Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Darvin's Last Day of Freedom

Darvin was in such a foul mood and had been so distracted by the fight, Nym and getting arrested that he completely forgot about the ring on his finger.

"Andrew you say? Well, Andrew, I'm pissed off as all hell. I'm about to spend the rest of my days rotting in a dungeon below this Godforsaken city. Quite frankly, I'm not sure there is any advice that will help, but sure go ahead give me your thoughts." 


  1. "Aye, lad. Understandable, 'tis. But the lass made it sound as if the process hasn' changed much since it was established. I was there, ye know." The ring said this last with smug satisfaction. "O' course, ye'll get off. The import'n thing here is the PROCEDURE. Most likely, some sorry sap reported ye, an' now the city mus' find a way to not tarnish the reputation of the heroes they've made of ye while still followin' procedure. All ye've got to do is play along and not do some'in stupid, an' ye'll be off the hook wi' nary a thin' to worry ye. What say ye?"

  2. "How do you know this? How old are you? Also, do you have any advice on women?"

  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oY0oSciVdA

  4. "Time means little to a ring, friend. But I've seen many men rise and fall in this place. Just make sure the justiciar sees me on yer hand and that he knows how bad it'll look if he locks ye' up. That should make 'im right quick to find a way out o' it.

    As fer the women, I've seen me fair share o' wooin'. The first advice I'll give ye' is to go after what ye want, an' make it plain ye want it."

  5. "So, all I have to do is wave this little ring in front of his face we'll get off scott free? And as for the wooin' I thought I made it clear."

  6. "I'm not sayin' ye'll get off jus' fer wavin' me around. What I'm sayin' is, if ye do a good job remindin' him who ye are, he'll be lookin' for a way out o' lockin' ye up. Then all ye' need to do is give 'im an out, and he'll take it."

  7. "There are many things that are clear to a woman that seem foggy as a mornin' with a hard hangover to a man. Works t'other way round, too. Mayhap this 'un didne' quite understan'."

  8. "Well, Mr. Kidd, what do you suggest we offer the gentleman for an out?"

  9. "That is the question, lad. Ye must find out what this justiciar wants to be known as, for yer case will surely be what he is remembered for. Give 'im a way to get what he wants, and he'll give ye what ye want."

  10. "This is great information. I will do that. Thanks."

    A smirk formed on Darvin's face and by this time the sun was getting low in the sky. He looked at his two guards and said, "Shall we be off to the courthouse then?"

    Darvin stood up and walked out with the guards following him.


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