Thursday, January 21, 2010

You should never let a Cleric hire your crew.

Moments after Kevan finished his speech Beranhond was inundated with sailors looking for positions on the ship. The tsunami had damaged much of the fishing and merchant industries and many were out of work and looking for jobs on the high seas. Needless to say, this provided Beranhond with the opportunity to select the crew that he, though perhaps not Captain Darvin, would like. He borrowed a side room from the Justicar and interviewed them one by one. He was happy to see that Scriptus and Codex were volunteering on the crew, it turned out that they had met while working on a merchant ship and thus were a perfect for the ship.

Those that drank in any form of large quantities were immediately cut, which, to be honest, cut much of the prospective job seekers. However, after several hours into the night Beranhond had assembled a crew of virtuous, upright, non-drinkers. In signing onto the ship they signed a pledge not to swear, drink, or smoke on ship, and that in port they would visit neither houses of ill-repute, or damage the credentials of either the ships company or the namesake of the ship. Several of the sailors had already heard Beranhond's words so signed immediately, but the crew also included several who worshipedother Gods and to them Beranhond pleged complete tolerance and freedom of religion.

In essence, Beranhond had surrounded Admiral Nym and Captain Darvin with an ideal crew of hard working, pure, and wholesome sailors. Now, this should not reflect on Beranhond' choice in people nearly as much as it does on his humour and pragmatism. He knew that Darvin had in mind a rought and tumble crew that would swear and be all pirate-like, and this was certainly not going to be that kind of crew. Pragmatically, a crew that was drinking was not as effective as those who did not drink. A crew that pleged to keep their bodies and their language clean was going to be more effective when it came time to be disciplined. Finally, as the namesake of the ships was his Goddess, and the women that he had feelings for, he did not want the crew to marr her name in anyway.


  1. When he left the room he saw that Darvin was waiting for him. "You will love this crew Captain."

  2. These people don't drink or swear? What the fuck is Talathel going to do?

  3. Well, just imagine it as if you were going sailing with mormons who were on their mission.

  4. I was just explaining to Whittaker that I find it hard to believe that of the 70 people in the courtroom, you had 10 who were not only willing to uproot and go on a sea venture, but were also experienced sailors and willing to forego drinking and swearing. That seems a stretch. I am guessing his crew is high on the morality, and low on the sailing competency...

  5. Whittaker, my phone screen broke today, so I'm responding to your texts here. How long would you say is forever, since the trial didn't start until dusk. And Darvin was just there waiting for you to finish without interfering? That also seems a bit fishy to me.

  6. I was wondering if perhaps Lailsan could find her way on board. If not, that's alright.

  7. More people came as word spread - that is why it took two hours - people kept coming in over that period. They might not be the most proficient as some, but they will get the job done by working hard to learn what needs to be done.

  8. Talathel:
    I believe the assumption was that both Lailsan and the guard who was with Nym were on board besides the 10 that Beranhond just found.

  9. It might be a little fishy, but so is a cleric, a bard, a sorcerous, a hedonistic monk, and a guy who has never been Captain taking a ship out to sea...

  10. sorceress, sorry, I am typing this while proctoring a quiz.

  11. Beranhond:
    I can accept that, and will grant them 1 skill point per day of training they get, up to a max of 5. They will start with only 1 point, though.

  12. Of course, Beranhond didn't know much about sailing either, but a crew that learns together will be much better in the long run.

  13. I think Carlinya should start at at least 5, since she's been sailing most of her life.

  14. I have not statted them up yet. Lailsan and Carlinya will have special abilities separate from the rest of the crew, fitting their unique background. The rest of the crew will not be very widely traveled or skilled, though.

    Also, if you intend to train the crew yourself, you cannot get a higher rank in sailor than the person leading the training.

  15. Sounds good, Dan. Do you want help creating those characters, or are you going to do it yourself?

  16. I was thinking I would stat them up and see what you thought. If you have any requests, that would be great, though.


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