Monday, February 15, 2010

On the Road where?

Beranhond, here is a map of the area. Goldenfields itself is a large walled abbey to Chauntea, where you will find clerics to Chauntea, but not the druids circle you are looking for. The druids are not generally to be found in the abbey itself, instead making regular appearances to the abbey to help the gardeners and peasants therein. The clerics also will make appearances in the badlands that the druids call home, to create a community of faith that spreads across their two homes. Goldenfields is the obvious place to begin a search for the druids' circle, as they should have contact with the druids, but recent forays to the Goldenfields from Waterdeep have not been allowed inside the gates.

Beranhond, are you going to be cutting across from the Waterdeep-Red Larch road to Goldenfields, or are you going to Red Larch and then following the path southeast to Goldenfields?


  1. Going up the road toward redlarch and then cutting east straight across the badlands.

  2. The badlands are the weird brown hilly looking things on the map, and are east of Goldenfields. You will be traveling through the plains if you are just cutting straight east. That ok?

  3. Ah, yes, cutting through the plains will be just fine.



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