Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Hring saw the halfling turn around just before he was addressed by the elf and half-elf, who he hadn't noticed.

He turned rather abruptly, surprised, and as he turned, Darvin thought he saw a flash of steel in one of his hands, but by the time he was facing Darvin and Talathel, there was no sign of anything that could have glinted in the man's hands. he wore only a very simple silver ring on the middle finger of his left hand.

His face was shocked as he began turning, but it faded into a pleasant smile so quickly that it seemed almost as if he'd been expecting someone to come from behind him, if he hadn't turned quite so suddenly.

"Hello, and welcome to my humble home. I see you have already made yourselves at home. Come in, and we will talk." And without waiting for them to respond, he walks up to the table, bows to the gnome sitting and playing his clarinet, and gestures for Darvin, Talathel, and Grumbleshanks to sit.

From the doorway, Darvin and Talathel give each other a slightly puzzled look, Talathel shrugs, and they seat themselves. Grumbleshanks sits as well.

"It appears we are missing one member of our little party. The human healer, correct?" The man asks. Without really waiting for a response, the man continues, "Well, we shall have to continue without him, I suppose. There is no time like the present, and so much needs to get done."

"Gentlemen, I have called you all together because our city is in need of your assistance. There is an infestation in our city, and I need your help to be rid of it. In the sewers of Baldur's Gate, a swarm of rats, both natural and unnatural have taken up residence. They have taken to raiding the unwary, and have caused much harm and grief to our people.

This natural disaster has given these beasts greater courage, and there have been several attacks in broad daylight amidst crowds of people, where before they kept to the shadows and cover of dark.

I believe that it has also given us a chance to strike back at them. You see, with all of the water that was flushed into the sewers, the rats have lost much of their lairs, and they are mostly without defenses. That is not to say that any wererat is defenseless, but they do not have the fortifications that they had constructed anymore."

At this point, Beranhond appears in the doorway with Tigrisclawu at his side, sees the man talking, walks up and takes a seat.

"Welcome," the man said, and gestured with an arm for Beranhond to sit down. "I was just telling these good men about the plight of the city."

"As I was saying, I am calling upon you men to help me to rid the city of this pestilence. Namely, I need you to take out their leader. Her name is Rhora, and her mate Ramman will most likely be wherever she is, as well. Without her fierce direction, the wererats will most likely become much less organized and we will be able to deal with them much more easily. I will pay you each 50 gp for the head of the wererat matriarch."

"Further, I will supply each of you with alchemical siver weapons for this task. This is intended as a gesture of good faith, and I would not look kindly upon any of you who decided to take the weapons and run, when you are most needed."

"I am sure you all have plenty of questions. Please, ask them. There is much to be done, and I must be off soon."

Would everyone please give me a Perception check? Thanks.


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