Friday, October 30, 2009

Wet Blanket

Gurkirat observed the situation with face impassive, but he couldn't help but cringe at Grumbleshank's words. Clearly Beranhond was trying to control his expression, but his anger could not be concealed. Abruptly he left the room. Silence reigned in his absence, and the only eye contact Gurkirat made with Grumbleshanks was brief and tense. Clearly Grumbleshanks meant exactly what he said and felt strongly enough to have stated it aloud. Gurkirat cast his gaze around the room, partially to avoid anyone else's eyes and partially as a habit when thinking hard. As Beranhond came back into the room and apologized for his anger and explained himself, Gurkirat decided he should jump into the conversation before Grumblshanks could respond.

Diplomacy: 13+2=15

Ironic, Gurkirat thought, that as we talk of burning out the rats there should erupt a fire within the group. He had to pipe up before this came to blows. "Water puts out alcohol. So I don't think bombs made of alcohol will work too well if the sewers are flooded." 

Well, epic fail on the soothing words. I hope my demeanor was better than what I said. I'll go for separation.
"What we can agree on is that, no matter what we do with the oil, we need to do some advance scouting before doing anything. So I suggest we send the sneakiest person, or perhaps this horde of cats, to find out where the rats spend their time so we know where to bomb them, or burn them, or whatever we do. I'm sure this man has some useful information for us", Gurkirat stated as he nodded his head in the direction of the man in leathers, "but there are still things we need to discover on our own before undertaking this operation. Meanwhile, I, as the only alchemist, will study what fuel we can use for this mission. I will need an assistant to find all the available oil and to build the contraption.

"So who volunteers to search the sewers and who wishes to be my bitch." Gurkirat winced. This stress is killing my social manners. He reached for his clarinet, hoping to ease the situation through another means, but knowing that he had nothing to achieve this goal.


  1. Nicely done, the two flow together well. Plus, Beranhond and Grumbleshanks can have plenty more time to argue and call each other arrogant toads in the future.

  2. Haha, you erased our entire conversation. But, you are right, would never do anything like that - porn sites are very clean places to visit. Nick's mac never has any problems in porn sites.

  3. By deleting our conversation I mean, I am very tired, it has been a long and rough week, and I completely missed the fact that it was still there.

    I think this is a sign that it is time for bed... my undergrads won't like me to be too tired when I make them take a test tomorrow!


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