Tuesday, January 19, 2016

A weary traveler

The fish sizzled over the open fire. It had been along time sine Talathel had eaten fish. The Rift Lake? He couldn't remember. The days, weeks, months...had it been years, all blended together. Some days he ate. More days he did not. Each day he had wandered.

He did not own much. His bundle was light. He foraged for food. Over the years, he had developed somewhat of a talent of catching small game. He could fish a bit. In towns, he was not above rummaging through trash to find food. When he was really desperate, he would steal, though it pained him to do so. Every time he stole, he could feel his search for Koldael becoming longer and longer.

In an attempt to shorten it, he had sold most of his possessions in Mulptan. His journey across the Long Road had indeed been long. Desperate for food, he sold all that he could part with. Since then, Talathel had often slept out under the stars, eating what food he could find.

At some point in his journey, Talathel had decided that he should like to see the Moonshae Isles again. As he journeyed westward, the chance to glimpse home one last time became his goal. Koldael was perhaps beyond him. He stayed on the main roads, sometimes following in with crowds. He preached some of the Old Order, which sometimes got him food. Eventually, he ended up in Candle's Keep. He set up camp on the coast, where he had the fortune of catching the fish.

The sun rose, and he looked out onto the Sea of Swords. He spotted a solitary ship in the distance. He trained his eyes on it. It came closer to the shore, and...could it be? The front of the ship looked so familiar. The paint...the look of it. Was it The Lady Narath?

Talathel felt his spirit rise a bit. There might be some life in him yet. The Lady Narath appeared to be heading towards Baldur's Gate. Of course it was. All of Faerun to explore, and why wouldn't his friends be in Baldur's Gate.

Talathel gathered up his pack and his staff and headed out for the city. He'd find his friends again, and go adventuring.


  1. As Talathel headed along the path toward toward Baldur's Gate a movement in the bushes caught his eyes. Before he had a chance to say anything a ragged man dressed in what looked to be a dirty hide jumped from the bushes.
    "Halt..." He said grinning and showing his dirty yellow teeth. "Giveth to me my toll! My toll!"

  2. Talathel did not have to think long to know he had no money for the toll.

    He rested his hands on his staff and looked up at the man.



    "A good day to you sir. I wish that I could pay your toll, but I am a servant of the great Kodeal. I have sworn myself of earthly possessions. Can I persuade you, in the name of the goodness of man, to allow me to pass?"

  3. The man scowled at Talathel, boy believing him for a moment. Finally, seeing the quality of his garments the man grunted.
    "have you nothing to share at all? I used to be a cleric in the city of Waterdeep and after that served with the now extinct druids, a fellow holy man like yourself must instead my needs."

  4. "I have but the bare necessities to travel, and this staff which I need to walk. I can offer company as we travel together to Baldur's Gate."

  5. Perception check to sense motive.


  6. The guy seems to be telling the truth - his clothing certainly had the look of a man who had tried to find god in the wasteland.

    "fine..." He said his shoulders slumping. "pass unmolested."

  7. I have updated the map with the locations of everyone that has posted, so you can see where Talathel is on the road to Baldur's Gate when he's stopped. You can find the link at the top of the page, titled "Full Page Map"

  8. Talathel gives the man a slight bow. "A many thanks to you. May fortune smile upon you."

  9. The man grunted, "fortune can shove it."
    The rest of his trip to Baldur's gate is uneventful and talathel soon finds himself back on the ridge overlooking the city.

  10. (At this point BH and DA will have met at the docks, so you are a bit behind schedule, but that's ok!)


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