behind this? 

The Order of Lathander may not make decisions this poorly, but individuals within the Order who are either misguided or distraught may. The person responsible for shooting the bird was a young priest who believed that threats should be dealt with in kind and saw killing the bird as a response message that Lathander's priests don't take threats lying down. The person serving up the dish was a more senior official who had close personal ties to many of the priests killed in Baldur's gate. He wanted revenge, and thought that in this small way, he could have it. The lower level priest was punished, but there was still a lot of debate going on about how to deal with him, and many people sided with him in his actions. All that the gardener knows about Ishmael is that none of the priests knows who he could be. They were unable to get more than a very brief description of the man which was extremely unhelpful. As for how to find him, the druids said he headed back towards Waterdeep, and when it arrived, nobody matching his description was on board. The ship had met with another ship while at sea, and the crew did not remember anything that happened since the encounter with the other ship. As for the priests of Torm, the gardener is disgusted with their attitude. As the conflict has escalated, they have withdrawn their support, and are now basically bystanders, not taking either side, and trying to stay out of battles. The main force is gathering outside of Waterdeep if you want to find out what they are up to. The Order of Lathander is fed up with them and their lack of support. They have taken the stance that if they can't stand with them now, they are not truly the allies Lathander believed they were. It's doubtful that Torm is behind all of this, but their inactivity is not helping any, either, in the gardener's view.
Beranhond thanks him, tells him that he will probably be back, before heading out to talk with the Tormites.
"Really, talking to Torm again?" Tigrisclawu said laughing at him.
"I know, I know... they are obnoxious but we have to see what is going on in their minds."
"Sureeee... you are just trying to find with Ceilith."
"Shut it ratcatcher!"

This time, Ceilith is there. Surprisingly, she is the one in charge of the group, and greets Beranhond happily. She is more distant than he expected, keeping the tall man at arm's length and behaving as if he is nothing more than a friend or acquaintance. 

"What upcoming attack? The Lathanderian Priests seem to think that you weren't interested in an assault. What do you know about Ishmael? What about the druids?" Questions pour out of Beranhond one after another in the course of their conversation.

She tells Beranhond that they have good reason to suspect that there is at least one more party involved. They believe this 4th group has somehow infiltrated the priests of Lathander, and their agents have been masquerading as Lathanderian priests for some time now. They believe Ishmael was one of this group. They also think that they have found where the group is based, but they won't tell Beranhond where that is, because they know he is a friend of the priests of Lathander, and they don't want their plans to get out. They don't know much about the druids other than that they are good at defending themselves. The many battles they've fought have earned them a grudging respect. They aren't very concerned with the druids right now, though. They want to try to expose and do as much damage to this 4th group as they can before they the group catches wind of them.
Well, Beranhond will certainly join them for the attack (while remaining guarded and such). 

She tells him that the trip will take 5 days to reach where they are going. 

As Beranhond is meeting her, it is the evening of the day the Lady Narath returned to Waterdeep. They are leaving midday the next day for their battle, and so he has that time to prepare or grab anyone from the ship he wants to bring along.

Beranhond returns to the vessel, and grabs his gear. No one felt comfortable volunteering, so he will be traveling alone. He gives orders for the ship to get a safe distance away from Waterdeep in case anything happens. He then returns to the shore and spends the days in the room provided by the gardener friend until leaving with the Tormish Paladins.

The Tormish paladins march to Daggerford, camping in the Ardeep Forest the first night, and there they tell Beranhond of their plans at war council. The Lathander training grounds are located in Daggerford, and they believe at least one of the instructors is the one responsible for this infiltration of the Lathanderian forces, so they are going to try to attack and capture him, in an attempt to find out more about his side. The Tormish paladins outnumber the camp by about 300 to 200, but the camp has more priests, and with this unknown evil corrupting part of the camp, they are expecting heavy casualties. They are preparing for the attack by dressing as paladins of Lathander, and the night in Ardeep Forest is out of the way enough for them to put on their disguises.

"Why don't you just have someone sneak inside and abduct him? Wouldn't that save time, lives, and possibly help keep troop strength up in case of the need for a larger battle?" Beranhond asks. "Naturally, I do not know if anyone is up to that, but perhaps it could work."

They tell him that without bloodshed is the aim, but they do not know how successful they will be. Their cover is pretty thin, that they are here to inspect the grounds and bring the next group of recruits up to Waterdeep with them. If possible, they will grab the man, named Methasse, and be out of the camp before any resistance can be mounted, but if he has any cronies or supporters in the camp, there's a good chance of bloodshed, and they are going in prepared for that.

C'est la vie. Beranhond has a few conversations with Narath about how he can't trust anyone. 

The next morning, the group rides down to the camp and journeys in to the camp. When they arrive, they tell everyone their cover and begin making the rounds "inspecting" the camp. Ceilith personally goes to apprehend Methasse with 5 others. 

As the group arrives at Methasse's tent, things seem to be going well. Nobody has shown any suspicion, and they are able to get in without any trouble. Unfortunately Methasse isn't alone. He is lecturing 6 students as the group come in. 

Ceilith tells him she can just wait for him to get done with the training, but Methasse insists, and his students patiently wait for Ceilith to talk to Methasse. She begins asking him probing questions about how many new followers of Lathander have been coming, how their training is progressing, etc. and eventually asks him what he knows about the messenger to the druids. He answers that he heard about it, but that matters of diplomacy were never his specialty. At this point, Ceilith began hinting that all was not well within the Lathandarian priests and her theories about a corrupting influence in the ranks of the clergy. Methasse's responses became more and more guarded, until she asked him if he knew a man named, "Ishmael."

His response was, "I am called Ishmael." and in the shocked silence that followed, Ceilith, Beranhond, and the other 4 paladins heard a chorus from the six students behind them. "I am called Ishmael." "I am called Ishmael." "I am called Ishmael." 

Realizing that something was very wrong here, Ceilith shouted, "Get out!" and dove to tackle Methasse.

Beranhond pulls his cloak of silencing on and starts to back out of the room with the other paladins. 

Two of the 6 students begin drawing swords. 

As Ceilith flies through the air, Methasse reaches out to touch her, and a shadow seems to pass over her skin, leaving her pale and green-tinged. She is able to tackle him, as one of the 4 students without swords turns toward her and a sinister wave of air leaves his hands, hitting both Methasse and Ceilith. One of the Tormish paladins grabs Beranhond and pushes him toward the door, fearing for his life and trying to get the cleric to hurry. Two more of them draw their swords and take positions to cover the retreat of Beranhond and the other Tormish crusader. The final Tormish crusader gives a silent roar, draws his sword, and charges towards the two Ishmael's with swords. The two Ishmael's with swords meet his charge and the begin a 2 against 1 fight, while two of the final two Ishmael's try to communicate, finding themselves with silent voices. A silent argument breaks out between them, and the final Ishmael follows the lead of the one attacking Ceilith, and flings evil energy toward Beranhond and the 3 paladins with him. 

Beranhond, while jumping back drew his bow bow and attacks.

The battle continues. The two enemies with swords (Paladin1 and Paladin2) attack the Tormish paladin (ally) running at them. The first swipes at him with a longsword, drawing some blood. The second reaches in while he is distracted, and again a shadow seems to pass from his hand over the paladin's body, leaving him looking pale and greenish-colored. He also seems to be physically moved by the impact of the shadow, unlike Ceilith, when she was touched by Methasse.

Methasse (enemy) is able to wriggle free of Ceilith's (ally) grasp, and they both rise to their feet. She draws her rapier, and he tries to punch her but misses. She swings at him with her rapier and misses.

The (enemy) cleric who channeled at Ceilith and Methasse takes advantage of the gap between the two, channeling at only Ceilith, who seems only slightly hurt by the blast. The (enemy) cleric who channeled at the Paladins preparing to leave the room attempts it again, hurting them all a bit, but not doing too much damage.

Beranhond drew his bow and aimed for the center of the forehead. He let it fly and sent the arrow straight through. The man fell over dead.

Seeing their companion die at the hands of the enemy in their midst, the two Lathanderian paladins struck at the swordsmen they were fighting, one dealing him a serious blow to the shoulder and the other ran him through the kidney, ending his brief battle with them.  

One of the two Lathanderian Clerics (Cleric 2) who had been having a silent argument realized that not being able to hear each other was creating quite a problem, and quickly walked over to the lantern sitting against the wall and touched two of the symbols on its top. Immediately, a red glow began emanating from the lantern, getting brighter and brighter and seeming to make everything not in the glow of the red light seem somehow dim. The cleric began walking towards Ceilith, picking his way behind Cleric 1 and coming up behind Ceilith. Focused on Methasse, and without the benefit of sound to give him away, she didn't notice the man walking up behind her.

The man he had been arguing with watched the first man light the lantern, and walked to behind the two paladins, obviously intending to use them as shields and cause damage from behind them.

The paladin to the left of Beranhond (ally) sees the cleric (enemy) rushing over towards Ceilith and moves to block him, quickly swiping the man with his sword. The cleric doesn't see the paladin in time and tries to use an arm to block the blow, receiving a very deep cut in his left arm. 

The paladin two in front of Beranhond (ally) gestures wildly for Ceilith to leave while she still can, but without sound, he is stuck with throwing a small rock in her general direction, aiming for Methasse. He misses badly, but the rock does get Ceilith's attention, and she nods that she understood what he was doing.

The paladin directly in front of Beranhond looks over Beranhond's shoulder as he tries to make sure the way is clear, and his eyes go wide. Looking over his shoulder, Beranhond sees at least 4 other red glows emanating through the top of the buildings in the surrounding area, looking very similar to the eerie glow coming from the lantern.

Methasse makes some gestures, and the shadows seem to leave the corners of the room, swirling around him and obscuring his features, so that the light from the day streaming through the door and window seem to pass him by. 

Ceilith takes the opportunity of him being distracted as he casts  to slip around behind the paladin guarding the way for her, and over to just in front of Beranhond. As she passes the paladin, she taps him on the shoulder and gestures for him to follow.

The cleric who had been channeling at Ceilith follows her movement, taking a step forward and continuing his channeling, this time at the entire group near the door. Dark energies wash over them, making them feel weak. 

Beranhond is going to follow Ceilith, but first he channels energy and excludes Cleric 2 and Paladin 1. The light burst from around him and heals his party as they flee.

The enemy paladin on the left sees the Tormish paladin and rushes over to stop his escape, attacking him with his longsword. In a shower of sparks, the paladin of Torm deflects the blow, and is unhurt. The other paladin runs up to attack the first of the paladins guarding the escape. He is able to get past the man's sword, only to be blocked by a shield. 
The cleric who had been trying to cut off Ceilith, on finding himself face to face with a paladin, decides to try some direct contact, and touches the paladin, causing a dark shadow to pass over his hands into the paladin.

The enemy cleric who had been standing behind the paladins, using them as a shield, finds they have dispersed and walks to a spot next to the action on the left hand side of the room, attacking the Tormish group in the doorway with a blast from his hands.

The Tormish Paladin being surrounded attempts to back away from his attackers and make his way to the door. As he does so, the enemy Paladin swipes at him, but he avoids the swipe, and makes it back to the group, waiting for them to get through the door before he follows them through. The two paladins to Beranhond's right duck through the door, taking up positions outside to protect from anyone who might try to ambush them outside. 

Beranhond sees Methasse conjuring some foul magic, and watches as the two dead men in the room rise, and begin plodding toward the group in the doorway. Both zombies slammed into the Paladin that was the farthest into the room, the first coming at him with fists and the other with his sword. The fists seemed to hurt the man, but seeing his fallen comrade attack him with his sword seems to make the man wilt, and he is bloodied before he can do anything about it.

Ceilith takes this as a good indication that it is time to go, and pushes Beranhond toward the door.

Beranhond channels energy as he flees towards the door and excludes Cleric 2 and Paladin 1.

Ceilith and the last paladin stumble out the door behind you. The cleric who had been waiting for your move appears in the doorway long enough to channel more darkness your way before ducking back.

As the group leaves, Beranhond casts obscuring mist and they run back to the rest of the Tormish Paladins, having been mostly healed. The camp around them begins buzzing like a kicked anthill, with young paladins streaming out of buildings everywhere. By being discreet, the Tormish paladins are able to make it out of the camp, but as soon as Beranhond and the contingent reach their own camp, Ceilith calls a council and tells them they need to leave immediately, before they are attacked by the mob that will be following soon. The mob does not know the expedition are followers of Torm, but the mob will be after them soon regardless. Scouts report that the entire Lathanderian training camp is breaking down and preparing to move. It will be ready in less than an hour. Ceilith gives the order to move before then, and the march begins.

Several times, the Tormish group is accosted by undead on their way north, but they are easily able to dispatch the attackers, finally reaching the gates of Waterdeep, which are closed on their arrival.

They ride with a quick steady pace and Beranhond spends a fair amount of time calming the fears of the expedition. As he rides past the burning corpses of zombies he hopes that the rest of Kilink and the 
Lady Narath are safe from harm.

Naturally enough, are there people on the walls and near the gates? Does anyone approach?
The walls are deserted. There is a small side gate next to the main gate that usually has a guard posted at it, but it is currently closed. 

Beranhond walks forward and knocks on the side door.

A frazzled guard opens the small porthole in the door and asks why they have come to the city in its last hours. He looks very emotionally strained (and no check is needed to determine that).
Beranhond quickly explains the situation, the coming Lathanderian camp, and their need to warn the city as much as possible. 

The guard lets you in, not really understanding why you want to enter a doomed and dying city. He tells you that you should probably leave by the next day's sundown, as that is when the druids said they would destroy the city.

When you ask her why she returned, she tells you it was a safe harbor from the renegade Lathanderian priests, and she was intending to show the Tormish paladins here the corruption in their midst, so they could see that it was fully trained priests of Lathander who had caused all of this chaos and disruption. She hopes to convince the priests here that they have a problem within their own midst as well as those external problems they are already trying to confront.

Well, lets search out BH's friend and see what he can do to help as well.

He is one of 20 priests who have decided to stay and see if they can counter the druid's magic at all from within the city. You see a great many of them packing things and moving them to the docks and the roads out of the city, so that the holy relics and such of the city are preserved. The gardener friend of yours is rather busy making preparations and preparing a room for the 20 of them who will be trying to counter the spells tossed at the city.

Well, BH will quickly let him know what happened. He would also try to find a way to send a message to the single-minded Druids to let them know that attacking Waterdeep is missing the real enemy.

What do you propose to send a message? The clerics aren't really sure where they are, except that they are somewhere out to sea.

Oh, are these a different group of druids?

These druids are known to be worshipers of Istishia, the water lord. These druids count in their dominion all things that travel on or in the seas. The druids on the land have their own misgivings, but they are not connected to the group that is threatening. The Istishian druids are much more powerful and numerous. The druids you saw at Goldenfields are a rather small group, and not known for either political or magical might.

Beranhond will be:

Checking in with Ceilith and making sure she is doing alright and maybe reminiscence a bit. Beranhond has been traveling alone for a while so certainly is glad to see someone he knows.

Asking down at the docks in case any of the remaining sailors/fishers know any contacts that might lead to Istishian druids.

Check in with the gardener to see if there is any help he can provide.

Sit around a bit to see if he can figure out how to get back to the Lady Narath.

Probably talk a bit with Narath about how none of this is what he planned on.

Okay. That all takes you until the next morning. Here's what you find out:

  • Ceilith is all right. It appears you lost them somewhere in your retreat.
  • The gardener welcomes your help, and has you place down some mats on the floor and some chairs in a circle, then sends you on your way.
  • The sailors tell you that they aren't willing to go there, but they know that there is a coral reef around Ruathym that supposedly has monstrous sea beasts that are sacred to the Istishian druids. You might find some of the druids there, tending them.
  • The Lady Narath set sail only the day before, you find out, and according to people on the docks they were heading back to Baldur's Gate. You should be able to catch up with them in relatively short order if you sail after them.

What is Ceilith's plan and the Tormish paladins? BH would have asked her about that. 
Ceilith and the Tormish paladins plan to regroup near Loudwater and try to get reinforcements. There are not many Tormish paladins in the area at the moment, and she fears that the corruption is deeper than she feared. She's very leery of the Lathanderian priests here, as well, and is keeping her group very separate until they march away early in the morning.

When did they say they were going to attack the city?
If "They" is the Lathanderian trainees that attacked you, they never said they were going to. If "They" is the druids who threatened to destroy the city, the answer is the day after you returned to Waterdeep, and asking all of your questions brought you to that morning.

Yes, I was referring to the Druids when I said "they." BH is going to leave the city and find a safe position to watch so that he can return after the carnage and assist as possible with healing (much like he did for Balder's Gate).

Recounting Beranhond's Adventure in Brief

"Let's just get away from the city for now - there is an army behind us and I do not want to be caught up with it." Once we are away from the city, and after we have all rested a bit more, why don't we convene and I will tell you what I learned." After everyone nodded Beranhond led Aelysin on down and showed her a bed on which to rest before he made his way to his cabin and feel promptly asleep.

I am just going to skip forward several hours - hope you don't mind
After several hours of traveling south from the city, Beranhond, Nym, Darvin, and Talathel convened in the conference room.
"After you fell into your catatonic state I led the Lady Narath back to Waterdeep. Seeing no improvement I went ashore to try to learn more about the situation. I was surprised to arrive and find that the city was in chaos and everyone was fleeing. It appears that the druids of Ishishia had decided that they were going to attack Waterdeep as they had attacked Baldur's Gate."
"The druids attacked Baldur's Gate?" Nym asked.
"Yes. I suspect their reason is that they felt that these cities were haven for the "fallen" Lathanderians. heir official reason was because of the threats made by Lathander by way of this Ishmael. He had desecrated their shrines and holy sites and rather than dealing directly with the Lathander council they took Ishmael at face values. However, I will get to that more in a bit."
"But Lathander didn't do anything did they?" Nym asked.
"Well..." Beranhond paused. "It appears that several low level priests had done some fairly stupid things. It appears that Lathanderian priests mishandled several events; of course many of these poorly handled events were in response to the attack by the druids. Let's just say that in general neither side were interested in listening to one another. I decided to go see what the Tormish Paladins were up to and met up with my old friend Ceilith." He took a sip of water, though no one seemed to be inclined to ask questions. Darvin did have his eyebrow raised as if he knew that there was more to the "old friend" than Beranhond was letting on.
"She let me know that the Tormish followers were convinced that Lathander was being infiltrated and that they were going to go plan on attacking a camp. I joined them and we traveled north to a camp where a small contingent snuck into a camp and met a man named Methasse. Eventually it turned out that this man was Ishmael and we barely escaped with our lives. The entire camp of trained Lathanderian priests and paladins started uprooting and set to follow the Tormish paladins."
"We arrived back to Waterdeep to find it abandoned. Ceilith pulled the Tormish Paladins back and is quite distrustful of Lathander in general. I myself am inclined to agree as there appears to be corruption from top to bottom."
Beranhond drank a bit more water.
"As you can see, the entire region has disintegrated into chaos. I would suggest we either seek out the druids of Ishistia and talk to them. We could join up with the Tormish Paladins, but they are waiting for reinforcements and that will take some time. In general I do not think we are quite strong enough yet to take on this Methasse/Ishmael. We could seek out some allies and see if that might help."
Dan will be making the text document available for everyone so you can read the specifics.

Friday, July 9, 2010

A Reunion

As Beranhond and Aelysin arrived back on the boat, Beranhond was happy to see that everyone was awake once more from their odd slumber.

Please conduct your planning and reuniting activities in the comments on this post. If you do not decide what to do by midnight on Tuesday, July 15th, it will be decided for you.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

My Soul to Take/Keep

As the shield shattered, there was a sudden silence, as everyone watched stood petrified, hoping that the horrific things they were envisioning were about to happen to the clerics left in the city would not come to pass. The moment seemed to stretch on, until onlookers almost began to question whether the druids were about to murder the clerics within.

Just as these questions began to force their way to the surface, a wail began to rise. However, the wail did not come from the remains of Waterdeep. It came from the forest to the south, as a great dark cloud rose up from the hills to the hills to the northwest of Ardeep forest and engulfed it in shadow and dark shapes swarmed over the hillside to converge on the forest. The wail became discernible as a cacaphony of shrieks of pain and anguish, and flashes of light and darkness showed that powerful magic was being thrown back and forth from the forces within the forest and the forces coming at it.

As the battle of Ardeep got under way, the cloud grew, and a great pillar of flame flew at the city, targeting the temple that had so recently had a brief respite. The fireball hurtling toward the city was slashed asunder by invisible forces before it reached the temple, but it was only 100 feet away from the structure before it splashed into the water, sending up gouts of steam. Either the priests were still alive, or someone was protecting them.

Very little could be seen of the battle of Ardeep Forest from either the Lady Narath or Beranhond's perspective, though it seemed that very few of the dark shapes entering the forest were stopped and the darkness was not receding. Several minutes passed, and soon the flashes of light ceased altogether, leaving only the darkness and the dark shapes that had converged on the forest.