Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Crispy Half-Elves

Nym timidly crawled out from under the table, looking worse for the wear. She was bloody and burnt and looked rather like she'd just doused herself with oil and lit a match. HP 18-10:8, she needs healing. She stood, blinked, and croaked What was THAT?


  1. Dan, I am thinking of using a Hero Point and do some fancy pants divine interventiony use of cure-light-wounds on the whole party.

    Could you give me the DM's run down on what that would do for everyone?

  2. The DM's run-down is that 1 hero point allows 1 spectacular casting of a spell you know affecting up to 10 people without you passing out like you did last time.

  3. Great, the passing out is required with more than 10 people. Sounds good....

    Time to whip up some divinity!


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