Monday, August 30, 2010

A Bias for Action

This post and all responses to it will be out of character, so you don’t have to italicize everything.

Hello Kilink. It seems that more and more often, lately, there are days where nobody posts or only one person posts. I feel like either schedules have gotten worse to the point where many people are unable to post on a regular basis or else interest is waning. Is this an accurate assessment? Do you want to continue playing? If so, why have you been so poor at posting lately? If we decide not to continue playing, do you want to try to quickly out of game wrap up the storyline, as Beranhond and I did for the stuff that happened while you were all in the dream realm? Please let me know what you’d like to do, so we can all go forward with this.


  1. I know that I, for one, would like to continue. Even with my hectic schedule (you may notice I post at around 5 am), I enjoy the game. Its a nice distraction from things. On a personal level, I do enjoy getting to write something other than a news story every now and again.

    I do know that when this game was started (almost a year ago), Nick and I did not have jobs. That, has obviously changed (thankfully!). There have been changes in people's lives, schedules have changed.

    I do also recall Dan saying his goal was to have this campaign last a year, which we have nearly done.

    I, for one, would like to keep going. I enjoy it. I hope we can find a solution, but if not I understand as well.

  2. I've been going crazy with a new job, class, and master's thesis, but still want to play! I'll be better about posting.

  3. PS Real people aren't named Druuv, Dan. You must have been drunk. :P

  4. Wonderful, I am certainly all about continuing as well!

  5. Erin, you know me too well. When work gets too tough, I just pack a little flask in my lunch of a bit of whiskey or rum, and it helps the afternoon go sooo much better. ;)

  6. Thanks for the feedback. We'll keep going, then. I would still appreciate your feedback as well, Nick. Let me know whether you're losing interest.


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