Monday, February 25, 2013

It All Comes Back to Baldur's Gate

May 21st, 1373
Only weeks after the two year anniversary of the start of the adventure, events begin to bring the adventurers back to the city of Baldur's Gate.

Talathel returned to Baldur's Gate on May 5th, 1373. It seemed fitting to him at the time that this date should mark another new beginning in his life, as it had two years before. Yet again, his heart and his faith were sending him out into the world.

He found passage for Lailsan aboard a ship bound for the Moonshae Isles and began searching for news about his missing god. After over two weeks, he has only found a very vague rumor to go on. His frustration is beginning to become unbearable, but today, he hears some very good news. Both Darvin and Beranhond have returned to the city, as well.

After spending the year assisting with their war in Thay, Beranhond is able to return triumphantly with an army of Tormish Paladins at his back. The city is abuzz about the size of the army that is camped an hour's ride from the city. You get the camp arranged, and ride into the city in the early afternoon.

Captaining the Lady Narath, you arrive at the reconstructed port of Baldur's Gate in the late morning. Paying dock fees, announcing shore leave and a duty schedule, and generally dealing with all the hassles of being in charge of a ship takes a couple hours, and it's early afternoon before you can enter the city. 

Nym and Johan:
After a rather harrying journey, you are able to make it to Baldur's Gate as well. You were only able to find passage aboard a smuggling ship to get you to the mainland from the Moonshae Islands, and were forced to walk several days from the coast to the city. However, this morning, as you approached the city, you spotted the Lady Narath arrive in port. You enter the city in the early afternoon.

You have all arrived in the city. The stage is yours. Please start your actions in the comments.

Edit (2-26-13, 7:55 AM): I edited Talathel's info. He wasn't actually on the Moonshae Isles. He sent Lailsan there, but didn't go himself.


  1. Talathel did not mind the aimless wandering he had been doing in the city. The port was vibrant and busy. The merchants yelled out to possible customers. It was busier here than the road had been. Still, he was anxious to get back to his travels. He had heard of an Old Order sect that operated in the city. He had hoped that his two years away from it would allow him to infiltrate it a bit and maybe look at some writings. So far though, he had not worked up the nerve.

    That morning he looked out upon the ocean. He could not glimpse the Moonshae Isles. He had spent each morning like this, still deciding in his heart if he had made the right choice in letting Lailsan go home. He spotted some ships on the horizon. Perhaps Darvin would be coming to port. Not that he'd admit it to anyone, but he missed the half-elf.

    He made his way from the port to the park. He had been meditating here when he first met Beranhond. He had heard a rumor that he would be in the city as well. But, the city was big and he had no way of knowing how to find him. So, he went back to the park and meditated.

  2. After having spent the last year in the company of very righteous, and very well armed, Paladins, Beranhond found the quiet civil nature of Baldur's gate to be a pleasant change.

    The devastation caused by the earthquake stilled showed throughout the city. Reconstruction efforts were in full swing, but it was hard not to feel as if Beranhond had never actually left. He felt waves of nostalgia wash over him as he passed the temple where he punched the priest, past formerly abandoned homes, and past the square where he had healed the multitude.

    As he worked his way toward the central park he passed a manhole that led to the sewers of the city. Sighing he gazed at it for a moment and remembered how the adventure in the sewers had led them to Nym. He hadn't often remembered her while venturing through Thay. Beranhond had been shocked to see that some of wrongs committed to her were quite mundane compared to some of the evils that they could wrought.

    He was about to point this manhole cover out to Tigrisclawu, until he remembered that Tigris was in the company of Aelysin.
    "Well, guess I'll have to crack wise on my own."
    "I can crack wise for you if you give me a coin mister." A small dirt covered girl said from the street.
    Beranhond reached into his pouch and flung a coin her way. "Keep your wise for a more difficult client."
    She gave a toothless grin before she scampered off.

    Once in the park he found the Elf Talathel meditating. Before Talathel could break his trance, or notice him, Beranhond called out.
    "I hope such pursuits bring you more peace than they have brought me, old friend."

  3. Two years. Darvin stared off into the horizon as he remembered the first time he had come to Baldur's Gate. In the grand scheme of things, two years was nothing, but in reference to Darvin those had been the two most significant of his life.

    He had been nothing but eager and naive thinking that adventuring would be fun. He had no idea about the sense of responsibility and ultimately loss that would eventually weigh on him. His thoughts turned to his friend Thjodolf, who had been killed by a mysterious event in the south.

    Darvin let out a sigh and turned to face the port of Baldur's gate. The city was alive with the sounds of daily life. The fish mongers were bellowing at passers by and the dock workers went on with their daily tasks.
    "It's almost as if everything is back to normal." He thought to himself. That thought didn't last long though as the repair work around the city was extremely obvious.

    "Captain, the ship is secure." Guybrush side as he climbed onto Darvin's shoulder.

    "Thank you, Guybrush. I believe we shall disembark. Please summon our guest."

    "Aye aye, Captain." Guybrush hopped down and headed for the ship's quarters. The monkey returned a few minutes later followed by a larger human male from the Far North. He stood 6'4" and was a trunk of a man. His hair was so blonde it appeared white. He was in his early to mid-forties and his face was weathered and battle worn. His name was Ragnar Rurikson, a fierce warrior and diplomat of the Northern Kingdom. He had accompanied Darvin back to Baldur's Gate after the Lady Narath had spent the better part of the last year in the North.

    Darvin had wanted to get as far away from the south as possible after major disasters had decimated both his ship and crew. The Northern Kingdom, hearing Darvin's tales, had sent Ragnar with him to investigate what was sure to be a "black wind". If Ragnar sent word that trouble was indeed afoot, an army of Northern warriors would be on their way to Baldur's Gate.

    "Let's see how you Thin Bloods live." Ragnar said, using the term people of Northern heritage reffered to people who lived in wamer climes. He approached the gang plank and stepped off the ship.

    "Oh, it's a lot like you do," Darvin said as he stepped off the gang plank and onto the docks, "Just without all the bear pelts. And our trees are green, not white."

    And with that the three companions walked into the busy, rebuilding world.

  4. Nym slowed on the road into Baldur's Gate as the Lady Narath came into view. I wonder how many of us still live, Nym thought. The ship looked more worn than when she'd last seen it. Nym looked back to the road and increased her pace.

    Nym stopped by a street vendor and purchased an overpriced apple for herself and Nesme, her horse, as she entered they city. "Do you want anything?" she asked Johan. He shook his head 'no' and adjusted his cloak. Nym shrugged and began walking into the city. "What now?" she asked half to herself and half to Johan.

  5. Johan tugged his hood closer, and eyed Nym. She took a bite of the apple as he eyed the crowd around them, watching a few passing giggling urchins and taking a measured respectful step to the side to allow a pair of patrolling guards to walk past. The blur of bright colors and heady smells was making his head ache and the constant press of the crowd was making him jittery.

    He took a few steps forward to Nym, who was investigating a vendor's wares. He spared the vendor a glance, before looking past the slight half-elf and saying, "Nym, we may want to look at seeing if we can get a seagoing vessel for passage onwards out of Baldur's Gate. Odd as it sounds, I feel safer with running water under a sturdy keel than riding on horseback through the forests near here."

  6. "I think we'll be alright for now seeing as an army of Tormish paladins are camped just outside the city." Nym smiled wryly at Johan and took a bite of her apple. With her mouth half full, she continued, "Let's find a place to take a rest... I know a good pub. Well, good by Talathel's standards." Nym began leading Nesme into the city.

    Johan's brow knitted. "Isn't Talathel the drunk elf you used to adventure with?"

    "As I said, good by a drunk elf's standards. You can guess the quality from there."

    With that, Nym and Johan made their way through the streets to Millways. "Did I ever tell you about Lailsan?" began Nym as they walked.

  7. Talathel opened his eyes to see Beranhond.

    "Ah, yes! I'm afraid these meditations do little to quell the feelings that stir within me. And yet, I don't wish to think about how I may feel without them. I had heard rumors that you would be here, Darvin as well."


  9. "I'm glad I'm not the only one with ill feelings within them. I was worried that they were caused by the poor cooking of the Tormish quartermaster's."
    Beranhond briefly smiled and took a seat across from Talathel. The mirth that characterized his face for much of his time in Baldur's gate was still present, but buried beneath a long, but faint, scar that ran vertically up the right side of his face from chin to forehead.
    "I have heard this too. It's far beyond coincidence that the three of us arrive at the same time. The divine have a curious sense of humor." He traced the mark of Narath into the dirt in front of him. "I have brought a vanguard of Paladins from Tantras for the fight. Ceilith and I fear it won't be enough."
    He finished the tracings. "What do you think Darvin's brought to the fight?"

  10. "If I recall he had two swords and a monkey. Who knows what else." Talathel looked over Beranhond's scar, but said nothing. He simply noted it. Had it been there before? Perhaps.

    "Perhaps Nym is still with him? Darvin has been sailing for awhile now. If anything, he's sure to bring us stories."

    The elf checked the sky and noted the time. "Well,shall we head down to the docks to see what the tides have brought in?"

  11. "An excellent idea. Hopefully this morning's tide will bring in a bit of happiness this city reeks of fear."
    As they headed toward the harbor Beranhond noticed that people were stuffed into every alley and corner. Their clothing and manner suggested that they were refugees. Those who were active moved quietly and quickly about their business. The few that met his eyes looked haggard and tired.
    "This people in this place look hopeless. Their eyes are hallow and filled with fear." He pointed out a whole alley of beggars. "Sadly, I fear that it is too late for this part of the world and will not be able to bring joy or happiness."
    He sighed and continued on toward the harbor.

    Unlike most cities, the harbor of Baldur's Gate actually smelled fresher than the city. Although trash and waste bobbed in the water it was nothing compared to the amount of trash and waste that now littered the city proper.
    "Well, The Lady Narath looks none of the worse for wear. Her namesake would be pleased to see this." Beranhond said as he looked the ship over.
    "Let's see if we can find that rapscallion Darvin. If the Gods have a since of humor he will probably have already ventured into the city in an effort to find us."

  12. As Nym and Johan make their way through the city and the crowds of people, Nym notices most people they pass seem to have few, if any, possessions, and her higher quality clothing and equipment earn quite a few subtle and less subtle stares. When the eyes of those around her pass over her coin purse, she sees undisguised lust for the wealth contained within. She is one of the few people she can see with a horse, and even as tired and bedraggled she is after the past couple months of travel, she is one of the most wealthy people she can see.

    Nym moves her coin purse to a more secure location, and suggests Johan does the same. "Maybe we should stay out in the open," suggests Nym quietly to Johan.

  13. As Darvin, Ragnar and Guybrush walked around the docks, they started to notice something they had not seen from the ship. There is filth, refuse, and feces filling the river, It seems that all of the city's sewers must be full and flowing into the river. There are a lot of hopeful faces at the dock, and he sees both beggars and shady merchants offering exorbitant prices for any crates of edibles he may have in his cargo.

    "It looks as though thinks have not changed all that much. Perhaps, they have even gotten worse." Darvin announced to no one in particular.

    The three companions continued walking through the docks. Business went on as it would in any port along the Sword Coast, but there was an underlying stench that filled their nostrils the entire time.

    "Do all Thin Blood cities smell like this?" Ragnar asked in disgust and exasperation.

    "No, this was once a great city of trade and commerce. I fear the earthquake and tsunami has made sure it never well be again." Darvin's reply was heavy with sadness.

    As they walked around a corner, Darvin noticed an elven monk and a human paladin walking away from him. He knew at once it had to be Talathel and Beranhond. What a strange coincidence. They had made no plans to meet in the city. Everyone had gone their seperate ways after the failures in the south.

    Darvin called out in jest to the duo, "Talathel, you're nothing but a drunk pure breed! And you, Beranhond, are a plodding human who worships a cat Goddess!"

  14. Johan notices quite a few stares sideways at Nym, and can tell they're more focused on her possessions than her appearance. He keeps his cloak close to avoid undue attention, but keeps his fingers on the hilt of a pair of daggers under his cloak while watching for anyone foolish enough to act on their plainly-evident desire for Nym's food and moneypurse.

  15. Beranhond turned around and spotted the would-be pirate.
    "If Tigrisclawu was here he'd correct you by saying that as wonderful as Narath is, she is not a cat-Goddess, but a Goddess of cats. I naturally won't worry about making said correction, but will only respond by saying that I'm surprised you kept the ship afloat. I suspected that you would have sold the ship off to pay your expensive romantic gestures." Beranhond however put his hand out and shook his old friends.
    "Regardless, our fortuitous arrival times suggest that the windows of change are about to sweep over this land. The small army of Paladins I brought with me should be another sign of this." Beranhond noticed the warrior next to Darvin. He was tall, perhaps even an inch taller than Beranhond, and clearly had seen a lot fighting. "Who is this mighty warrior Darvin?"

  16. "Ah Beranhond, you should know that my romantic gestures do have limits. No woman shall come between me and the ship. And this mountainous individual is Ragnar Rurikson, Warrior and Diplomat of the Northern Kingdom." Darvin answered enthusiastically. He did not realize how excited he would be to see his old friends.
    "Ragnar, this is Beranhond and Talathel. Two of my former companions."

    "Ja, pleased to meet you both of you. You sure wear a lot of white Thin Blood, how do you fight in that? Aren't you afraid it might get dirty!" Ragnar chuckled loudly at his comment to Beranhond's appearance. Darvin had to stifle a laugh himself.

  17. Johan leans in towards Nym, saying "There are quite a few individuals watching us, mainly you, and I think the sooner we get out of sight of the hungry crowd, the better."

    He nods towards a nearby alley, leading off in the general direction of the docks. "This might be a good time for a shortcut," Johan says as he notices a trio of beggars that are getting too close for his comfort to people passing them on the street ahead.

  18. Beranhond smiled at Ragnar's crude humor. "I'm in my prophetic disguise at the moment. The Paladin's reasoned that it would make me a little less noticeable in the city." He closed his eyes for as second, and the white robe transformed into a set of steel chainmail. Narath's emblem was painted on the front, and Torm's on the shoulder. "I don't have to worry about the dirtiness because I always carry my battlegear with me."

  19. Nym follows Johan into the alley gripping her staff tightly. The air crackles around her and her eyes turn to black as she prepares to attack anyone who gets too close to her for comfort. "Perhaps we should teach these vagrants a lesson," she hisses.

  20. Johan sighs, and shakes his head under his cloak. "That would probably be a poor idea in the long run, however attractive the idea of punishing the layabouts might be," he said, nodding towards a pair of guards watching over the crowded street.

    Johan could see by the way they held their pikes that they were no amateurs, and any fight with them would take too long to escape without the notice of other guards as well.

  21. Nym snorts in frustration and followed Johan toward the pier. She keeps her staff ready juuust in case.

  22. "You have brought an interesting companion wit you, Captain." He sized up Ragnar with caution. He was sure there was an interesting story behind him, but for now he'd be weary.

  23. In response to Talathel's comments Ragnar spat to the side, "Would you like to test who's the more INteresting one here?" He caressed the axe slung over his back meaningfully.

    In an attempt to let you form and renew your own bonds and relationships within the group, I'm going to give you all a chance for a little meet and greet before I push the storyline ahead.

  24. Talathel thinks briefly of his quarterstaff. He figures he'd be quicker than Ragnar in a fight, but decides to store this information for later.

    "You misunderstand me, friend. We don't see many folks from the North down here. I'm sure you and Darvin have some tales to tell. I look forward to hearing them. Perhaps over a drink? "

  25. "We have many stories to share, and much planning to do. I suspect a decent drink will be hard to obtain in this section of the city. Perhaps we should retire to the Lady Narath, or the my camp outside the city. That will help to keep wandering ears from listening."

  26. As Nym and Johan walked out to the docks with their horses, Nym was caught off guard by the sight of Darvin, Talathel and Beranhond together. She stopped and stared dumbfounded for a moment. "Well, that's unlikely," she said, continuing the stare.

  27. Johan followed her gaze, and noticed a group of individuals resembling the companions Nym spoke of adventuring with in the past. "Hrm," he murmured, slightly surprised that they already disembarked from the Lady Nerath so swiftly.

  28. "I would go outside the city. I'm sure Darvin and his crew have had a long sea voyage, and wouldn't mind stretching out a bit. Besides, I am in no rush to return to a ship," Talthel said, thinking back to his maiden voyage upon the Lady Nareth.

  29. "No, need to worry about us Talathel. The Lady Narath awaits her former crew's return. I also happen to have a few casks of special Northern Kingdom rum on board." Darvin said as he nudged the elf.

  30. "Hmmm, perhaps we might want to wait on our decision until the last member of our old company joins us."
    Beranhond pointed down the dock to what looked like Nesme and a half-elf woman trying to look inconspicuous. "That may or may not be Nym, but that certainly is Nesme."

  31. A pang of panic ran through Darvin. He had not seen or heard from Nym since he left. Since the disaster of the trip to the south, Darvin had moved on from Nym. When he was away from her he realized how foolish it had been to become romantically involved with someone so young. There was also something about her that Darvin just didn't trust anymore, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

    "I shall go prepare the ship for our arrival," Darvin said, "I will expect you all within the hour." The half-elf hurried back to the ship.

  32. "Well. That's gotten awkward. What are we supposed to do for an hour in this town?"

  33. Nym watched Beranhond point towards her, and said smoothly to Johan, "I think they've noticed us back."

    Johan turned his head toward Nym and said quietly, "and I think one of them wasn't too happy to see you."

    Nym watched Darvin disappear into the ship. She wasn't sure what she had expected had she ever seen him again, but she was not expecting what she was now experiencing. She felt nothing. "It's like watching a stranger," she murmured, running a finger along her lip trying to recall her love for him. The memory seemed just out of her mind's reach.

    "Cryptic," stated Johan in a monotone.

    "And now all your love will be exorcised / And we will find your sayings to be paradox," muttered Nym from a half remembered poem. She raised a hand in greeting to Beranhond and Talathel as she began walking forward.

    "More cryptic," sighed Johan with a tinge of annoyance in his voice as he followed her.

  34. Erin, would you mind providing a description of what Nym looks like now? That'd help play into Beranhond's reaction. Wouldn't mind a description about Johan either. If you'd like to include anything about Beranhond as you approach: He retains some of the optimist and care that characterized his time as a Cleric. However, his face has a lengthy, dim, but visible scar, and his physique, while previously scholarly, is much more battle hardened.
    Beranhond waves to Nym as she approaches and shifts his armor back into a long white robe.
    "Talathel, this armor is some of the best proselytizing gear I could find. It's nice to be able to transform instantly from warlord to prophet."

  35. Nym appears much matured for it having been only a year. Her hair is shockingly white, and she has two scars on the right side of her face. One begins above her eye and ends just below her cheekbone while the other runs from her ear to chin. She's surprisingly still quite attractive despite the scars. Her Thayan slave brand on her shoulder is displayed openly, which would likely be the first time Beranhond has seen the mark.

    Her clothing appears to be formal mage battle armor, which is a significant change from the mismatched clothing Beranhond last saw her wearing.

    Pipper, her fox, is nowhere to be seen. She appears travel-worn, but alert.

    For reference:

  36. Johan is a tall, cloaked man, shoulders slightly hunched and with the hood of his embroidered cloak hiding part of his face. His features are pale and sharp, with piercing green eyes and a shock of tied-back red hair. He looks to be around six feet in height, and is wearing fairly fine (if dusty) garments. His age appears to be between twenty and thirty summers, and you can see him scanning the crowd around him with a slight hint of a disapproving sneer on his face.

    For Reference:

  37. "Nym! You look as lovely as ever! What a surprise it is to see you here in Baldur's Gate. Quite the reunion. It looks lie you've had some adventures over the past year." He turns to Johan, "And I can't quite place you...but no matter. I am Talathel Braegen. Pleased to meet you."

  38. At Talathel's greeting, Nym smiled broadly, and her eyes sparkled. She hurried forward and embraced Talathel warmly saying, "It's wonderful to see you again, Talathel. How has the world been treating you?" She stepped back to take measure of the two men, smiling. After a moment, she continued, "Forgive me, this is my companion, Johan. We have been traveling together for some time now." She smiled at Johan.

  39. Channeling some Dragon Age art I see! I do approve of this
    Beranhond smiled warmly at Nym, and politely at Johan as he examined them closer. "It appears we are in a competition for face scars Nym. I'm not sure which one of decided that was a good idea, but hopefully it won't get out of hand." As she drew closer he noticed the slavers mark on her shoulder. He frowned. During his assault of Thay they had freed many slaves and sadly had learned that the marks are nearly impossible to undo or cover.
    "Johan, it is a pleasure to meet you as well." Beranhond said giving a polite nod of his head. "It is quite remarkable that we all arrived on the same day to this, formerly, fair city."

  40. "There have been many changes for me in the past year. Though it seems I've avoided the scraps you and Beranhond have gotten yourselves into! I've been travelling alone for some time and it will be nice to have companions."

  41. Johan briefly returned the smile from Nym, then turned to Talathel and Beranhond. He inclined his head for a moment, before saying "As she says, I am Johan, and met your compatriot Nym some months ago. She mentioned that you were trustworthy men, and in times like these that is a valuable trait indeed."

  42. "Indeed. Now, before we speak even more cryptically, perhaps we should find someplace more private than the docks. If you haven't noticed we are rich, well armored, and probably present both a promising and fearful target for the underground elements that are sure to be found in a place such as this. Captain Darvin's expecting us in an hour, but I am sure we could press upon the company of the crew until that time."

  43. When Darvin returned to the ship he had the crew prepare for their guests. Everything was ready except for the meal, but he figured there was no rush on that quite yet. "I really should have told them to come sooner." Darvin said to himself as he looked out over the docks of Baldur's Gate.

    Hint, hint.

  44. Now, now, I am pretty sure we all know that Darvin needs his alone time.

  45. "I suppose we can head to the ship. He seemed quite urgent to get there, so it must be important." He looked at Nym and gave a slight chuckle. "I'm sure he had some sort of pressing concern upon his newly docked ship. Besides, he said something about rum. I'm sure Ragnar is very eager to show us 'thin bloods' how to drink."

  46. "An excellent point." Beranhond said as he moved his hands forward inviting everyone to make their way toward the gangway of the Lady Narath. Beranhond made sure to catch Talathel on the way and muttered quietly in Elvish
    "Talathel, I'm pretty sure that Ragnar has never seen how much an Elf can drink. Please don't kill him with a drinking contest."

  47. Talathel responded in kind, "He'll be lucky if I don't kill him with something else. I'm not sure if I approve of our new companion. I know little of his motivations, but he has not endured himself to me." He glanced over at Ragnar and gave Beranhond a look, trying to gage if he agreed or not.

  48. "Understandable, but let's give him a chance before we kill him - Darvin's companions have historically been of good caliber, and his judge of character is not too far off the mark. After all, Thjodolf was a little rough on the edges when we first met him too." Beranhond glanced around quickly before adding. "But a healthy caution is rarely a bad thing. Still, if he can bring assistance to our cause I can forgive a little bit of inept humor."

  49. Perception Check to overhear the conversation:

    Nym listens to Talathel and Beranhond's whisperings while sizing up Ragnar. She quickly decides to take a wide step away from the beast of a human and continues walking with the group towards the ship.

  50. Talathel nods and continues walking towards the ship. He had to admit a little excitement about being aboard the Lady Nareth. To be reunited with Killink and old friends, with the possibility of new ones, gave him hope.

    Still, it was curious that they all came back to Baldur's Gate. Perhaps when desiring to adventure again, it was common for people to come back to the site of their first adventure. He hoped for something more glamorous than rats this time.

  51. Since you all seem to have forgotten, you did originally agree to go and get help for Baldur's Gate. That's why they gave you a ship in the first place. I'm still getting there in the recap, but they begged you for help and sent you off into the world to bring back aid... I just wanted to clarify, since everyone seems to be making comments about how there is no reason for you to return...

  52. You do realize how much Talathel has had to drink in the past year? No way he remembers this!

  53. Fair point. I will give you that. :) No worries. But if you were trying to point out something to me, your DM, I just wanted to comment that there is at least some reason to my madness. And I'm pretty sure it is madness, to start this back up after 3 years. But a good sort of madness. Very comfortable. It makes me happy... :D

  54. Madness is the path to happiness. I just enjoy that we all returned to Baldur's Gate on the same day. That is a good sign.

  55. Darvin saw his companions approach the ship. He was glad to have them back onboard, though he was still apprehensive of seeing Nym. As his friends approached the gang plank, Guybrush climbed up onto the rail next to him.

    "I see the elf is back, Captain. Shall I throw poo at him?" The monkey asked.

    "As much as I would enjoy that Guybrush, I think it is best saved for later." Darvin replied to his small companion.

    "Welcome back friends!" Darvin called to the group on the shore, "The Lady and I have missed your presence onboard!"

  56. As Beranhond boarded the ship memories of his previous journey flooded back. The memories of time spent sleeping on the deck, of Aeylsin accosting him in his small office below deck while he wondered how to respond. He pondered briefly on his memories of Darvin and Nym awkwardly flirting on deck.
    "Thank you for having us on board Captain Darvin. I'm glad to see you've taken good care of her." He said distantly as he looked about.
    "This day has been filled with nostalgia, but perhaps we should get to business before we all break into sobbing tones."

  57. "Ah yes, Beranhond, I have the galley prepared for us to meet, catch up and discuss why we have all seemed to arrive in Baldur's Gate at the same time." Darvin responded, "Right this way." He led the group below deck.

    As the group headed down to the galley, Darvin held back to talk to Talathel.

    "Talathel, my old friend, I have missed you this past year. I'm sure we have many tales to share."

  58. Beranhond was glad that the table was round as he'd spent far too much time in the past year negotiating all the niceties of rank and chair positions. He took a seat and pulled out sizable stack of papers. He set these face down in front of him.
    "Nym, I'm quite surprised, and happy to see you again. Might I inquire, while Talathel and Darvin take a moment to themselves, about your past year?"

  59. "Indeed we do, Captain. I must say, I'm a bit surprised to see the Lady Nareth in one piece!" He gave a broad grin and let out a laugh.

    "Sorry, sorry...I am just so happy to be with you all again!"

  60. Nym looked slightly surprised and looked up at Beranhond. "Haven't you heard of the many druid attacks along the coast?" Her brows furrowed slightly. "We've had our hands full with them."

  61. "I just returned from campaigning against Thay in the east - so I have little to no news of the events on the coast. What were the druids up to this time?"

  62. "They've destroyed Iron Keep and Caer Corwell and have murdered countless sailors by sinking ships," replied Nym.

  63. Perception:

    Talathel had not been paying much attention to Nym or Beranhond, but his ears picked up, "druid attacks on the coast" and "sinking ships". The smile from his face slowly faded away. He wanted to ask Nym if she had heard of the ship that Lailsan had been on, but he couldn't think of it at the moment.

  64. "Was their reasoning for the attacks the same as those given for attacking Baldur's Gate and Waterdeep?"

  65. "I'm not sure. What was the reason they gave you when they slaughtered your negotiations party?"

  66. Beranhond frowned for a moment as he tried to remember. "In brief, because the corrupted Lathanderian clerics who follow Ishmael had infiltrated the city and made them havens for the diabolical tactics."

  67. "I would assume their reasons are the same, although merchant vessels and fishing villages seem unlikely homes Ishmael's followers."

  68. "Well, this is a worrisome development. Between the corrupted Lathander clerics and the druids waging war on everything that moves we have quite the conundrum." Hopefully Darvin and Talathel have some more information that will help us inform our next move."

  69. "Nym, do you know the names of any of the ships that were sank? In particular, have you heard of the Amora?"

  70. Nym turned toward Talathel, surprise written all over her face. "Weren't you on deck...?" She composed herself, and leaned back in her chair remembering the names of the ships. After a moment, she replied, "No, of the ships I know that were captured or destroyed, Amora was not among them."

  71. "Good. I hope it slipped through. Perhaps Lailsan and I should have waited before she went back to the Isles, but it is to late to think of that."

  72. Beranhond frowned. He had never fully understood why the Druids would response to corrupt priest by destroying entire cities, but he hadn't imagined that they would take to attack individual ships.
    "Why would the druids take to attack individual ships? Are you sure it was the actual druid movement - I wonder if they might have corrupted elements of their own now. Narath knows it doesn't seem all that likely that they would be able to keep them out."

  73. Nym sat forward and sighed deeply. "I think they've all been corrupted for a long time, and I doubt it's only part of their group. What kind of people would destroy all of this city to kill a handful of priests? What kind of people would kill your entire negotiations party without provocation, Beranhond? What kind of people would destroy these ships and other villages?" Nym paused, and then continued, "If we do not stop them, who will? They must be made to pay for their sins and the hundreds of innocent lives they've taken."

  74. Johan nodded at this. "If a hand of a man slays another, merely removing that hand does not prevent them from killing again. These violent acts are symptoms of the group as a whole, and if we focus on just eliminating those making these raids, we will stamp out embers while ignoring the bonfire they come from."

  75. Beranhond nodded at this last statement. "An interesting point Johan. Now, I am not condoning their actions, but I wonder if that is where their thinking began. Perhaps they saw that Baldur's Gate was a bonfire of corrupted support and that the only way to destroy the fire was to remove any possibility of any embers lasting." He paused for a moment. "Perhaps, logical, but based on false premises. Still, this news is troubling indeed."

  76. Nym looked to Beranhond and asked, "Isn't that what you and your Tormish paladins were just doing in Thay?"

  77. Since Talathel had been distracted by the ongoing conversation, Darvin had taken to listening. He had news of ships that were captured or sunk as well, but they were not the ship Talathel was looking for so he said nothing. But as Nym escalated more and more he decided it was time to speak.

    "I do not think we have enough evidence to determine who is responsible for the evil that befell Baldur's Gate or attacked those ships. No one has taken responsibility for it. I believe it would be hasty and dangerous to condemn all druids on the Sword Coast for these actions. We need to do more research. At this point we do not know our enemy. And that worries me the most."

  78. Nym leaned back and looked Darvin over for a moment. He looked much the same as she remembered him. She continued calmly, "But we do know who attacked Baldur's Gate and we do know who attacked these ships and villages. Is it so hard to believe that the druids in this region have been corrupted? What worries me most is when good men haven't the courage to stop those who would kill or kidnap innocents."

  79. The comment from Nym stung, but Darvin held fast.

    "I will not rush into this fight without knowing where the true evil stems from. If it is from the druids, then I will do everything in my power to bring them to justice. You are not the only one who has lost friends. And DO NOT mistake my reluctance for cowardice!"

  80. As Darvin and Nym traded blows Beranhond went to the window to look out on the recovering city.
    "Enough talk about the druids for now. While they are not innocent we need to remember that Ishamel and the corrupted are the greater enemy, for it is they who can submerge this whole section of the continent into darkness." He turned back away from the window. "Perhaps you forget, but Ceilith and I actually faced him in combat, his words are poison, and his talent is great."

  81. Edit

    Anger flickered over Nym's eyes for a moment, and she glanced at Johan. She sighed and then smiled as she looked back to the group. "Then what, pray tell, should we do?" she asked.

  82. "Well, we haven't seen each other in a year, arrive at the same time, and then get into a small fight... I think that means it is time for food and lighter conversation. Business can wait for now. I am sure that we'll have a meeting with the city council soon and I'd like my fellow commander there as well."

  83. "It would be good to be prudent, I would think. If we brashly go into battle without an aim, than we may not be better than the corrupted druids. But, I agree with Beranhond. Let us eat, let us drink, let us rekindle our friendships with kind words."

  84. Nym nodded and smiled at Talathel. "An excellent suggestion," she replied.


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