Sunday, February 28, 2016

Equinox Ball - Grand Ballroom B

Talathel watched as Johan made his way up to the balcony. He was not surprised to see that he had gone for a more secluded place. He figured the party scene was not Johan's place.

What was Talathel's place? After traveling throughout Faerun, usually by himself, he had found his transition back into Baldur's Gate to be awkward. He seemed to be a step behind everyone else, unsure of what to do.

The first ballroom seemed to be a little stuff. He didn't want to be trapped talking politics with the council. So, that ruled out Ballroom A. The revelry outside at the commoner's dance would have called to him in his past, but no more. He decided that Ballroom B would be a happy medium. He entered through the double doors and looked around.

There was a lot of merriment before him. Talathel circled the outside of the dancing. Creatures of seemingly every race were here. Talathel figured at least one half elf would be made tonight, the poor thing.

More than once he was tempted to switch to wine, but he did not. He found an open chair that had been left unattended. He sat down and watched the festivities unfold. His eyes scanned the room. He enjoyed the music. He took it all in. He had missed being around people.

Though not looking for anyone in particular, his eyes kept focusing on a human. She wore a red dress, with a material that seemed to glow. Talathel felt an urging that he had not felt in many moons.  In spite of himself, he found himself rising to and approaching her. The human seemed to be part of a group, but not attached to anyone in particular.

"Happy Equinox to you, fair maiden! I am Talathel. I could not help but notice you from across the room. May I have a dance?"




  1. And then Talathel created a half elf, and was all like, 'aw, shiiiiit'.

  2. She smiled, looking Talathel up and form for a moment before nodding and rising. "I am the last Azeline, it is a pleasure to meet you Talathel, at least for the moment!" She said taking his hand and letting him lead her to the floor. As they started dancing she kept looking him over.
    "I feel like I've seen you before."

  3. The couple took their spot on the floor. Talathel placed a hand on the small of her back and taking her right hand in his.

    "I haven't been in Baldur's Gate in years. I've been a bit of a traveler. I used to hang about this town though. I was even...." he paused before the admission... "I was even part of that adventuring group that Beranhund mentioned." Talathel wished she could see her face, but it remained nestled on his shoulder.

    "Tell me about you. I may be able to piece together where you know me from."

  4. "Well, I'm 23, I'm actually half-elven, though my ears aren't the standard form. My mother spent time with the elves studying religion." Her face remained firmly against Talathel's shoulder. "She is human, but she said my father was an elf who was part of an ancient order."

  5. "I've heard that elves make for terrible monks. I certainly did. I was a member of the Old Order once, but I am no more."

    Talathel was trying to remember 23 years ago. Only since meeting Darvin had his distaste of half elves softened. There was no amount of rum in the world in his old days that could have resulted in this.

  6. "My mother said the same thing!" She said laughing. "She said that spending the two years disguised as an elf in the order was on the of the best times in her life."

  7. Talathel ran through his memories. The name Azeline rang no bells for him. Besides, he remembered his time at the covenant to be fairly dull and celibate. Especially over 20 years prior.

    Instead of all that, he angled for more clues. "Tell me about your mother. She sounds fascinating."

  8. Talathel ran through his memories. The name Azeline rang no bells for him. Besides, he remembered his time at the covenant to be fairly dull and celibate. Especially over 20 years prior.

    Instead of all that, he angled for more clues. "Tell me about your mother. She sounds fascinating."

  9. "Oh she's delightful. She's spent time with a half-orc clan, with the old order, as a pirate queen. She's traveled a lot." She laughed twirling about during the dance. "Yet, she says that her favorite time was spent as an elf. She said my father was a rather stoic figure, but very intelligent and with a propensity toward wanting to wander. How long did you spend at the monastery?"

  10. A pirate queen? Talathel filed it away.

    "Too long. Back when your mother would have been there, I was fairly studious. But, as time went on, I did grow restless. I picked fights, I drank. That would be why I am not behind monastery walls anymore. I believe I've been free of them for some time. Five years, I think. Much of it spent wandering Faerun. I have somewhat recommitted myself to the ways of the Order, but have little desire to go back to them"

    Not that I would be taken back and what point is there if our god is missing, Talathel thought.

    "And what of you? Is Baldur's Gate home or something temporary?"

  11. A pirate queen? Talathel filed it away.

    "Too long. Back when your mother would have been there, I was fairly studious. But, as time went on, I did grow restless. I picked fights, I drank. That would be why I am not behind monastery walls anymore. I believe I've been free of them for some time. Five years, I think. Much of it spent wandering Faerun. I have somewhat recommitted myself to the ways of the Order, but have little desire to go back to them"

    Not that I would be taken back and what point is there if our god is missing, Talathel thought.

    "And what of you? Is Baldur's Gate home or something temporary?"

  12. As they danced away she filed him in in a vagabond life of youth with her mother as they spent time up north with the barbarians, back east failing the sea of falling stars, and with her half elf kin in the northern wood.
    "Eventually my mother decided I need a more formal education and so for the last few years I have been here managing my mother's estate. So, it's home, but I'm not sure for hour much longer."

  13. Talthel tried to figure out which angle in particular Azeline was trying to get at. Looking for a father, looking for a way out of Baldur's Gate, looking for something temporary. He decided to play it safe for now.

    "And what do you want to do? Not what your mother wants for you, but what about you?"

  14. "The unexpected, my mother tells me about her adventures and then wants me to do the 'right' thing and get educated, protect hte family legacy, get married, make her a grandchild." She groaned. "Anything but a nameless death surrounded by soft blankets that suffocate every moment of existence."

  15. A plan formulated in Talathel's mind, but it was half-brained at best.

    "I may be able to help you out a little bit with that. I believe my adventuring company is getting back together. We may be able to use an extra hand. I make no promises of course, our captain will have final say, but if you are interested in accompanying us, I will put in a word for you. Think it over, and meet me at Milways tomorrow evening."


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