Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mighty Oaks from Little Acorns Grow or من الحبة تنشأ الشجرة

The destroyed dessert stand grew hazy in front of Nym's eyes. Now that the naga was dead, Nym realized what bad shape she was in from the fight. She looked at her hand, which was covered with blood. Is this mine? It must be, she thought. Nym knew she'd been poisoned by the naga.
"You alright Nym?" she heard Illuvaen ask.

"Sure..." Nym replied as she felt herself falling. Where's Pipper?? Nym thought frantically as her world swirled away into darkness.


Nym was on break from the Lady's College in Siverymoon for the winter solstice. The snow was heavy in the High Forest this year, and the going was slow because of it. She'd stopped by home before setting out toward the Grandfather Oak, though that wasn't her final destination. She'd been traveling for a little over two days now and Nym was enjoying the crisp morning air.

Nym chewed on a bit of mint her father had packed for her and sucked cold air between her teeth. She giggled, enjoying the tingling sensation this caused. The stream she had been following veered to the left and Nym followed a path only visible to her to the right.

After another couple hours, the trees became noticeably larger and oaks were more common. There was less undergrowth for Nym to fight through. There was a light mist swirling among the trees, disturbed only occasionally by a fluttering bird. The air was a bit warmer in this part of the forest, likely because the tree branches overhead were quite dense and seemed to trap the warmth of the earth below.

Nym pulled off her hat and called out, "Grandmother?" A squirrel eating a nut stopped to look at her. Nym giggled at it. She knew she was still rather far away from her grandmother's oak, but she thought she'd give it a try. She continued walking.

Feeling impatient, Nym began to sing a love song she'd heard in Silverymoon:

Come to me, she's calling you
Come to me, come to me
Come to me, I'll break your heart
Come to me, come to me

Like a siren to the sailor moribund
Her song of love will drag you ever down
Her kiss will take you to a fabled sacred land
Her lips will break you and lead you to the dance

Come to me, she's calling you
Come to me, come to me

Nym continued to hum as she walked along toward her grandmother's tree.

"Daughter's daughter, I am pleased to see you," said a voice that sounded like the wind in the leaves.

A large oak stood before Nym, and she smiled running toward it with arms outstreached. "Grandmother!" exclaimed Nym.

An elven-looking woman melted out of the tree to embrace Nym. "By my bark, you've grown taller once again, child," said the woman holding Nym at arm length. Her skin was rough like the tree she'd emerged from and her hair appeared to be made of autumn leaves. A dryad.

Nym chatted with her grandmother all afternoon. She'd brought the dryad a basket filled with dried seeds to plant come summer. Her grandmother was pleased.

Nym couldn't remember the first time she'd met the 400-year-old dryad. Her father had presented Nym to her mother's mother only weeks after her mother abandoned Ollin and her infant girl. The woman was ecstatic to meet her prodigy and gifted Ollin the acorn from which Nym's oak blossomed. She was not physically attached to her tree as her grandmother was, but Nym felt connected to her home through the tree and her life was connected to the tree in many ways. When Nym was ill, so was the tree, and vice versa. Nym's oak was how Ollin knew she had not died on her journey to Thay; it's life meant Nym too lived.

Nym hummed as she danced through the forest back home. Although she had never known her mother, Nym's grandmother had always been a comfort to her.


Nym felt like she was swimming in a black void. Am I dead? she wondered. Her thoughts were scattered at the moment, but she felt herself waking. Alright, not dead, probably unconcous... what happened? Nym wondered, trying to remember. She opened her eyes to see a white fox face in her own. "Oh!" she exclaimed, surprised to see Pipper up close and personal. "MAMA!" cried Pipper as he began licking her face.

"Glad to see you're awake. I was worried!" said someone to Nym's right. Darvin? she wondered as she sat up. Illuvaen was smiling at her standing in the doorway holding a bowl of water. He still looked rather scorched from their encounter with the naga. Nym smiled back and sat up, which made her realize she was feeling quite ill. "Washroom?" she asked urgently. Illuvaen pointed to it and Nym stumbled in to vomit.


  1. Inside the washroom was a small basin. After Nym vomiting into it for a bit she felt better and cleaned herself up. Illuvaen called from the other room "A healer came by last night and took care of your wounds and removed the poison. She said that your other wound looked clean, but to keep an eye on it in case any diseases or such were passed."

  2. "Thank you," said Nym, truly grateful for such good care from someone who hardly knew her. Nym sat on the edge of the bed and rummaged through her pack for her herbs. She selected a few, made a paste with the water, and put the paste in her wounds. When she was finished, she turned to Illuvaen, "Are you hurt at all? This will help dull the pain and fight infection."

  3. your herbs didn't come along with you... you arrived in a nightgown. The pack has essential food items and such, but they didn't send any herbs or such along because they were all different from the ones at home and they didn't want you to take some without any training.

  4. "Don't worry about me Nym, these are just superficial remnants. I wasn't all that hurt last night - the fire just burned most of my clothing and left these marks. I was much more concerned about you."

  5. I collected herbs when I was collecting for the centaur (was written in post), and you said then I was familiar with all but one herb (tempest bloom) she wanted me to look for, so it doesn't make sense that I wouldn't know herbs in this world now when I did before.

    Nym smiled at Illuvaen, flattered by his concern. She then stood, remembering she hadn't seen Darvin and Talathel since the day before. "Have you been in contact with Darvin and Talathel? I worry that they too may have been attacked since we were..." Nym frowned, worried.

  6. You are quite correct - I am far to use to you all trying to use things you didn't bring with you that I forgot you had actually been sent out to collect herbs and had collected some for yourself.
    "I haven't heard from them - I tried to find the closest and safest place as fast as possible. The healer said you were close to death." (about 5 or so damage from death). He paused. "So she said it was best that I let both our wounds heal before setting off. We can go and try to find them whenever you are ready."

  7. LOL I make no guarantee I won't try to use things I don't have later... Until next time, DM! :P

    Close to death?! thought Nym, startled. "I... I used to be much better at keeping myself out of trouble," she said, smiling apologetically at Illuvaen. Nym stood slowly, feeling her wounds quite distinctly. She looked down at the ruined and now rather revealing dress she was wearing and then over to Illuvaen, who looked like he'd been playing chicken with a fire elemental. "Perhaps we should find some new clothes and then start searching the pubs for the boys?" she offered, selfconsciously trying to cover her exposed thigh and failing miserably. "I'm sure they just got drunk and passed out in some cheap tavern inn like usual..." She rolled her eyes and smiled at Illuvaen as she slowly made her way toward the door, trying both not to expose herself further and not strain her wounds to much at the same time and failing in both endeavors.

  8. "Used to be?"he asked incredulously. "From the stories you told me you fled from pirates, fought a rat-queen, were recaptured by pirates, and then ran off from your friends to go and resurrect your companions. That doesn't sound like someone who keeps out of trouble." He took a hold of her side to help walk her out the door.

    They slowly walked on down and the street toward the pub district.

    and we slowly wait for the boys to finish fighting.

  9. Nym sighed. "Well, maybe I never used to keep myself out of trouble..." She smiled at Illuvaen as they left the inn. "Well, let's find a clothing shop, on our way to the pubs. I'm feeling particularly exposed," Nym said, looking down at the rags she was wearing.

  10. They meandered on down the street and took their time finding clothes to wear. For some reason (hint), neither felt all that rushed, as if they knew that the rest of the group was not ready to see them yet.

  11. Nym stopped in the first decent-looking clothing shop they saw on their way. She was happy the wood elves had given them a bit of money. "Hello?" called Nym as she entered the shop. She waited for a reply.

  12. A halfling stepped out. It looked a lot like Grumbleshanks, but unlike his depressing and hateful demeanor this hobbit halfling had a broad smile.
    "Why hello there! What can I help you with?"

  13. Nym smiled back. "Hello, sir! My companion and I are a little worse for wear and are looking to replace our newly rag-i-fied outfits with something less... revealing." Nym tugged at the torn edges of her once lovely dress and sighed as she smiled halfheartedly at the halfling.

  14. He shooks his head "looks like someone has been wrestling dragons! Come on back and take a look at my collection." He pulled back a curtain from a normal sized door and led you into a large room filled with clothing of every sort. "Is there anything in particular you are looking for?"

  15. "Wow!" exclaimed Nym upon seeing the clothing room. "Well, I'm looking for something I can travel in that isn't too revealing and can take a beating better than this did," explained Nym, gesturing to her rag-dress. "And fun! I'd like it to be fun," she finished smiling hopefully at the halfling.

  16. "Hmmm." The halfling nodded for a moment. "You want something that you can travel in and that isn't too revealing and can take beating and yet still be fun." He ran to the back off the building and looked through the various racks of clothing. After ten minutes he returned with what looked like a large silver jumpsuit.
    "Now, it may not look like much, but it is durable, and is great for traveling in. As for the fun part, go ahead and try it on and think of your favorite memory. Essentially the gown will conform both in form as it can become a dress, skirt, etc. and in style and color. All it takes is a very strong thought to shape it to your will."

  17. Nym was more than a little impressed by the jumpsuit's possibilities. She took the outfit and went into one of the changing rooms. It was surprisingly comfortable, and even without willing it differently, it looked quite good on Nym. "It covers up most of my scrapes and bruises," she said to herself as she looked at herself in the mirror.

    Nym took a breath and closed her eyes. She willed the jumpsuit into her dress pre-rags. When she opened her eyes, she was pleased to see she was wearing what she'd imagined. She smiled and walked out of the room. "What do you think?" she asked Illuvaen and the halfling.

  18. Illuvaen was confused, but the halfling laughed. "You can't fool me though you certainly will fool almost anyone else around."

  19. Nym smiled. "How much is this one?" she said as she gestured to the dress/jumpsuit.

  20. "That is a rare and valuable piece of clothing. Eight hundred gold."

  21. Nym stifled a giggle. "I'm afraid, Master Halfling, I haven't anywhere close to that much gold. Do you have anything a half-elf of modest means might afford?" She flashed the halfling a winning smile and winked at Illuvaen, hoping he'd share her amusement at the high price tag.

  22. "Well. I might be willing to offer it for say... six hundred?"

  23. "Sir, I would barter if I could! I'm afraid I only have 100 GP; some of which must go to food and supplies. If you have anything for 50 GP, I would gladly see that," said Nym, hoping to make her situation clear.

  24. He sighed. "I will see what I have in stock." He pursued and came back fifteen minutes later with a light green dress and some brown leggings. "I am afraid it isn't exactly exciting, but the dress does have some hidden pockets and it is durable and easy to clean."

  25. "It's lovely," said Nym smiling. She paid the halfling and put on the new outfit.

    "Alright, let's find the others!" she said to Illuvaen as Nym skipped out of the store, happy to not feel exposed.

  26. Is Illuvaen still mostly exposed???

  27. "If you were Darvin or Talathel where would you be the morning after a night of drinking. I frankly have no idea." Illuvaen asked as they walked along.

  28. no, being from this world he actually has multiple sets of clothes and simply changed. He did buy a new shirt.

  29. "They're probably in the cheapest pub-inn they could find..." She laughed thinking how hungover they both likely were.

  30. "Well, lets go check out the square where I sent them last night."

    They walked across the city and came to the large square where Illuvaen had sent them the night before. As they walked across Illuvaen pointed out several scorch marks.
    "Looks like a shadowcaster battle... this can't be good."

  31. A knot grew in Nym's stomach as she and Illuvaen continued. She was silent as they took in the signs of the shadowcaster battle. At least this shows the boys put up a fight... what if they've been captured? Or killed? Darvin! thought Nym. She wiped a tear away before Illuvaen could see and took a deep breath. "Let's start asking around if anyone's seen them. Someone might be able to tell us what happened here and where they've gone," she said stoically.

  32. After a half an hour you meet a very pale red eyed street urchin who says he has some info.
    "Ya shor wanna know bout ze craz man? I see za whole ding! Zey were fightin and blastin and za almost elf he waz cryin and babblin on about a gurl named naym or something."

  33. "Please tell us what you saw," replied Nym, handing him a few gold pieces.

  34. "Zis men waz in dark clozin and he did some strange thig wiz hiz haend and then za almost elf came out cryin and babllin he start attack ze shape but kept missin. He kept sayin Naym and Illuvin and somethin and seemed upset. Then za real elf caem out and a big men with a flyin stick. After ze fight they follow ze big man to hiz house."

  35. "Can you lead us to the big man's house?" asked Nym.

  36. "Shor." He then took off running. After fifteen minutes he pointed at a large apartment building. "Zey went in here aj don know whish room."

  37. Nym thanked the strange man and then stood quietly in the hall listening for her friend's voices. While she did this, she scanned the floor for their footprints, or for their blood, which she hoped not to find.

    Perception (1d20)+6

  38. As you step inside you don't see any footprints, marks, or anything unsightly. There appears to be four floors and around 24 apartments in the entire complex.

  39. "Well, what do you think we should do now?" Nym asked Illuvaen.

  40. "Well, we could awkwardly knock on each door until the right people answer..."

  41. Nym laughed. "Well, we'd better start knocking!" She turned to the first door and knocked. When the occupants answered, she explained Darvin and Talathel and that they were with a big man who lived here hoping someone could point them to the right door.

  42. The two gnomes just stand awkwardly and then open the door to let you come inside.

  43. "Thank you, but you don't need to invite us in. We're looking for a man who lives here; he's rather large and came in last night with an elf and half-elf."

  44. They don't respond but gesture inside.

  45. As you walk into the room you see a large assortment of different people and species. A man walked forward and handed Nym a large bowl.
    "Just draw a card." he said.

  46. Confused, Nym does as she's asked.

  47. Nym sets the card down and slowly sneaks to the door where she quietly lets herself out. She looks at Illuvaen for a moment and says, "Let's not knock on that one again..." as she continues to the next door.

    Stealth: (1d20)+8

  48. "Are those type gatherings not common on your world?" Illuvaen asked laughing. "You certainly seemed uncomfortable in there."

  49. Nym blushes. "Well I- ...I honestly have no idea if they're common in Faerun, but I'm certainly not used to being invited out of the blue with no introductions or even an explanation!" Nym smiled to hide her embarrassment and knocks on the next door.

  50. No one answers. "I will take the second floor - if you find them come find me and vice-versa."

  51. Nym nods and knocks on the next door.

  52. After knocking on a series of doors you meet more random people and see several unwanted events, but no sign of Darvin or Talathel. After fifteen minutes Illuvaen finally tracks you down and leads you to Dohn's apartment.

  53. As Illuvaen approached, Nym was backing out of a door apologizing profusely. The door was quickly slammed in her face, and she turned to Illuvaen with an exasperated expression on her face and said, "This is so... awkward." Illuvaen smiled and told her he'd found them.

    "Oh, thank the gods! Is Darvin hurt? Are they alright? Did they say anything about the shadowcasters? Who is this person they're with? I mean I hope it's this Dohn fellow, but what if it's not? You know Mr. Askme, don't you? Was it him? Did they seem alright?"

    Illuvaen looked more than a little overwhelmed by this sudden outburst of non-stop questions.


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