Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Recap: As It Was Before, So Shall It Be Again 1.2B

May 6th, 1371

At this point, Hring (the man who is hosting the adventurers) explains to the adventurers that he would like their help with the wererats that are infesting the sewers. He offers to pay them and supply them with alchemical silver weapons if they will take out the creatures' leaders. Talathel is incensed by the audacity of the man for sending his thugs to incapacitate him and Darvin. Beranhond asks questions about how the man gathered his information about the wererats.

Hring apologizes for having his thugs drug Talathel and Darvin, and explains that he has been trying to fight the wererats for several years, and that the wererat leaders were once his friends, before they were corrupted. He supplies them with maps of the sewers, and as he's working with the group to plan their raid of the sewers (and Beranhond has a flashback), one of the men who drugged Talathel and Darvin walks into the room. The group keeps discussing the best way to kill the wererats without fighting, and decides that they need to make a bunch of oil potions of stinking gas to try to incapacitate the wererats so they can kill them more easily. Grumbleshanks insults Beranhond, who gets rather angry, storms off to the bathroom to calm down, and then apologizes and returns to the discussion.

That makes a second trip to the bathroom!

Once Beranhond returns, Gurkirat volunteers to use his alchemical skills to make some oil bombs, and Hring realizes that he hasn't actually met any of the adventurers yet. The group is introduced, and Hring explains more about the situation. Grumbleshanks tries to make nice, and the group solidifies their plans for creating oil bombs for use in the sewers.

Everyone starts to head off to their own tasks, include a scouting mission performed by Darvin and Talathel and a herd (murder) of cats, starting at a pub they had already become acquainted with. Grumbleshanks and Gurkirat go to work on some spiced wine and oil bombs, and Beranhond tried to gather some information. From what he found, the situation looked very dire, with Neverwinter, Waterdeep, and the sea around the Sword Coast all in states of distress.

When Darvin and Talathel returned, they regaled the group with the tales of their derring-do. Also, they showed off a  cool magic sphere they found that changes shape when held into a cube that can cast spells, though they had a lot of problems figuring that out.

Gurkirat had a couple mishaps while trying to make oil bombs and accidentally incapacitated Grumbleshanks as he walked down the hall, returning from the restroom. They were rescued by a distressed maid before they were noticed by Darvin and everyone ran to help. It wasn't as bad as it seemed at first, as the noxious fumes just put everyone to sleep.

And that's trip 3 to the bathroom!

Beranhond tried to go to bed, but Darvin woke him up from his slumber in order to get him to explain what the magic cube does and what spells it can cast.

Soon enough, everyone went and finished their preparations, with the plan to go invade the sewers the following day.

Monday, February 25, 2013

It All Comes Back to Baldur's Gate

May 21st, 1373
Only weeks after the two year anniversary of the start of the adventure, events begin to bring the adventurers back to the city of Baldur's Gate.

Talathel returned to Baldur's Gate on May 5th, 1373. It seemed fitting to him at the time that this date should mark another new beginning in his life, as it had two years before. Yet again, his heart and his faith were sending him out into the world.

He found passage for Lailsan aboard a ship bound for the Moonshae Isles and began searching for news about his missing god. After over two weeks, he has only found a very vague rumor to go on. His frustration is beginning to become unbearable, but today, he hears some very good news. Both Darvin and Beranhond have returned to the city, as well.

After spending the year assisting with their war in Thay, Beranhond is able to return triumphantly with an army of Tormish Paladins at his back. The city is abuzz about the size of the army that is camped an hour's ride from the city. You get the camp arranged, and ride into the city in the early afternoon.

Captaining the Lady Narath, you arrive at the reconstructed port of Baldur's Gate in the late morning. Paying dock fees, announcing shore leave and a duty schedule, and generally dealing with all the hassles of being in charge of a ship takes a couple hours, and it's early afternoon before you can enter the city. 

Nym and Johan:
After a rather harrying journey, you are able to make it to Baldur's Gate as well. You were only able to find passage aboard a smuggling ship to get you to the mainland from the Moonshae Islands, and were forced to walk several days from the coast to the city. However, this morning, as you approached the city, you spotted the Lady Narath arrive in port. You enter the city in the early afternoon.

You have all arrived in the city. The stage is yours. Please start your actions in the comments.

Edit (2-26-13, 7:55 AM): I edited Talathel's info. He wasn't actually on the Moonshae Isles. He sent Lailsan there, but didn't go himself.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Recap: As it Was Before, So Shall It Be Again 1.2A

After being drugged by thugs in the sewers, Darvin and Talathel were brought to the estate of Hring Darkeyes, a wealthy merchant. Beranhond, Grumbleshanks, and Gurkirat all arrived at the estate some time later to find them unconscious on a couple cots in a large audience chamber.

Darvin and Talathel awoke, Beranhond tried to engage Grumbleshanks and Gurkirat in conversation, and food was brought in and Grumbleshanks began to eat. Gurkirat began eating as well. Beranhond felt a bit slighted by the silence that followed his greeting, and tried to Darvin instead. Failing that, he decided eating was a good idea. Unfortunately, Beranhond's cat, Tigrisclawu, had other ideas, and decided to create a ruckus, ruining the food that everyone was enjoying and pissing off Grumbleshanks.

Having lain awake but unmoving until this point, Talathel realized that he really had to pee. Tigrisclawu needed to go out, too. Tigrisclawu went outside, and Talathel mentioned he needed to use the restroom, followed by almost everyone else. Grumbleshanks took the opportunity to ask the guards outside the door what was happening, which was a question the guards were unable to answer. Beranhond scolded Tigrisclawu and repaired the food. Talathel, Darvin, and Beranhond headed to the restrooms, and Beranhond waited while Darvin and Talathel took their turns.

Wow, I forgot how much excrement I had to put up with at the beginning... ;)

Back in the room, Grumbleshanks explored a bit and finds a back room filled with silver weapons. Tigrisclawu grew bored waiting in line for the bathrooms and checked out the kitchens. Beranhond follows his lead and grills the chef for information (pun intended). Gurkirat grows bored waiting for everyone to get done with their exploration and plays his clarinet. A man walks, unnoticed, down the hallway and stands in the doorway of the room where Gurkirat and Grumbleshanks are hanging out. He is finally detected when Talathel and Darvin return from the restroom. Grumbleshanks finally notices the man in the doorway, too. Beranhond goes and shaves, then returns to the room.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Recap: As it Was Before, So Shall It Be Again 1.1B

Upon arriving in Baldur's Gate, Beranhond was promptly involved in an altercation with a priest of Lathander before performing a mass healing of those injured in the earthquake. After healing the crowd, he discovers that the earthquake seems to center on the Temple of Lathander, where there is an inordinate amount of foul rot and a chasm leading into the sewers. Narath, Beranhond's goddess, appeared to him and he reveals that he is rather infatuated with her. Hearing voices, Beranhond backed out of the tunnels to find out more before diving in. He was approached and asked to meet an important figure in the city.

Darvin and Talathel met with Marty, a rather shady fellow related to Darvin's romantic interest (Mashy) back in the fishing village he'd left. Marty informed them of strange creatures in the sewers and offered 20 gold for each unusual body collected from the sewers. They rested and waited for dark, when they ran off to make some cash after having a discussion about whether working for Marty was really something that two honest adventurers should be doing. They climbed into the sewers, where they ran into a group of thugs, who told them to back off. Irked, but not seeing another way out, they followed the thugs. The thugs didn't appreciate being followed, and knocked them both unconscious.

Grumbleshanks and Gurkirat ran into each other in a meeting that was rather confrontational and full of misunderstandings, and then made their way into the city, where they fought a couple rats attacking the city guards. They realized shortly after the fight that these were wererats, rather than regular rats. They discovered that the people of the city were going missing, a couple people per night. They also were summoned by a half-orc named Thjodolf to meet an important figure.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Recap: As it Was Before, So Shall It Be Again 1.1A

For the sake of helping both the new and old to this game, I will be starting with a recap of what has happened already in the world. Feel free to comment on things that you or your characters especially liked or disliked. Remember that < i > and < / i > make text italics, which is used for out of character comments. Also, < b > and < / b > make text bold, if you would like to emphasize something.

Our story began in Baldur's Gate, on May 5, 1371, where Beranhond, Darvin, Talathel, Grumbleshanks, and Gurkirat all arrived in a city that had just been destroyed by an earthquake followed by a tsunami.

Beranhond, a human cleric and budding prophet, was on a search for meaning and following the chaotic urgings of his goddess.

Darvin, a half elf ranger, was in search of adventure and a life as a pirate, fleeing marriage and the father of a halfling girl who was smitten with him.

Talathel, an elf monk, sought peace and meaning for his life. His primary companions Darvin and the flask he always carried were his prime motivators in the beginning.

Grumbleshanks, a halfling druid, came in search of status and answers to his questions about why the druid circles in the area were under attack.

Gurkirat, a gnome bard, was in search of fame and fortune, and just happened to be in the area.

They arrived a Baldur's Gate that looked like this:

I know this is very little detail, but I will get faster as I go. :) I hope this whets your appetite. 

Edit: 2-19-13, 8:17 AM - Correction: Darvin is a half-elf, not a human.