Sunday, October 18, 2009

I'm Learning to Fly, But I Ain't Got Wings

Beranhond almost failed to notice that the voices and motion had stopped when he had been speaking to Narath. Somehow, this made the tunnels seem even more sinister than before. "At least when you can hear things moving, you know there is something there. When it is silent, who knows what is out there."

Beranhond slowly began to back away from the tunnels, retreating to find out more about what might be lurking in the sewers before adventuring too far inside...


Meanwhile, at the High Market: (now that Grumbleshanks and Gurkirat had the attention of those around them, they were able to find out that they were actually in the High Market, not the Outsiders' Market, as they had thought before.)

Gurkirat and Grumbleshanks looked at each other over the corpse at their feet. Grumbleshanks spoke first, "The fact that there are afflicted theriomorphs in the city is an ill sign for the types of people we'll find here. Not to mention the state of the city guard to have allowed it to get to the point where they attack on the street in broad daylight."

"Where do you think they came from? I've read that wererats can live just about anywhere," Gurkirat responded.

"Well, we will most likely find some of them in humanoid form, but I would guess they are most likely congregating in the sewers, most likely." Grumbleshanks bent down and inspected the creatures' fur.


"Look here. He has some slime on his paw. This pretty much confirms it. Looks like he came from somewhere dark and damp, at least, and in the city, that means the sewers, most likely."

Gurkirat whistled. "What to do next, then? Are we going to find out more about these things, should we look for silver weapons, or should we just look for some more help before doing anything? I'm not sure I'm ready to just jump into the sewers."

Grumbleshanks thought for a second. "Why don't we try to find out more about what's been going on in this city? You work clockwise, and I'll work counterclockwise, and meet on the other side of this square. Try to find out if there have been any noteworthy events in the past couple of days other than the earthquake and tsunami."

"Alright. Talk to you soon, Grumblesteak."

After about 30 minutes, they meet up on the other side of the square.

"Well, it seems that pretty much all the weapons sold here are silver." Grumbleshanks offered to begin the conversation. "It seems they are at least aware of their infestation."

"I found out about a man who supposedly healed hundreds of people at a square in the northern part of the city. Apparently the temple of Lathander was wiped off the map, but this man was able to work some miracle, saving people blocks away from him, even, just before passing out. Seems worth looking into, at least," Gurkirat added.

"I heard about that man, too. Nobody could tell me what deity he worshipped, though, and I couldn't find anything other than that," Grumbleshanks replied. "I don't know why, but people didn't seem too willing to talk to share much with me."

"Well, after I got him laughing, I was able to get a merchant to tell me a bit about the state of the city. Seems people have been disappearing for a bit. Nobody's sure exactly why, but there are rumors that 1 or 2 people a night are taken away, and never seen or heard from again." Gurkirat looked about to make sure nobody was listening in before continuing, "It might have been exaggerated, but he seemed to believe what he was saying. He seemed mighty spooked. That's all I found out, though. Where to, my bold companion?"


  1. Hmmm... methinks that you are trying to direct us to specific places.

  2. Agreed. And those specific places are not the sewer.

  3. Not yet, anyway. Of course, Darvin and Talathel are welcome to follow the three men who attacked them, and see what they are up to, and Beranhond is free to go gather info and then head straight back in there, but I just feel like you would all have better luck together rather than apart, and wanted to convey that in character rather than through out of character. I suppose it was a bit heavy handed, but I wanted to give you more depth than "There's a sewer. We should go check it out, and kill stuff there."

  4. As a note, since nobody posted every day last week, there are no hero points awarded this week. So Talathel is the only one who has one at the current moment.


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