Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Recap: As It Was Before, So Shall It Be Again 1.2B

May 6th, 1371

At this point, Hring (the man who is hosting the adventurers) explains to the adventurers that he would like their help with the wererats that are infesting the sewers. He offers to pay them and supply them with alchemical silver weapons if they will take out the creatures' leaders. Talathel is incensed by the audacity of the man for sending his thugs to incapacitate him and Darvin. Beranhond asks questions about how the man gathered his information about the wererats.

Hring apologizes for having his thugs drug Talathel and Darvin, and explains that he has been trying to fight the wererats for several years, and that the wererat leaders were once his friends, before they were corrupted. He supplies them with maps of the sewers, and as he's working with the group to plan their raid of the sewers (and Beranhond has a flashback), one of the men who drugged Talathel and Darvin walks into the room. The group keeps discussing the best way to kill the wererats without fighting, and decides that they need to make a bunch of oil potions of stinking gas to try to incapacitate the wererats so they can kill them more easily. Grumbleshanks insults Beranhond, who gets rather angry, storms off to the bathroom to calm down, and then apologizes and returns to the discussion.

That makes a second trip to the bathroom!

Once Beranhond returns, Gurkirat volunteers to use his alchemical skills to make some oil bombs, and Hring realizes that he hasn't actually met any of the adventurers yet. The group is introduced, and Hring explains more about the situation. Grumbleshanks tries to make nice, and the group solidifies their plans for creating oil bombs for use in the sewers.

Everyone starts to head off to their own tasks, include a scouting mission performed by Darvin and Talathel and a herd (murder) of cats, starting at a pub they had already become acquainted with. Grumbleshanks and Gurkirat go to work on some spiced wine and oil bombs, and Beranhond tried to gather some information. From what he found, the situation looked very dire, with Neverwinter, Waterdeep, and the sea around the Sword Coast all in states of distress.

When Darvin and Talathel returned, they regaled the group with the tales of their derring-do. Also, they showed off a  cool magic sphere they found that changes shape when held into a cube that can cast spells, though they had a lot of problems figuring that out.

Gurkirat had a couple mishaps while trying to make oil bombs and accidentally incapacitated Grumbleshanks as he walked down the hall, returning from the restroom. They were rescued by a distressed maid before they were noticed by Darvin and everyone ran to help. It wasn't as bad as it seemed at first, as the noxious fumes just put everyone to sleep.

And that's trip 3 to the bathroom!

Beranhond tried to go to bed, but Darvin woke him up from his slumber in order to get him to explain what the magic cube does and what spells it can cast.

Soon enough, everyone went and finished their preparations, with the plan to go invade the sewers the following day.

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