Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Onboard the Rock Hard Abs

ym and Johan set sail at first light the next morning. The small, narrow hulled, sloop, made good speed out of the harbor and hugged its way along the coast.
"Whew, good work first mate." The captain called from the aft of the ship. He then sauntered on down and introduced him to the crew. There were only fifteen on board so it didn't take long.
"We keep our numbers down in order to maximize our storage capabilities, plus, a lot of vessels keep larger crews in order to man the guns." He pointed out the four cannons along the vessel. "We've noticed that the undead don't really care about damage to their vessel."
He showed them to a set of hammocks that they could call home for the remainder of the voyage. Though hotbunking was normal for the crew, guests usually had their own assigned hammocks. Once back on deck the captain motioned off to the starboard side of the vessel.
"We will try to keep within view of the coast for much of the journey. This vessel is built for speed, not defense, so our best chance to avoid the undead pirates is to hug along the coast and outrun them."

At a late lunch Johan and Nym attempted to ask about daggerford, finally the captain relented and started to talk.
"Daggerford has gotten really strange over the last year. A really large wall is being built all around the city and even into the harbor. Visitors aren't allowed past the wharf area without special permission from the Commisar, and merchants found to be engaging in smuggling are often found with their heads set on spikes in the harbor."


  1. Johan nodded. "Well, I do imagine making a wall high enough to be a nuisance to climb would keep the undead out. Still, surely a port city would suffer and wither if they couldn't maintain trade? It sounds as if the city has become an enormous sodden bottleneck for traders and merchantmen."

  2. The captain nodded. "It's probably not the most comfortable or rich place now, but it has stayed safe and secure. Most merchants just avoid stopping by as they, and we, are concerned about our ships being impounded."

  3. "Impounded?" Johan's brow furrowed. "Well, at least put my worried mind to rest and tell me we have whatever documentation is needed to avoid head-staking ourselves?"

  4. The captain laughed. "There's a reason why I'm setting you down via dinghy outside the city. I'm not take this vessel in near the city. Plus, I'm not sure there's a set of documentation that could save you if the mood strikes the Comissar."

  5. Nym listened thoughtfully for a bit before interjecting. "Perhaps, Captain, you'd be willing to drop us a bit further north of Daggerford where the road from Secomber meets the Trade Way? Our path lies north of the city anyway. This will save you the loss of a dinghy and save us having to load my horse in a dinghy." Nym chuckled, knowing Nesme wasn't happy either way.

    Diplomacy: D20+19

  6. "Oh that's even better! The farther from Daggerford we are the better off I am."

  7. "I naturally won't ask about your business, as long as you don't ask about mine, or go poking around too much in the crates in the hold." He said catching both of their eyes.

  8. Did you two have anything you wanted to do while on the vessel?

  9. Assuming we're still at least two or three days from our destination, Johan is going to go Mist Form and take a peek in the crates in the hold. Not trying to mess with it at all, but just wanting to reassure himself that they're sailing on a boat filled with contraband as opposed to something like the Faerun equivalent of weaponized plutonium.

    Stealth(+12): Rolled 11, and +10 for Mist Form, for final of 33.

  10. Oh, and he's doing it this evening when as few people as possible are up and about. Mist Form is probably far less useful in the middle of the day...

  11. Nym will contact Illuvaen to redirect him to their new drop off point, and, assuming Nym and Evelaen found some time to exchange some rituals, contact Evelaen to warn her about Daggerford.

  12. That night, as most of the crew either sat on deck keeping on course or bunked down in the hammocks Johan made his way on down and misted through the sealed crates.
    The crates were loosely bound, but dark inside, yet inside Johan was surprised to each crates held four human bodies. As he passed over them he could tell that they were still alive, yet apparently comatose.

  13. Illuvaen sounded none the worse for wear. Although he had to avoid some giant spiders that always wander in when adventurers travel.

    Evelaen thanked them for the information - apparently the rest of the Lady Narath Company had left late and hadn't made much travel yet that day.

  14. If there's time and not someone checking on them or snooping around for people snooping around the bodies, Johan's going to attempt to apply his limited knowledge of medicine to see if he can identify what's going on, while still in Mist Form.

    Heal(+6): Rolled 12, so 18.

    Afterwards, Johan returned to his cabin, and sought to speak with Nym quickly and privately as he was able.

    Once alone, he explained what he had seen, divulging to her as much as he was able to ascertain with the bodies. "Contraband, weapons, and drugs don't bother me, but a far too many foul and absurdly dangerous magicks and schemes can be accomplished with the living. Nym, would you be capable of identifying if they are bewitched or cursed if you got close enough to them?

  15. <"Fuck,"> Nym muttered in Elvish in response to Johan's news.

    Once he had finished, she replied, "Well, there's only one way to find out what I can find out about them." She started down toward the cargo keeping an eye out for crew.

    Perception: D20+11

    When the way is clear, Nym and Johan make their way down to the crates. Nym directs Johan to keep an eye out for crew as she carefully works to remove the crate top on one of the boxes toward the back of the room.

    Stealth: D20+11

    Once she pulls off the top, she checks to see what she can tell about the nearest person inside.

    Perception: D20+11

    Heal: D20+10

    Insight: D20+11

  16. The individual inside is a younger man, apparently unharmed, but breathing very slowly and steadily. As Nym checks over the body it appears that they are just under a magical sleep spell.

  17. I'd like to try to wake him up.

    Arcana: D20+15

  18. The young man sits up, gasping, and speaking an unfamiliar language.
    "Hzap?" He says looking at Nym in alarm.

  19. The man sits up, looking about in alarm.
    "Hzap, kbustu!" He says breathing heavily. "Glapbahr."

  20. I'm guessing Johan's Thayan language skills aren't coming in much use, but here's a Streetwise check to see if he might have picked up enough of a related dialect that he can parse what this poor sucker might be saying.

    Streetwise(+17): Rolled a 17, so 34.

  21. Not sure what to roll to try to understand him. I speak the following languages: common, elven, primordial, thayan, chondathan, draconic, dwarven, and supernal.

    Insight: D20+11

    History: D20+12

    If those don't help, I have the ritual Speak with Nature that allows me to speak with a "natural beast" for 10 minutes. While not typically used for humans, since they're beasts and natural, it seems it should work here too.

  22. Yes, I'll accept that.

    Nym and Johan attempt to communicate with the struggling human, but after a few moments of being unable to understand anything Nym shifts to her magic.

    "Where, what, where?" The man says in what now sounds comes across as the dominant west coast common.

  23. "Where are you from, and what's the last thing you remember?" Nym asked the young man.

  24. "I'm from Dambrath - I was told by my Crinti master that I was going to be going on a long journey."

  25. "Did your master tell you anything about this journey? ...Are... you a slave?"

  26. The young man sat up, looking about with bleary eyes. "Slave... slave... I'm not sure what you mean - he told me that the journey was to a new place and that I would be safe during the trip."

  27. Nym sighed heavily. "Are you a possession of another person? Also, do you know any of the others in this crate?" Nym gestured to the other sleeping people.

  28. The man looked a bit confused. "I have a Crinti master, but so does everyone." He looked about. "I'm not sure any others."

    He glanced upward as heavy footsteps moved over the main deck.

    Stealth checks please

  29. Still in Mist Form:

    Stealth(+12): Rolled a 15, +10 for Mist Form, for a total of 37.

  30. The steps paused for a moment, but then continued on over them toward the stern of the vessel. The young man looked up. "Where exactly am I? Who are you?"

  31. Nym ignored the young man, examining the others in the crate to see if any seem like they'd be more useful than her current choice.

    Insight to see if any others appear like they'd be more useful: D20+11
    31 Nice.

    Arcana to try to put this kid back to sleep: D20+15
    Fukkin double nice.

  32. The young man drops instantly back to sleep. A lazy look reappearing on his face. An older woman is in the next crate and Nym suspects that she might have at least a modicum more intelligence or know how. After a moment her eyes flick open.
    "Where am I?"

  33. Is she speaking Common? Johan's eyes were kind of glazing over while Nym was communicating with the not-the-brightest-torch-in-the-dungeon kid.

  34. She is speaking common - a very distinct accent, but common nonetheless

  35. Do I recognize the accent? (If it's not from the Sword Coast or nearabouts to Thay, probably not)

  36. "On a ship," Nym replied. "Do you know how you got here? What's the last thing you remember before waking up just now?"

  37. My apologies folks, this last week was a bit insane.

    The woman sits up rubbing her eyes, her common is heavily accented, and foreign, nothing that either of you recognize. She narrows her eyes and quickly tells a story about how her Crinti master had ordered her to travel north with a group of other servants to the north. She was told it would be a long journey, but that she would be safe.

  38. Nym sighs, thinking, "What's with this Crinti master garbage?!

    "Are you a slave?" Nym asks, hoping the woman is more knowledgeable of the world than the previous crate person was.

  39. The woman tried the word in her mouth. "Please excuse me, the west coast lingua franca is not my native language." She swallowed and looked thoughtful. "We don't use... the word slaave, but yes, that's probably the best word to use."

  40. Not saying anything yet, since Johan doesn't want the lady to start screaming if a puff of smoke starts talking to her out of thin air.

    Insight to see if I can figure if she's being truthful or holding anything back on us:

    Insight(+6): Rolled 9, so 15.

  41. the woman appears to be taking the truth, even if she is struggling with the meaning of the word due to cultural differences in the idea of ownership.

  42. "And are you happy having a master, or would you prefer to be your own master?" Nym asked the woman.

  43. The woman smiled, and chuckled. "We have a saying in our language that roughly translates as 'those who think they are their own masters are usually beholden to something invisible but infinitely more demanding.' Still, who is happy having control asserted over them?"

  44. Nym looked over to the misty area by the door that was Johan, and replied flatly to the woman, "Well, I'll see what we can do to ensure you and your boxed companions are beholden to invisible masters rather than living ones." Nym carefully put the woman back into her sleep state and closed the box back up.

    "Let's go figure out what the hell is going on," she murmured to Johan as she joined him near the door.

    Perception: D20+11

    Stealth: D20+11

    When the area was clear, Nym gestured to Johan to follow and quietly made her way onto the deck. Nym found a quiet area where they would not be bothered or overheard, and shrugged at Johan. "So... that's weird."

  45. Stealth(+12): Rolled 5, +10 for Mist Form, so 27.

    Johan followed Nym, coalescing back into corporeality with a sigh.

    "She's a Crinti slave?" He let out a snort through his nose. "Given what I've heard of her masters and their reputations, her mind may be unquestioningly obedient because someone just went in and scraped all the disobedient parts out. The Drow are not known for being kind to their servants."

    He mused for a moment. "After recent events, I'm not exceedingly eager to go about kicking another bulette nest and having to look over our shoulders for fear of Crinti assassins."

    Johan shrugged, looking at Nym with a rueful and toothy smile. "And in any case, we wouldn't even make coin from freeing them. I'm not sure if any cities here offer bounties for freeing bound slaves, and I'm even less sure any would dare to pay such a bounty if it meant defying the Crinti slavemasters."

  46. "Recent events?" Nym replied curiously, before moving on to the issue at hand. "Dambrath is awfully far away to be worried about the Crinti..."

    Nym sighed, and leaned against the railing, thinking. "The only thing I can think of that they would be used for this far north in an area infested with undead is to create more undead."

    She smiled wryly at Johan. "And certainly you wouldn't want to inadvertently cause even more undead for us to deal with up here."

    Nym rubbed her neck, and groaned, "I suppose the second thing to do is figure out where they're being taken and why. Perhaps you could make yourself a bit less... solid and see if there are any useful documents in the Captain's cabin? When he's busy somewhere else, of course."

  47. Johan doesn't elaborate when Nym mentions the 'recent events,' but nods when she talks of breaking into the cabin.

    "Well, it will be some hours before I have enough strength to discorporate again completely, but I suspect another form may allow me access."

    With a swirl of his cloak, Johan transforms into a tiny bat, and wings his way towards the captain's quarters.

    Mist Form is a Daily, but the bat one is an Encounter power. I'm looking specifically for a hole or crack in the wall he can shimmy through, and not something that can be open and shut like a door or window. In a vessel like this, I'm assuming there's a knothole he can enter through?

    Actions here are assuming cabin is empty or the captain is asleep. Ignore them if he is awake.

    Stealth(+12): Rolled 14, so 26.

    Thievery(+10): Rolled a 16, so also 26.

    Johan lands lightly in the cabin, and begins carefully shifting papers, looking for anything that might be Drow, Crinti, or undead in origin or subject.

  48. Nym is going to try to eavesdrop on various crew people to see if she can learn anything about the packaged people.

    Perception: D20+11

    Insight: D20+11

    Stealth: D20+11

    Diplomacy: D20+19

  49. As Johan looks through the documents he finds, in short order, a manifest from the Crinti written in their drowish version of Elvish. On the manifest is a long list of names and numbers. All of their eventual destination lists Neverwinter.

    Nym's efforts were to no avail as none of the crew made any mention of their shipment. Their conversations included everything from their upcoming furlough to the undead harassing the coast.

  50. Interesting. Does Johan recognize any common names from his half-decade on the Sword Coast, or noble houses names from his multiple decades in the region of Thay? Also, can he discern any additional information about the number next to the names?

  51. Johan is evidently making a very thorough search of that cabin.

  52. yes, a loooong time

    The names on the manifests are rather unfamiliar, though a few of them do belong to a few nobles in Neverwinter and a few former ministers of Waterdeep. Otherwise it appears to be largely code names for merchants.

    The numbers appear to be billing amounts and numbers assigned to the cargo to hide any names or humanizing features.

  53. Is there any sort of pattern to the numbers? Like is it labelled '001, 002, 003,' etc, or varying numbers to each entry?

    Basically trying to see if the numbers might have any meaning other than just being arbitrary to avoid writing out 'Ensorcelled comatose slave' over and over again.


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