Wednesday, February 17, 2016

What's in a Name?

As Darvin stood there panicking about the name of the brown eyed, blonde haired beauty standing in front of him, something clicked in his brain.

"Shandri Greycastle. Her name is Shandri Greycastle. Her father is one of the wealthiest merchants in the city. You jumped out of her bedroom window the morning after a good rutting as her father came looking for her." 

Darvin looked at the woman in front of him. She was quite beautiful. A little taller than him, well proportioned with dirty blonde hair and big brown doe eyes. He was a little dumbfounded he hadn't called on her again. But then again he had been an idiot for the majority of the last three years.

"Where's the monkey with the hat?" Shandri asked causing Darvin to be shaken out of his thought.

"Oh, he's back on the ship. Keeping everything on schedule." 

"Darvin, you keep telling me about this ship but you have yet to let me see it."

As she said this to him, an idea began forming in his head, "That's because, my dear Shandri, it is nowhere near ready for someone as lovely as yourself to grace it's decks. However, as it turns out I was just looking for your father. You wouldn't happen to know where he is?"

She looked at Darvin kind of skeptically but also seemed amused, "Well, if you're looking for father you're going in the complete wrong direction. You know he works in the financial district. You're walking into the industrial district."

Darvin looked around him. He was smack dab in the middle of Baldur's Gate industrial complex. Nowhere near the financial sector.

"Ah, so I am. Well, may I oppose upon the lady and ask her to escort me to her father's place of business?" Darvin asked while offering her his arm.


  1. Shandri smiled. "You're being much more of a gentleman than you were last time." She said as she took his arm. "I imagine my father won't be in quite the murderous mood. He never did learn it was you in my bedroom that night." She winked at him. "Still, I think you'd best be a little quieter about the whole 'pirate' bit with him. The undead pirates have been a real bane on his shipping."

  2. Shandri chatted with Darvin amicably on their way over to the finance district. It was one of the few places in the city that had been rebuilt after the destruction.
    Shandri led him into her ornate home and then to her father's office. On the door was a large bronze plaque that read "Orlando Cornelius Mortimur Greycastle."

  3. Darvin took a deep breath and sighed. He was wishing Beranhond was here to back him up. But Darvin figured he needed to seize the opportunity that been presented. He winked at Shandri and then knocked on the door.

    "Lord Greycastle. It's Darvin Amblecrown, Captain of the Lady Narath. And do I have a proposal for you!"


  4. Orlando's eyes narrowed as he looked Darvin up and down. "Hmmm..." He looked over at his daughter any to say no and saw the pleading look in her eyes. "Alright, I'll ignore what I've heard of your reputation for a moment... What's this proposition?"

  5. Darvin cringed inwardly at the dig towards his reputation. However, he knew this moment could go a long way toward redeeming himself.

    "Well, Sir, as you have probaby heard my ship has run into some financial difficulties. Difficulties that are, difficult to overcome. However, this presents you with an amazing opportunity. Your daughter tells me that the undead piracy that plagues the Sword Coast has negatively impacted your business ventures. What if I could solve your shipping problem while simultaneously making you look like a hero?"

    Orlando looked skeptical but nodded and said, "Go on."

    "If you come to our financial rescue, you will allow us to pursue the scourge that hinders your ventures. We will fly your flag. We will fight the pirates in your good name. And when we vanquish them we will come back to Baldur's Gate and give you the glory you will so richly deserve. Think of the Lady Narath Company as your personal security patrol."


  6. Orlando sighed, rubbing his temples. "Fine, come bring the presentation to me tomorrow at the Equinox ball. I want a look at how presentable the rest of your crew can be in an upstanding and upright event."


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