Monday, April 25, 2016


As Nym and Johan made their way to Daggerford by way of the sailing vessel the rest of the Lady Narath Company prepared to head north along the merchant road. Although the LNC had grown some, the two most recent members, Shandri and the Lady Azeline stayed behind to help prepare the vessel.

The first two days of the journey were rather quiet - the company made quick work of the road in the well worn path north of Baldur's Gate. The third day they awoke to a swollen river and a damaged bridge.

"Well, this looks troublesome." Beranhond noted as they stopped. "I'm not sure if we want to play carpenter with this type of structure. Any recommendations Darvin, Talathel?"

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Onboard the Rock Hard Abs

ym and Johan set sail at first light the next morning. The small, narrow hulled, sloop, made good speed out of the harbor and hugged its way along the coast.
"Whew, good work first mate." The captain called from the aft of the ship. He then sauntered on down and introduced him to the crew. There were only fifteen on board so it didn't take long.
"We keep our numbers down in order to maximize our storage capabilities, plus, a lot of vessels keep larger crews in order to man the guns." He pointed out the four cannons along the vessel. "We've noticed that the undead don't really care about damage to their vessel."
He showed them to a set of hammocks that they could call home for the remainder of the voyage. Though hotbunking was normal for the crew, guests usually had their own assigned hammocks. Once back on deck the captain motioned off to the starboard side of the vessel.
"We will try to keep within view of the coast for much of the journey. This vessel is built for speed, not defense, so our best chance to avoid the undead pirates is to hug along the coast and outrun them."

At a late lunch Johan and Nym attempted to ask about daggerford, finally the captain relented and started to talk.
"Daggerford has gotten really strange over the last year. A really large wall is being built all around the city and even into the harbor. Visitors aren't allowed past the wharf area without special permission from the Commisar, and merchants found to be engaging in smuggling are often found with their heads set on spikes in the harbor."

Thursday, April 7, 2016

On the Road Again

After a half hour of searching Johan found Nym drinking tea with the off duty guards in a well known watering hold near the main guard house. She had two more cups before agreeing to join Johan and meet with the rest of the Lady Narath Company that evening.

Darvin spent most of the afternoon examining the plans to repair the Lady Narath. Fortunately, the shipwrights in the city had a good idea of what was needed to restore the Lady Narath to shipworthiness. Shandri watched him scamper about the ship, her dark eyes examining and measuring him up.

Beranhond and Evelaen spent the afternoon putting together their gear and visiting various tailors to help gather the gear that they would need for the journey up to Daggerford.

 That evening, in Odin's shop, the Lady Narath company sat around and first listened to Nym's story of defending the city. After a few minutes of feeling embarrassed and foolish for sleeping while Nym defended the city along with hapless guards the company got down to business and made final plans for leaving for Daggerford.

It's roughly 480 miles to Daggerford.

by horse: 10 days (horse rentals will cost some substantial money, but I'd be open to an argument on how you obtained them)
walking: 24 days
Ship: There aren't many trading vessels heading north or south, so you'll have a delay as you find a vessel, plus then I'd have to do some calculations on wind and such.

Your chance until Saturday to argue about the plan!