Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Trial's Resolution

The mighty adventuring group, "Kilink" walked back out to the table with 6 seats, while the scribes walked back to their table and Justiciar Kevan walked up to the pulpit. As they all re-enter the room, the crowd begins whispering very loudly. Surprisingly, their loud whispering is louder than the multitude of conversations that were happening before the group entered.

The Justiciar flicks his wrist, and the loud, low bell that rang to begin the proceedings again brings a hush to the attending crowd. He begins speaking in his shrill voice, "People of Baldur's Gate, I present to you these 5 bold adventurers, who have proven to me that not only were the deaths they caused yesterday at the party self-defense, but they were for the greater good of our beloved city. A great evil has befallen us, and they have reason to suspect that sorcery caused the earthquake and tsunami that befell our city some 12 days ago. 

These 5 have volunteered to seek out the cause of this foul treachery and destroy it wherever and whatever it is. They will take the 'Sea Star,' heretofore renamed the 'Lady Narath', and will not rest until this evil has been held accountable."

Looking at the adventurers, Kevan said, quietly, "Please, let our faith in you not be in vain." Resuming his speech, he continued, "They are in need of crew for their vessel, and if you would like to accompany them, please find Sergeant-at-Arms Beranhond. They may also need help with supplies and repairs on their vessel. If you are able to spare a hand, the city would be in your debt." As he spoke, his voice became more and more excited and twittery, and this last sentence sounded more like a bird chirping than a distinguished official making a proclamation.

The people in the courtroom didn't seem to mind, though, and burst into loud cheers.

You have all achieved another milestone. Please level up to level 4.


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  3. Beranhond deleted both of his previous thoughts and gave up for the night.


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