Monday, August 23, 2010

The Elephants Go Marching

Umm, so I was going to make you a map today, but the program I wanted to make it with (Visio) isn't working right now... I will have the map for you tomorrow. In the meantime, let's work on those horses.

The rest of the day after the Lady Narath lands at the Shaar is spent repairing the hull. The next morning, after giving instructions to the crew remaining behind to sail back to and support themselves by doing work on the dock and making due, the small band of Darvin, Nym, Beranhond, Talathel, Aelysin, Scriptus, Codex, Greg, and Lailsan leaves and heads out onto the plains. They make sure to leave a hearing stone with Kailina (who is captain in Darvin's stead) to safeguard, leaving them a way to call the Lady Narath back when they needed to return.

As Kilink sets out in search of mounts, Thjodolf tells them about the many nomadic groups on the grasslands that will most likely be willing to trade you for the horses, with either gold or some slightly exotic trade good. On Nym's assertion that nothing in the hold was that worthwhile or exotic except for a few random magical items that are not too interesting, you bring a bit of the gold from the hold, and travel east and slightly north in search of someone to trade with.

About 3 in the afternoon, you see a dust cloud in the distance, moving slowly northwest, across your path. The dust could be a caravan, Thjodolf tells you, and as they come within sight, you see what can only be a Loxo band. The group appears to number about 20 Loxo, with ages ranging from young to very old, and most of the members of the group that is not obviously an infant carries some sort of bundle or pack on their back. The several who are not carrying bundles carry weapons. Three are armed with morningstars, one has a club, and another has a large hammer. All three have javelins strapped to their backs as well. They stand about 8-10 feet tall and look like elephants walking on their hind legs with handlike appendages at the end of their trunks and wearing loose clothing made of orange and yellow patterned fabric, with beads of different metals as decoration. The pattern appears to be a herringbone-type pattern with good attention to detail.

They are still far enough away that you can leave without them seeing if you would like. Would you like to try to engage them and trade?


  1. "Does anyone know where we're going? Should we have a map or something?" Talathel asked (mainly to annoy the DM)

    He spots the Loxo ahead. He turned to Thjodolf. "Do they always look like they're ready to enter a fight? I have a feeling that we should be weary of them. However, if they are armed like that, perhaps it would be prudent to see if we could get a larger weapon from them, or perhaps hire one for additional protection. They aren't armed that way for nothing."

  2. Here's the deal. You all make up your mind about what you want to do, and I'll give you a map, okay? If you don't make a decision by tomorrow night, I will decide for you.

  3. I suck at posting... which will be fixed soon.
    Why don't we talk to them.

  4. Darvin is unable to post this week, so I will take 2/3 as good enough. I'll give you your map.

  5. As you approach the group of Loxo, the weapon-bearers fan out and ready themselves in defensive stances, and three Loxo that you hadn't made any special note of walk forward. Two appear to be women, and one is a man. The smaller of the two women holds up a hand that has rather short fingers in comparison with the size of the Loxo's body, and her twin trunks make a circular motion as she bellows, "Halt in the name of Iallanis and tell us your business!" The Loxo wait patiently for a response.

  6. Religion:

    Beranhond, seeing as no one else seemed inclined to step forward decided to take it upon himself.
    "Follower of love and mercy we are travelers seeking information and trade. We mean no harm, and seek to cause no unrest."

  7. Beranhond, you know that Iallanis is a giant deity, and that she has love, mercy and beauty in her dominion. I see you already decided you knew this. :)

    "Information and trade we have. Who do you worship?" The woman asks.

  8. I thought I would speed it up since I had a fairly nice roll.

    "We worship a smattering of the Faerun deities. Our purpose here is to seek help in stopping the rise of a dark God who has already torn apart the followers of Lathander." Beranhond stopped for a moment uncertain of how much to reveal.

  9. "Yes, I too have felt his rise from here. I fear that if left unchecked, he will soon darken the entire continent, and then the world. But who is this dark god? What is his goal? How to stop him? I fear that I have no answers to these questions, and what that could mean. Perhaps you have had more luck in answering them?"

  10. "Sadly we do not have much information either. We do know that he is represented by a powerful dark cleric named "Ishmael" who has infiltrated the order of Lathander. As far as his goal... I suspect that it is the goal of all evil." Beranhond also told him of the attack on Baldur's Gate and the destruction of Waterdeep along with the rise of the undead in both locations.
    "The sword coast has been suffering from quite the blight as of late." He said finishing he story. "However, we are searching for allies to stop this Ishmael and his dark God."

  11. The woman responded, "Hmm. Two cities already destroyed. We have not had any troubles to that extent from this dark god in this region yet, but soon enough I am sure we will. What do you intend to do?"

  12. Nym had never been a diplomat of this type and so hung back behind Beranhond listening to the conversation. She stroked Pipper's fur as he whined quietly. The warm climate was a bit much for the poor fox and Nym was starting to think she should have left him on the ship for his own good. No, she thought, he would have been far too upset... she drifted back to the conversation hoping Beranhond would manage not to get them all killed.

  13. Beranhond looked around and saw that no one else felt like speaking. "I have already met this Ishmael and he is a powerful figure - I faced him with some Tormish Paladins for companions and we barely escaped with our lives. As a result, we are seeking allies to join us when we return to attack their home camp and rid the world of this plague. I am certain, as you are followers of that which is good and light-filled that you will understand our quest. Any assistance of information, directions, or trade you can provide would certainly be welcome!"

  14. To Beranhond's request, the woman replied, "I regret to tell you that we have little you would be interested in on your quest. We just came from an area rich with spice mines, and that is all we are carrying with us.

    However, we are currently traveling to the Summer Rendezvous of the Loxos. If you would like to come along, it's only a day away, and you can surely find things of value to you there.

    Information and directions we can provide as well, for this area, but I am afraid information on this Ishmael and the darkness he brings is not widely known to our people yet, and we will be of little help."

  15. "Ah, that sounds most agreeable to me, but let me confer with my companions. In either, you have certainly been of great help!"

    So, should we go on down and see what is going on?"

  16. Talathel gives a nod, indicating that he agrees with Beranhond.

  17. Beranhond turned back and told them that they would be joining them.

  18. I had every intention of posting the trip to the rendezvous tonight, but because of my car troubles, it definitely didn't happen. Sorry. I ask for your forbearance.


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