Monday, March 4, 2013

Another Familiar Face

At this point in the conversation, there came a knock on the cabin door. "Rat-a-tat-TAT."

"Enter," Darvin called.

 And on his command, a  somewhat tall woman with dark brown hair and dark clothing with a deep violet cloak walked in. Darvin, Nym, Talathel, and Beranhond recognized Violet, though it took a moment before Talathel and Beranhond remembered exactly who she was, as she had only traveled with them briefly. She has a morningstar at her hip, and walks into the room with a very quiet though purposeful stride.

She said, in a low alto voice, "My bold adventuring group has returned at last. Welcome back to Baldur's Gate!" With this, she came in and gave Darvin a big bear hug and went around the table trying to do the same with everyone but Johan. As she came to him, she asked, "Hello. Do I know you?"


  1. Could you describe her for us? Does she look much different then the last time we saw her?

    Also, could you remind me what part of the adventure she was involved in originally? Curse you, year away from the game! :P

  2. Of course!

    Violet looks pretty similar to when you last saw her. She has gray eyes, and dark brown/black hair, with a distinguishing scar on her left cheek from her ear to her jawline. She looks to be in good shape, energetic and agile.

    You met her as you were leaving the Shaar. She showed up the morning after the orcish camp was destroyed by fire and Thjodolf and Scriptus and Codex died. She almost interrupted Darvin and Nym having sex, but instead left them a note as a way of introduction. It was shortly after that the group went their separate ways.

  3. "We all see to be collecting scars these days." Beranhond said chuckling at the similarities between Violet and his scars. "What a dangerous world we live in. I believe we've met before, but that was a long time ago."

  4. I found her entry on "Quo Vadis," but moreso for me. November/December 2010.

  5. Johan quickly comes to his feet, and bows deeply at Violet, before smiling broadly at her (He dropped his hood for better visibility as soon as we got to our table). He takes a slight step forward, and makes to give her a polite kiss on the hand, should she provide it.

    "M'lady, I am Johan, traveling companion of your acquaintance Nym these past few months, and a new 'addition' to this band of individuals. I take it you are Violet, (If Nym would have told him her last name, he would instead refer to her as "Lady [Lastname]" instead) and I am very pleased to make your acquaintance."

    He then sits back down, smiling politely at her after finishing formalities.

  6. Dan, is Violet your NPC, or was she originally played by someone else?

  7. Nym snorts in amusement and rests her head in her hand, smiling coyly. "Why, Johan, I didn't know you were a lover as well as a fighter." She bit her lip fighting back a giggle.

  8. Beranhond raises an eyebrow as the atmosphere in the room moves from argument to giggles and flirting.

  9. Johan turns and smiles close-lipped at Nym. "M'lady, we are in a professional relationship that would be a complete shame to spoil with mere carnalities. I always conduct myself with the highest of reserve in regards to my compatriots, for anything else might lead to inopportune choices that endanger the rest of the group at a critical juncture."

    He then turns back to violet giving her a quick wink. "However, my limitations in that regard are strictly limited to my traveling companions. I would gladly entertain the attentions of any beautiful missus that would have me otherwise"

  10. "Don't ruffle your high born feathers, Johan, I can assure you none of your traveling companions want 'carnalities' with you," replied Nym scrunching up her nose. Either I've lost my ability to tease or Johan was born without the ability to understand it, she thought.

  11. Johan eyes Talathel, Darvin, and Beranhond, and then murmurs to Nym "Well, given our present selection of companions, I should hope not for the most part."

  12. In answer to Erin's question, Violet was originally my PC, and she is now my NPC. :)

    Violet is a bit taken aback by Johan's unexpected overtures. She mumbles a bit tongue-tied in response, "I'm, uh, v-very pleased to make yours as well, I'm sure..."

    She's able to get a bit of a hold of herself, and winks back at Johan. "I'm sure we'll all get to know each other more shortly," she says, and her look takes in Nym, Talathel, and Beranhond. She hesitates and bites her lip for a second, then continues, "I was sent to invite you all to report to the City Council about your progress against the evil that destroyed the city. They would like to host you at a private dinner this evening. You have made progress, I assume?"

  13. Beranhond grins. He hadn't been expecting a summons from the council this quickly, but he was glad that his prediction of a meeting was coming true.
    "We have made some progress, yes. How private is this dinner? If possible, I'd like to bring along the commander of the Tormish force in the area."

  14. Violet responds to Beranhond's question in a very businesslike manner. "The meeting is intended to be a debrief, of sorts. They would like to know if the investment of their ship has been worthwhile. Bringing the Tormish commander would be appropriate. I would recommend bringing any other advisors, evidence, or tools you have managed to bring back with you."

  15. Darvin had a slight moment of panic. To him they were vastly uninformed on what was causing the evil along the Sword Coast.

    "Violet, it is wonderful to see you again. We have just come back together for the first time and were just about to sit down and compare our notes. We must work swiftly but should be able to present our findings this evening."

    Does anyone else feel as lost as I do right now?

  16. It's like a roller-coaster of memory!

  17. As a bit of a refresher, here is the summary of what you were asked to do when you were given the Lady Narath:

    If you recall, they went to trial for the murder of 8 people who attacked and tried to kill Nym as a witch.

  18. I would hope that the consensus is that I did, but I am pretty sure that will be debated. If you mean the 8 people, well, you can try to find out where there bodies are if you want, and whether they're buried or were resurrected. They did come pretty close to drowning Nym for a bit there.

  19. "Excellent." Beranhond took a seat back at the table. "Now, less have a little less talk of ethics and morality and a little bit more talk about the events of this region. I have been gone far too long and involved in a completely different conflict."

    I propose that instead of fully rping this information story everyone just posts their 'report.'

  20. Did we just skip the part where we eat and drink....because Talathel wouldn't like that....

    Talathel, usually not one for quiet, didn't quite feel that he could be of much service here. This was his first time in a year aboard the Lady Nareth, so he was unsure as to how the city's investment paid off. He hadn't really been investigating the causes of evil either. He eyed Guybrush carefully and waited for food.

  21. We didn't skip it. It's ~3 in the afternoon, so you can have drinks while you wait, eat a snack, eat a very early dinner, or in a couple of hours you can eat dinner with the city council. I just wanted to keep the action moving a bit. You still have several hours before meeting the city council to do whatever.

  22. And in response to Whittaker's comment, I completely agree. If each person would make a new post "reporting" what you've been up to, I think that would be the best way to share, rather than fully roleplaying everything. Everyone can ask questions of the person(s) doing the reporting in the comments.

  23. Nym reports that the druids responsible for the attack on Baldur's gate were concerned with the god Bane, although she does not know if Bane worshipers or others were the reason for the initial attack. She also knows the recent attacks on villages and ships are by druids of the same sect as those who attacked Baldur's gate.

  24. Talathel notes that the many refugees in the city are seeking refuge from elsewhere. Perhaps the evil that has came to Baldur's Gate in the form of a tsunami has spread. In recent days, the growing population has resulted in a food shortage, as the city struggles to find a way to feed the sudden influx of people within its walls.

  25. Beranhond has very little to report about this area. He was off elsewhere. He had a lot of neat adventures, but doesn't talk about them at this point.

  26. Johan has nothing to add beyond what Nym has stated already, so he remains quiet throughout the discussion.

  27. Does Beranhond talk at all about Ismael? It would probably be helpful for the group to know a bit more about what they're up against from the front lines in Thay.

  28. Ishamel isn't from Thay - Beranhond and Ceilith faced him when you all were in the dream realm and he was investigating the threats against Waterdeep.
    See: "Recounting Beranhond's Adventure Less Briefly" Monday, July 2010.

    Ishmael also goes by the name "Methasse" and is involved in causing friction between the Druids, Torm, and Lathander.

    The events in Thay were part of an expedition for the Tormish HQ in order to secure their aid in the west. At this point, cough, it appears that Thay has no involvement in the west.

  29. Beranhond turns toward Darvin. "Did you have something to share?"

  30. Darvin shares the following: Having spent his time on the sea rather than than on land, Darvin is pretty familiar with news of which ports are safe, and which should be avoided. Darvin has been advised to avoid about the following ports (listed in order of how severely he was warned):
    Candlekeep (Your ship probably won't get out again)
    Murann (Very seedy right now. Some disturbing tales of bad things happening to sailors)
    Neverwinter (Confusing, somewhat conflicting tales of caution)
    Athkatla (Some recent reports that the port is turning unfriendly)
    Luskan (Not much trade there right now)
    Velen (Rumors of a lot of people heading inland)
    It was recommended that Baldur's Gate was a good place to put in because of famine and available resources to buy foodstuffs.

  31. "Well, I hope this is enough information to satisfy the council later this evening." Beranhond takes his flask out and takes a small swig before putting it away. Sitting down he takes out a piece of parchment and a pencil.
    "So, we have a group of people, led by a man named Ishmael, who are trying to raise a God, Bane. We also have a group of druids who are attacking places to eliminate corrupted Lathanderian Paladins and Clerics. Their attacks seem to be widespread and without mercy." He looked about the room carefully as he taps the pencil against the parchment. "In addition we have to deal with refugees, famines, and an element of the unknown. "For help we've brought Paladins." he tapped himself. "Johan." He said pointing to Nym. "Rangar." He said pointing at Darvin. "And, Alcohol." He said pointing at Talathel. "Does that about sum up our report?"

  32. "Johan has a horse too," added Nym lamely.

  33. "Ah yes," Johan said, rolling his eyes slightly, "who could forget Thunderhooves, scourge of the Sword Coast and bane of evil druids throughout Faerun. Why, with his razor-sharp hooves and gnashing teeth, the evils facing Baldur's Gate shall surely cower in sheer terror," He sighed, and took a sip from his modest hip flask. "So long as they refrain from feeding him any apples, of course."

  34. "Since when does everyone have a flask?!" asked Nym. "I'm going to need to get one just to fit in."

  35. "It is the latest hero accessory. Mine doesn't contain alcohol though, but Aelysin recommended I use it to add to my allure."

  36. Nym's eyebrows flew up. "I thought by now I'd understand the eccentricities of humans, but you never cease to confuse me."

  37. "Nah, it's just a fad," said Johan. "A while back the accessory of choice was a ten-foot pole, to woo the more impressionable women in a town or some similar nonsensical use. Who knows, tomorrow it may be enchanted compasses or magical daggers that are in vogue. Like all fads, if you ignore it for long enough, it goes away and you needn't waste any gold on it," Johan finished with a smile.

  38. "We're eccentric?" Beranhond said chuckling. "I seem to recall that a certain half-elf dashed across most of the western Sword coast late at night, under the veil of several days, to complete a secret quest she hadn't told any of us about. Plus, I seem to remember you telling me about a certain half-elf man that made you swoon... Ilvaen? Or was it Illuvin?"

  39. "Half-elves," Talathel said under his breath. He cleared his throat, hoping to gain their attention.

    "We seem to be slipping back into fights and squabbles over unsettled scores. Could we keep the past in the past and focus on the matter at hand?"

  40. "I'm not sure that counted so much as squabbling as playful banter," murmured Nym looking thoughtful.

  41. "It's playful squabbling with a bit of humorous banter. Now, if you will excuse me I should go and get the attention of Ceilith. I shall see all you in a short while at the meeting with the council." He nods toward Violet. "Thank you for letting us know about this meeting. I look forward to seeing you all again soon." At that Beranhond steps out of the room and starts to make his way to the Tormish camp.

  42. I'll post the beginning of the city council meeting on Monday. I've really appreciated how quickly and well you've all jumped back into your characters! Thanks for doing a great job so far, everyone!


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