Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Ravenhelms

After Ollin left for the market, Nym saddled Nesme and led her out of the stables. Pipper barked, wanting to come along too, but Nym had locked him in a pen with Vort, who was happily sleeping in a sun ray.

Perhaps I should see Wayrn's family first....

Although not particularly good at magic, Wayrn was well-loved by his family, the Ravenhelms. She made her way into the wealthiest part of Silverymoon and Wayrn's old home. As she approached their manor, she noted that it looked
ever the same and always impressive when compared to neighboring homes.

She tied Nesme to the fence and knocked on the door. After a few moments, Fardel, the Ravenhelm's gnome servant, opened the door. He frowned at this girl who would dare bother him, and studied her for a moment. Suddenly he realized who she was. "By Nebelun's grace! Nym? Nym, is that you? You're supposed to be dead! Is Master Wayrn with you?"

"In a manner of speaking..." Nym replied. "It is good to see you, Fardel. Is the Mistress of the house in?" Fardel nodded and led Nym into the foyer. While Fardel went of to fetch Wayrn's mother, Nym looked at the large family paintings hung in the hall. She stopped in front of a stern painting of Wayrn and smiled. He'd never looked so serious in life, really, and she was amused by the pompous poise he'd taken for the painting. I shall have to tease him about this when he's brought back. she thought.

After a few minutes, Fardel returned with Wayrn's mother following. She was a tall, slight woman with plain features but a regal face. Nym bowed slightly and said bluntly, " Wayrn and the others are dead, Mistress. I have returned to Silverymoon to have them resurrected, but I need your help convincing the college to raise them."


  1. "Child, we had given up hope that any of you were still alive. How long has it been since my son passed away? Did he die nobly? Please, put my heart at ease knowing that at least some good has come of all this hardship."

    Diplomacy roll, please, in your efforts to convince her to help you convince the college.

  2. Diplomacy

    Nym looked back to the picture of Wayrn. "It's been five years, and... he died in pain and torment, but nobly. He deserves a chance to live his life as it was meant to be before this tragedy."

  3. Nym has such a tactful way about her. I would be all for doing whatever she said after this simple explanation. He was in pain and being tortured, but he was noble! AND you can help me bring him back!

    "That's terrible!" the woman says, sitting down. "I'll never understand why he chose to run off with all of you. He had such an important place here with his family." After several seconds of silent introspection, she seemed to realize a bit more about what Nym had just said. "You brought his remains so we can resurrect him? We should get him to the healers quickly. I'll call my own personal physician, and we can have the ceremony performed here this afternoon!"

  4. Nym sat next to Wayrn's mother. "I did. And the others. I haven't the money to bring them back myself, and I need your help."

  5. "And the others? How many companions did you have? 5? It costs a full 10,000 in gold to resurrect a person, which is quite a lot to ask. 50,000 is a small fortune in itself. Who in the school do you think will be able to, much less willing to help?" The woman looked skeptically at Nym, obviously a bit agitated that Nym seemed to be trying to forestall her having her child back.

  6. "I'm asking only for your support, perhaps a letter to the school asking to wave the fee in the interest of helping these five poor souls." She smiled looking concerned but friendly.

  7. "Alright. I will personally offer the sum required for my son, and will write you a letter of support. I believe that you should not have too much trouble getting the school's support, but finding the funds may still be rather difficult." She waved, and a servant brought a quill and a piece of parchment. After quickly scrawling a note, she handed it to Nym, and said, "There. That should do fine. Let me know as soon as you are able whether they are able to find the funding for the entire group. I would like to have a small ceremony here to re-instate Wayrn as the next head of the household."

  8. Based on her sway in the town, showing this letter in your efforts to convince others to help you out will give you +3 to your diplomacy check.


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