Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Darvin's tiny escapade.

Darvin, smiled foolishly from Nym's kiss before approaching the portal. He closed his eyes and took a step through. Here goes nothing. He thought.
It felt warm and inviting against his legs and arms. But as his whole body passed through the warm comforting touches felt a little uncomfortable.
After a longmoment he finally emerged and open his eyes. The room he was in looked like a long abandoned study. Against the wall bookshelves stood covered in leatherbound volumes, scrolls, and tablets. The desks were covered in a fine layer of dust and cobwebs. The room seemed oddly neat, as thought it had been cleaned before being abandoned. It took a moment for Darvin to adjust to the dark, but when his eyes had adjusted he saw a sword stuck into a rock in the center of the room.


  1. Darvin walks up to the sword and examines it.


  2. As he approaches the sword, a pillar of fog appears in front of it. As Darvin attempts to wave the fog away, an old man steps out.
    "Welcome Darvin, you may call me... Petarus. I am the keeper of this sword."

  3. "What's a Petarus?" "Shut the fuck up, Donny."

  4. The two of them stared at each other awkwardly for half a minute.
    "Well... seeing as you have no questions..." He lifted his hands into the air and fog filled the room.
    "This is the sword of Neblaxa, made by Lgorvax the smith who was son of Hlgvain the powerful weaver. It is a sword of righteousness, courage, and devotion. Though it can be difficult, if you master it you can use it."

  5. Posting for Nick
    Darvin opened his mouth, then shut it, then opened it again.
    "So, I just take it?"
    The old man nodded. "It has a will of its own, but you have shown yourself worthy to be trusted."
    "What does this sword have to do with the ghosts."
    "What they said about the ghost was mostly true. The villagers were bound into the sword by an ancient wizard. His wife helped betray him and bring his end. She was unable to bring about their freedom as she could not master the sword. In the end, to protect the sword and the ghosts she transformed his protections to a test. Her hope was that a worthy person would find the sword and free the ghosts." The man looked down. "Sadly, it took much longer than she expected. The entrance was lost until now.
    "So... what should I do?" Darvin asked in short gasps.
    "Go and free the ghosts, then take the sword to assist in your quest."
    "And how do I get back?"
    "Through that door." He said pointing to the wall where a door appeared.
    "Good luck in your quest."
    Darvin nodded and picked up the sword. It shimmered.
    Hello Darvin, it is nice to meet you.
    Darvin dropped the sword.
    "It talked..." he said amazed.
    "Yes. It does that. It is probably rather curious about you."
    Darvin stared at the sword for a moment before picking it back up.
    Don't worry. We shall talk more again soon. Go free the ghosts.
    Darvin, his eyes locked ahead walked across the room, opened the door and stepped on through.

    He found himself back in the main room, the ghosts sitting around lazily. When they saw him they all stood.
    "You have the sword!"
    Darvin looked around. "Where is Nym?"
    "We haven't seen her yet."


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