Monday, April 12, 2010

Nym's story

This is for Nym.


  1. "They are safe... would you like a glimpse of them?"

  2. "Yes, please," says Nym, nodding vaguely.

  3. The room fades to darkness and is replaced by a gray-tone scene of Beranhond standing over three humanoid bodies laying on sleeping pallets with two animal forms on top of those. As the room comes into focus you can see that it is the Captain's Cabin. Around the bodies the crew is looking on.
    "Well, they are still alive and their minds are active." Beranhond says to the crew. "However, they are not responding and I cannot wake them. Given the circumstance I believe we should turn around and return to Waterdeep." The crew nods and leaves the cabin. After a moment a shimmering blue light appears in the doorway.
    "Beranhond." The enchanting voice says. "Their consciousness has left this plane. I cannot reach them."
    "What could have caused this?"
    "Something from that realm pulled them in because it is not magic or powers from this realm. It is lucky that you were not pulled in because I would not be able to contact you there, nor you to me." She said reaching her hands and embracing Beranhond from behind.
    "So, it has nothing to do with this world?" He says laying his arms across hers.
    "It might, but the magic that brought them to that world came from there, I cannot say for certain that why this ship was attacked. Enough of this for now, you need to sleep. You have been up for more than a day."
    "But might I be taken?"
    "She leans forward and whispers something into his ear." At that the scene fades and you return to the room.
    "Satisfied?" The woman asks Nym.

  4. "Yes... thank you," replies Nym absentmindedly. After considering this scene for several moments, she decided her thoughts on the matter would have to wait until later. She sat up again and looked into the orb. "How can we return to our plane and our bodies?" she asked.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. this one slipped through my mailbox...
    "I can only show the present with detail, but I can only give a glimpse to the future, it might tell you what you need, but it might also be a bad choice."
    The rooms blackens and when light returns Nym is standing on the edge of a large cliff. Darvin seems to be pushing an odd winged contraption.
    "Well, this is what the Goblin's recommended." He says.
    "It will get you back home!" Druuv says.
    Talathel shrugs his shoulder. "Are you sure we can fly back through the planes?"
    An elderly Goblin steps forward. "Yes, the gap between the planes is weak higher up. Just fly up and it should take you back to your own plane."
    The scene fades and returns to the room.

  7. Nym chuckled lightly at the absurdity of this vision, and then asked, "Who - or what - are the shadowcasters?"

  8. "Ah... now that is a difficult question to answer. I dare not give you a glimpse into the present chambers of their tower lest they follow my vision back here." She turns. "I can however give you a glimpse of a past event." She shuts her eyes for a moment and the room darkens. After a moment the room lightens only slightly. As you look around you see a shows a barren dark room. There are windows all around but no light comes through. All around the chamber are cloaked humanoids sitting in ornate seats. In the center of the room a large block of space seems void of light. However, before you can look closely one of the shapes stands.
    "Someone is watching." The figures turn and stare in your direction. The one closest to you stands and steps towards you, slowly reaching out from its cloak...
    "Worry not... though they did indeed sense us those particular shadowcasters are no longer alive."

  9. Nym leaned toward the woman filled with questions, "But who ARE they? What do they do? Are they wizards?"

  10. "They aren't wizards... they aren't anything normal. Some say that they are the original inhabitants of this land. Others say they arrived later from a much darker realm. However, the fact is that we don't really know what they are. This is a joyous land, but that tower." She says pointing in the general direction of the tower. "Is a dark mark on this land and can do many, many, dark things."

  11. "What kinds of dark things?" she asked, unnervingly curious.

  12. "That I can give you an example of. Tell me, what is your favorite memory?"

  13. Nym sat back and thought for a moment. She smiled, "At the moment... an unexpected kiss with my captain."

  14. "Well..." The room turns black and opens up in the High Flying Inn where you approached Darvin. However, right before you were to kiss him he turns to you.
    "Nym, you disgust me." He says viciously.
    "I have shown you every kind of affection and you have ignored me. I went after you to help and you spurned me. Why do you think I would want to see you. I don't even want to look at you." He turns and spits onto your face. "And to think that I am the only nice one to you." He smiles malevolently. "You should hear what Talathel calls you behind your back and you don't even want to know what Beranhond thinks."
    He starts to laugh and sends of a string of curse words.
    The room fades and the seeress sits in front of you.

  15. Nym looked quite upset for a moment but was obviously thinking. "I see," she said, half to herself. After a bit, she looked up again, "How did we get here?"

  16. "I think that something in this world brought you here through your dreams." She says. "That is the portal between worlds - but crossing them takes quite a lot of powerful magic.

  17. "Do you know what this something could be?" Nym asked.

  18. "Not with any certainty, but they would have to be extremely magical... and there aren't that many in the world with that kind of power. My suspicion is that it has something to do with the shadowcasters."

  19. Nym nods slowly. "Thank you for your help... I'm afraid I've run out of questions!" she said smiling. "I must share your information with my companions." Nym stands and walks toward the door.

    If the woman has anything else to say, Nym will turn around to listen, if not, she'll head back to the inn with Pipper

  20. "I hope it is some assistance."

    it has been a little over an hour


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