Sunday, May 9, 2010

Homecoming: It Only Comes Once a Season

As Druuv walked, she noticed the large variety of rocks and ore that littered the ground around the area she had just arrived at. There was no trail, of course, for trails only allowed others to find the things that you held near and dear to your heart. Nonetheless, Druuv knew the general direction to travel, and started picking her way by familiar landmarks back to the place she and her clan called home.

She started walking uphill, and as she came out of the large circle of boulders she had started from, she saw the familiar double face of In Knee and Out Tee on a rock abutment to her left.

Druuv followed this rock abutment until it fell off, leaving a chasm on her left, and a steep incline next to a rock wall on her right. She continued, cutting through a small hole in the rock to come out on a rather large, open plateau, with the hole she came up through the only visible entrance or exit from the flat expanse. Not deterred, Druuv found the small "tree" of rock she knew as the landmark from which to travel to the next part of the journey.

Behind this "tree", there was a sheer cliff, but by standing on the left side of the tree and diving off the precipice, Druuv found herself rolling along the bottom of a rocky crevasse. This section of the trip was a bit more tricky, and only after traveling back and forth between the formations called "the stairs" and "Snuffluffagus the Third".

She spent roughly an hour grabbing small pebbles at each location and dropping them in a small pile at the base of the incline to the other, was she able to build up a pile at each that she deemed big enough, and she tried to walk through the rock under "Snuffluffagus the Third". Unfortunately, she had judged incorrectly, and walked face first into the rock, cutting her forehead a bit on a sharp rock she expected to give way on contact. After this abrupt realization that she had not prepared properly, she spent another half an hour increasing the size of the piles until each pile of stones could easily fill both of her shoes. This time she was a bit more cautious as she gingerly felt with her hands to see if the rock would remain solid as she contacted it. Feeling it becoming soft and squishy, she continued to walk, soon finding herself on a rocky mountainside complete with trees, moss, and fire beetles.

Here, she looked around until she saw the rockpile she'd left the last time, walked up to it, and wrote, "Druuv is my best friend," on the stone in opaque, furry looking letters. Then, she walked on past the stones and to the ladder down into the goblin clans' main living area. Ahh, home at last, she thought.

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