Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Thank you for that lovely introduction

"We had ourselves quite the adventure in the sewers."

The elf took a swig from his flask of rum, which he was glad to have.

In an effort to make this post not look like a sea of red ink on par with most governments, I'm just going to post it in black. But, assume that I'm saying this. 

We waited for the cat at on of our favorite pubs. Its become our place, what with daggers and all. The cat was a little bit late, so we asked our new favorite bartender, Tobi, about the happenings in Balder's Gate. After we got her some rum (which she handled well) she did tell us some things about Marty. I don't know if you guys met Marty. He's a halfling. He apparently has connections in the underworld here. He doesn't really get along with Hring, here but from what we can tell, he's an alright...uh...halfling. 

Anyway, after Darvin failed at flirting with Tobi, Tigersclawu shows up with a horde of cats. We weren't quite sure what to do with the cats. Darvin and I decided that we were fairly stealthy individuals and could handle the sewers by ourselves. Also, we could not actually communicate with the cats. So, we sent them to take care of business above the streets while we went beneath them.

We entered the sewers via the drain to the river. It was dark and smelled of poo, not unlike a typical day with my half-elf friend. We were able to sneak towards the main infested area. Deciding that we could see more of the wererat lair, we split up. I went to the right, Darvin to the left.

I got to about 25 feet away, close enough to see that there was a dire rat and a wererat. A normal rat though caught sense of me and ran to report the disturbance. A wererat started down the tunnel towards me. I was able to elude sight, but the wererat had a good sense of smell, so it came towards me, albeit very slowly.

Meanwhile, Darvin was able to sneak up on the central part of the lair and take a peak. He saw a curious man. Was kind of wiry looking. Fed the rats, seemed to like rats. This man had a partner down there. One questioned where "the boss" was. The boss, apparently a woman (that's allowed? WTF) was on the surface because she was hungry. The two laughed, then decided to get rum. They then climbed the walls of the sewer and went out of a manhole.

At this point, I was still making my way towards Darvin hoping the wererat would give up his search. He was still a bit behind me, so when I noticed a metalic cube on the ground, I had time to inspect. It was fairly light, weight only a pound. There was some strange writing on it. I don't know how it got here. While I was busy being perplexed by the cube, it changed into a sphere. I know it sounds weird, but thats what it did. I put it into my backpack where it then reverted back to a cube.

I ran into Darvin who was wanting to take a closer look at the next. In his way was a good horde of rats. Not dire rats or wererats, but enough regular rats to make us cautious. We originally wanted to incinerate them, but then decided that it could spoil our overall plan. Plus, our half elf friend here thought sun rods could light fires and after figuring out that they cannot, we decided for a slightly less complicated plan of distracting the rats by throwing a rock at the far wall. Given that we were dealing with rats, the plan was a success. 

Darvin reported to me that he saw some straw, possibly for bedding, but nothing special. According to the map, we had thought that this would be the main nest and possibly the location of the queen's nest. 

Not seeing anything else, we headed towards the Temple. We did pass some bones, but did not linger to investigate. After getting back to the surface we came back here.

Now, who wants to looks at a cube-sphere?

1 comment:

  1. Two things: First off, her name is Tovi, not Tobi. Secondly, I enjoyed the rats on coke. Fun times. Your expedition took you only 1 1/2 hours, 1 hour for the sewers, and 1/2 hour for waiting for the cat and talking up Tovi. When you return, you are the only people there, other than Hring. You are led to meet him in a different room, this one smaller and across the hall from the first room you were in. It's a simple study, with a desk that Hring is sitting at and three chairs, one of which Darvin sat in immediately.


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