Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Choosing my confessions

"There you are!"

Talathel was startled to hear Lailsan. He excused himself from the "heated" discussion and walked with her.

"I've hardly seen you since we boarded the ship. You spend all your time up in the crow's nest."

Talathel looked back at her, not knowing what to say or do. "I'm sorry..." he said, sheepishly.

"Nym's gone!"

"We know...we're working on a plan to find her," Talathel replied. "At least I think we're working on a plan."

"What are you going to do from the crow's nest?" Lailsan turned away and rushed back into the galley, leaving Talathel feeling quite alone on the deck. He could feel Darvin and Gukirat staring at him.

"Excuse me, gentlemen." He climbed back into the crow's nest, and pulled out his journal and began to write...

Dearest Lailsan,

I understand your frustrations and I apologize for being at the root of them. I have been lost in my thoughts in the crow's nest. The main purpose of my journey is to try and spread the message of The Old Order and my focus on how I might achieve that has led me to stray from one of Order's main tenants, as I have neglected my personal relationships.

The Old Order used to be guided by a lesser deity named Kolodael. He was a wise man. His teachings have changed many a person, myself among them. Though he possessed power greater than most humans could imagine, he chose to live a simple life, finding value in friendships and experiences, not in wealth and gluttony. Those that followed him did not worship him, they did not praise his name. Kolodael did not seek such recognition. He would often tell those that followed him "if you put your energy into glorifying me, you will not find your true meaning. Your meaning lies within the people of Faerun. Seek an understanding with your fellow beings and world and you will please me more than any sacrifice ever could."

One winter, Koldael was traveling with a band of his followers near The Spine of the World. They came upon Baffenburg and found the town's fires to be out and its people losing their battle against the cold. Using what little supplies he and his men had left, Koldael worked to help restore some heat in the larger halls to help the people of Baffenburg. However, this displeased Auril. In her eyes, the people of Baffenburg had not reveled in her power enough and so she wanted them to suffer more. A blizzard came upon Baffenburg that lasted for several weeks until Koldael, cursed with immortality, was the only one alive.

He wandered Faerun for several years, distraught over the actions of another deity. He questioned himself and all he stood for. Some say he circled the continent until he arrived in Calimport. He gave an order of monks there his final testament. It was deemed The Old Order. Over the course of many months, he detailed his journey and his reflections, all written into the book. After the many years of searching and looking within himself, his message remained true. Koldael wanted his monks to spend their time building up the world around them and to put their faith into their fellow man, not the Deities of Faerun. "It is imperative to lend a hand to those who require its assistance. It is absurd to give praise to those who would not lend their hand otherwise."

One night after the book was finished, Koldael left the monastery in Calimport. He gave no word where he was going. Some say he has taken up residence in The Calm Desert. Others believe he is trying to find away to access Pandemonium, so that he may confront Auril and avenge his fallen men.

I write this because I know Koldael would not approve of my actions as of late. Instead of being there for you and for this crew, I have focused on myself. I will do what I can to make this right.

Talathel Braegen.

Talathel climbed back down the crow's nest and snuck into the galley. Lailsan had her back to the door. He slid the letter on the counter next to her.

"Just read it, I must go for now."

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