Monday, May 10, 2010

Brief Interlude

"Well, that is plausible, but really who else could it be?" Beranhond said sitting back on the small bed
"Where did you find this room?" She walked across the room carefully. "It is... unique."
"Oh, my gardener friend offered it to me. He said no one had slept in here for quite some time. There isn't much of a chance to get back to the ship right now considering all the people trying to leave the city." 
She sat down next to him on the bed and took his hand. "I checked on your friends for you."
"How are they holding up?" Beranhond said as he turned to Narath and gave her a weak smile.
"They are healthy in their current plane. Nym seemed to have been out on a date. Their bodies are losing weight - the crew is trying to keep them nourished as best they can, but it is difficult to maintain body mass"
A date? How extraordinary. Beranhond thought. "I will have to make it back soon." He said leaning back on the bed and spreading his arms. "I never expected to get wrapped up in all of this." 
"Well, what did you expect?" Narath said leaning back as well. Beranhond lightly put his hand on he shoulders. 
"I.... thought I would become a Paladin of Torm and spend my days hating myself. I didn't think I would sail across the world, get caught up with a random group of people and talking "
"Oh, now that sounds pleasant." She said turning towards him and raising herself up on an elbow. "I am certainly glad you didn't! Besides, you and Cerith would never have worked out."
"You are right about that." Beranhond was still curious about what Cerith was up to. He had asked around her several times but no one had seen her recently and she was still "on patrols."
"Besides, if you hadn't had doubts about Torm I wouldn't be here either."
"Well, you could have found someone else - another prophet."
"No. Another another proto-God would have risen instead." She said in a calm voice.
"Another one? How many are there?"
"Beyond counting. Most spend the infinity as no more than a fragment of a thought inside the head of a dreamer."
Beranhond smiled weakly and decided it was time to change the subject. "So, without me you would be nothing."
"Yes, but that is true of any God. Without believers a God has nothing." She reached out and stroked his hair back. "But, enough of tiresome theology. You have to get some sleep. I shall stay with you to make sure that you aren't taken as well." 
"Yes... you are certainly right about that." Beranhond said yawning. He went to a small basin and scrubbed his teeth, removed his boots and robe and climbed into bed. Tigrisclawu gave him an annoyed look before setting off to hunt rats.
"Sleep well my prophet." Narath said before she climbed into the bed, kissed his forehead and shut his eyelids.

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