Thursday, February 18, 2016

Drink Your Troubles Away at the Purple Wyrm Inn & Tavern

Nym wandered the city until she had calmed down enough to think straight. She considered going to the ship for the night, but didn’t really feel like talking to anyone she knew at the moment so decided an inn was in order. She considered returning to the Blushing Mermaid, but it had been a bit seedier last night than she’d recalled. Besides that, it was on the other side of the city, which was unappealing. While trying to sell rituals, the Purple Wyrm by the docks had been suggested as an up-and-up inn and tavern that merchants and adventures frequented. “Vampires and assassins and questionably moral people,” Nym grumbled as she turned around and headed toward the docks.

It didn’t take long to find the Purple Wyrm Inn and Tavern with its well-lit sign. Nym rented stabling and a room, and once she had her animals settled in, she headed back to the tavern. The patrons were boisterous but pleasant, and Nym settled into a seat along the edge of the bar where she could people watch.

After a few minutes, the young dwarf behind the bar came over to Nym. “Havin’ anything tonight, lass?” she asked, smiling. Nym noted that her beard was expertly braided.

“Yes, I’d like to get something to eat… and a drink too, I think. It’s been a long day,” Nym replied.

“We’ve got a nice brassla on tonight with fresh eel and oyster. I recommend it with the blackbread and waterdhavian cheese. Cheese ain’t made in Waterdeep anymore, though. Since… you know.” The dwarf shrugged and smiled as she pulled out a small pad of paper to write down Nym’s order.

“That sounds perfect,” Nym replied, letting out a long sigh.

“And t’ drink?”

“I think something strong but manageable for less hearty, non-Dwarven folk. What would you recommend?”

The Dwarf woman chuckled, “Don’ want t’ end up on the floor tonight, then. We have fireseed if you’re lookin’ for strong strong. Our house red is fine, and we have a nice clarry too. I could add a shot of seawine at no charge if you’d like it stronger.” The woman winked, smiling.

“Yes, I’d love the clarry with a shot of seawine,” Nym replied, satisfied. She wondered who named a liqueur ‘seawine’ and if they were drunk when they named it.

Over the next few hours, Nym continued to drink, learned that the bartender’s name was Tores Forgehood and became her friend, met a group of six merchants and adventurers and became friends with them, and was coaxed by her new friends to take the stage and play some music since no band was scheduled that night.


  1. When Nym became too tired and too drunk to play any longer, she retired to her room. She flopped onto the bed, waking up Pipper, who chattered at her angrily. Nym laughed, saying to the fox in Elvish, <"ShhHHSHHHHH I'm sorryyyeeee. Sleep now, ok?"> Pipper huffed and curled up next to Nym.

    Nym pulled out her speaking stones and rolled them around in her hand for a bit before placing them on her pillow and falling asleep.


    Nym woke herself by crying out in her sleep, like she had many times before. She stared at the ceiling in annoyance, trying to will herself back to sleep. When that didn't work, she finally got up and dressed for the day. When she had finished, it was still the dusky predawn hours before most civilized people awoke. Nym sat in the dark watching the light from the sun slowly creep through her window. She wondered if Illuvaen was awake yet and on the road toward Daggerford. Finally Nym stood and walked downstairs into the now empty tavern. She was pleased that the only residual effect of her merrymaking the night before seemed to be a mild headache.

    In the tavern, and older Dwarven woman was starting the cooking fire. "Hello!" Nym greeted her, smiling.

    The woman nodded her greetings in return, and Nym asked, "Who can I speak to about renting the room for a few more nights?"

    The woman said, "That'd be me, dearie. Come this way and let's fill out the books. How many nights are you thinkin'?"

    "Four for certain," Nym replied.

    The woman nodded, noting Nym's stay in her book. "That'll be eight gold then."

    Nym handed over the coins from her personal funds, and asked, "Would it be possible to have a bath drawn this afternoon when I return? I have an... event to attend." Nym frowned.

    The Dwarf chuckled, "Not a fancy lass, eh? We can do that fer ya. Let us know when you're back an' well get it drawn."

    "Thank you!" Nym replied cheerfully as she skipped out of the inn into the streets. Pipper yawned and stretched on the inn steps as Nym danced her way down the empty streets.

    Whit, do you want to take our characters to the Baroness' house in a post or should I? I can wait if I'm too far ahead!

  2. "Pssst..." Came a voice from a side alley. "Nym, over here...!"

  3. "EEEE!" Nym replied to the voice in the alley, startled.

  4. "Psst, Nym, don't freak out, but come on in here..."

  5. Nym wasn't keep on following a voice in an alley, but then again, what did she have to lose? Well, her life, but she hadn't thought much of that in the past three years, so she followed the voice, peering into the darkness.

  6. As she rounded the corner into the darkness she was surprised to find that Evelaen, in a loose fitting red dress, was standing there grinning.
    "I'm impressed! Beranhond said you'd be much to cautious to go after a random voice whispering your name. I told him that you'd love to have an adventure!"

  7. Nym laughed, fairly relieved. "Beranhond met me in a sewer as a captive of a wight, and then I followed around a group of nutters as they continued to battle wererats, so I think perhaps he's giving me more credit than I deserve," she answered, shrugging.

  8. She furrowed her brow, then her eyes opened brightly. "Right, you were pretending to be a boy for some reason." She stepped forward, folding her arm in front of her. "Plus, there's nothing wrong with following a group of nutters. At least they usually lead to somewhere with adventure."

  9. "Heh, I guess..." Nym replied. She didn't really want to get into the many ways adventures often end in tragedies which would make her sound more than a little dour and boring to a new friend. "So other than proving Beranhond wrong, why are you calling me into dark alleys in the wee hours of the morning?"

  10. "Well... you look like someone who could use a friend. Plus, your other friends back there..." She said nodding in the distant direction of Odin's. "Seemed to be filled with too much blood lust for your taste."

  11. Nym blushed, a little embarrassed. "Thanks," she said, genuinely happy. "Yeah, I'm not particularly keen on the idea of cold blooded murder for money, especially to pay for something as silly as a ship. I'd rather swim!" She giggled nervously, and asked, "What happened there after I..."

    "Threw a tantrum and teleported out?"


  12. "Beranhond showed up and everyone started behaving, his he like the father of this group? He never mentioned that." She tapped her chin in though. "Then think Johan left, probably up to no good. Anyway, what should we do with our free time?"

  13. "Ha! Yes, I guess he is like the father of the group," Nym replied. "I don't think he likes it, so I'm not surprised Beranhond didn't mention it."

    Nym thought about what they could do this morning. "Well, we could go see the Baroness and try to contact her son with sending."

  14. "Well, I thought we might go and dive into the mysterious underbelly of Baldur's Gate at the wee hours... but I guess we can get to work instead! Lead on!"

  15. "The underbelly is better at night anyways," laughed Nym. "You should join me at the Purple Wyrm tonight. I guess it's not all that seedy, but there are a lot of interesting, boisterous people! Lots of great stories. I met a human barbarian last night who was fluent in two languages! That's pretty rare, but he..."

    Nym continued talking about the people she'd met the previous evening on their way to the Baroness' estate.

  16. As they walked, Nym added, "UGH, I forgot for a blessed moment about going to a party with Johan tonight. UUUUGH, I have to find a dress."

  17. "Me too! Eth is being forced to go and hang out with the city council. It must be the event of the season!"


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