Saturday, December 31, 2016

A vision of the gods

The snow blew about as Talathel made his way up the mountainside. How long had been climbing? What was even the name of the peak? He could not remember. He had only known the climb.

He looked down. He certainly was not dressed for a mountain climb. He wore the same clothes he had worn in Baldur's Gate. He was an adventurer, yes, but he had been smarter than this. He shrugged, and pressed on, using his staff to check for footing.

Talathel pushed on, not knowing his destination, until he came across a cave. He was weary from the climb, and decided that he needed to rest. Rest would allow him to clear his head, to remember his purpose.

The cave was not very large, but it would give him some reprieve from the elements at least. He pulled out some tinder and flint from his bundle and started a small fire. The fire had only been going a moment when he heard, "Talathel, do you mind if I join you?"

A man was standing at the front of the cave. He was plainly dressed. He had long, brown hair. Talathel heard himself saying, "Yes" before he could figure out who the man was.

"You seem troubled, elf."

"I cannot remember why I am on this mountain. Or who you are."

"You know who I am."

"Sorry stranger, I do not."

"Stranger?" The man gave out a laugh. "If you hadn't spent all your time in the Old Order at the bottom of a mug of ale, you'd recognize me at once."


"The same."

"I have found you! After all these years!"

"I can not be found."


"There is no time. I am weakened, but come with a message. In a realm that borders this one, an orange orc has assumed power. There are dark days ahead."

"And we must fight him?"

"Do not interrupt, mortal. These dark days may be made light, but only by seeking adventure once more."

"I was on one..."

"You have done nothing in months."


"The orange orc may be beyond your reach, but you adventurers can be a light in your own realm. Do not give up your searching for glory within Faerun."

"I will do what I can, O Glorious Kalaen. You say you are weakened? What can I do to aid you, and bring you back to our realm?"

"The answers you seek are not yours to know. Not yet. But, I implore you, go forth and be a light in dark times."

With that, the god faded away, and Talathel was alone once more in the cave. The elf blinked rapidly and shook his head. When his eyes refocused, he was outside of the elven camp.

"Oi! Darvin!" The half-elf turned.

"I'm coming with you. I speak elvish, you may recall. Let's go on an adventure."


  1. Several of the Elves turned at their approach.
    "Hail and well met full Elf and mock elf." The elf said looking the two of them over. "I would give thee full greetings if I knew for which reason that hast come and to what end thou approaches. Perchance thou canst share and then, maybe, we canst find common cause for a parley."

  2. "Well met. We are travelers and were looking to cross thee river. However, the bridge has been wiped out. Do you know where we might cross?"

    Did we have an actual plan here or...I can't remember and re-reading the previous posts did not help.

  3. A plan? Are you kidding - this group never has a plan. I believe the idea was to ask/figure out why the elves were around here as they are near the treasure and perhaps what might have caused the storm

  4. "Talathel, ask them why they are hear and if they know what caused the storm," Darvin said as he elbowed Talathel in the ribs.

  5. "Thou art correct. The bridge that thou mentioned was destroyed in a recent, disastrous, storm. There is a way across not too far east of here; however the path is dangerous."

    Another one, a slender elven with an intricate tattoo across her face stepped forward and spoke in an accented, slang, common. 'yeah, we tots dell strange wha we do and the for whats.' she said scoffing. 'as fer de rains - dey come and dey go.'

  6. "It must have been quite the storm. Did it interrupt your work here?"

  7. The slender tattooed elf steps forward and returns to the a haughty Elvish accent.
    "Nay, it has continued unaffected and our work shall be completed within a fortnight. However, we canst not speak of such things."
    Her eyes narrowed as she looks over the group. "Thou traveleth in odd company Elf. A comely half-elf, a human magician, and some kind of overtly serious human."

  8. "All are brothers on my path," Talathel responds. He thinks, wondering how to gleam more information.

    "What is your job here, friend? Tell me what you can about your work."

  9. She cast her eyes around and then finally spoke in Elvish. "I can see that thou shalt not just go on thy way, so it is best if thou, and thine friends, wouldst join me for a drink. Wouldst the noisy armored figure care to join as well?" She said nodding up the path to the bushes where Beranhond was clattering around.

  10. Beranhond lumbered out of the woods, his armor clanging and clinking.
    "Hail and well met friends." Beranhond said when he was finally in front of the elves. "Apologize must I for my elvish is unlike yours, so awkward sounding it might be. Still, a beverage would favor I!"
    The female elf couldn't help but chuckle. "Thine Elvish is beautiful, if oddly archaic to mine ears." She gestured for the party to follow.

    She led the group past a series of holes, shovels, and other digging equipment to a silken blue tent. She took a seat at the long wooden table and nodded toward them empty seats.

  11. "Is it possible for us to speak in the common tongue?" Darvin asked, "So as, to include the rest of the group and *ahem* the captain."

  12. "Sure, but ah donknow why yah can' speak dey elvish." She said calmly in her low brow common. "But we can speak in whaddev' speech ya want." Several other elves came forward with glasses and set them down in front of the party.
    "Now, wadda yeh want?"

  13. "We would like to know if you know what caused the storm, why you are here and where we can cross the river. We have serious business to attend too and would appreciate your assistance." Darvin said matter of factly.

  14. The elven woman frowned slightly before sipping some more from her glass. "De storm came as de storms come - wid and wind and gale and a touch of the magicks. De storm shook de hull place! I reckon it was nothing naturale aboot it." She looked between the three of them. "As fer whay we are here... we be here fer treasure."

  15. Talathel is honestly surprised Darvin's direct approach worked.

    "Any theories about the storm? What makes you think it was magic?"

  16. One of the other elves stepped forward to answer the question and spoke in a clear precise common.
    "The storm rained not just water, but various oils, animals, and a variety of technicolor hailstones. Naturally, this is a sign of magic and not of natural storms."

  17. "I remember a night light that after I drank some Orc's Blood Mead at the Naughty Wood Elf," proclaimed Darvin. "Where do you think this magic storm is coming from?"

  18. "We have nadda an idea man." Said the woman. "Probs from the hills up de way." She says nodding toward the hills rising in the distance. "We nadda go there, and we gots to stay here. Treajur shinnies be here, bud we hava heard about more treajur up dat way."

  19. "Shall we take a detour, Captain? Go see if we can find whatever is behind...what did you say...technicolor hailstones?"

  20. The male elf nodded. "Brightly colored hideous hailstones that pelted and damaged our camp. If you go, be careful, odd things have been afoot lately. In either case, what bring you to this barren land anyway?"

  21. "I don't know. What do the rest of you think? We could go investigate these hail stones or continue searching for the treasure. For some reason, I have a hunch they may be related," Darvin said turning back to the others.

  22. "Did you say treasure?" The female elf. She quickly returned to elvish and turned to her compatriots, momentarily forgetting her audience.
    "Where didst they come from again, and cover the dig sight quickly."

  23. "I don't think we'll get many answers here. Let's investigate the storm...for now, anyways."

  24. "Agreed, Talathel, I think the best way to advance the story is to go investigate this technicolor storm," Darvin said as he collected his things.


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