Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Arrival at the Shaar

How do you want to go about exploring this new place? How many of the crew do you plan to bring along, how do you plan on traveling, finding out information about this new area, etc?

Thjodolf tells you the orcs will most likely be in the northeastern part of the Shaar, but he is unsure how easy it will be to find them and warns that there will likely be many difficulties along the way.

Please begin your journey in the comments of this post.


  1. The rest of the day is spent making a decision about how to go about finding the Orcs and repairing the damage that Darvin caused by steering into the hidden rocks.

    Please decide at least who you want to take with you. I would appreciate also knowing if you want to try to walk or if you will seek out another mode of transportation. I will start the overland portion of the journey once you respond to these issues. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.

  2. Beranhond would prefer not to walk if at all possible. He also think they should take six people along.

  3. Yes, it would probably be best to procure some sort of transportation especially if we could be traveling for awhile. And by six do you mean the 4 of us plus 2 or the 4 of us plus 6? And I think we let Thjodolf be our guide as best as he can.

  4. I would see if we can use our newly found gold (from the riddle) to pay for horses. Much faster that way.

  5. You may not remember this, but there are trade goods and other valuables in the hold, as well, which you can use as gold.

  6. Would you like to get a "c" horse with that gold? I really gotta stop this string of Seas...

  7. Diplomacy (for the horse negotiations):

    Appraise: (make sure they are decent horses)

    Handle Animal:

    Since no one is suggesting anything else... and to get this story going, we are going to Thjodolf, Aelysin, Scriptus and Codex, Greg and a random other person.

  8. Thanks. I will get a map ready to post and get you to your first encounter with other people/creatures.


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