Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Nym yips with glee as the wererat queen falls dead to the floor. After Beranhond sends out his healing pulse, she looks around, noticing how many people are in the small room. WOAH! Who ARE all these people?! Are you guys friends with all of them? Why was that lady a bitch? ...and a whore? Were those all the wererats? What are you going to do about the man tied up back there? Nym gestures to the door, beyond which lays the cloaked man. Is he okay? She swings her arm around to point at Hring. I'm hungry. Are there MORE rat people out there? Are you going to fight them too? To Beranhond: How do you do those weird healing explosiony things? Nym turns and looks at the pile of gold. What do rats need with gold? This place is weird. She wanders around the room, eventually ending up next to the gold pile. She squats in front of it, moving pieces around with the end of her bow aimlessly. Perception: 11+5/16 She picks up a silver piece and turns it gold and then back to silver, entertaining herself with cantrips as usual. Prestidigitation.


  1. In case that perception check was to determine how much is in the pile, there are:
    289 platinum pieces
    2316 gold pieces
    1510 silver pieces
    2157 copper pieces

    This comes to 5378.57 gp of treasure in total worth

  2. Nym hops up and looks at the rest of the group excitedly, still holding her silver piece/new toy. "Wow! There are 5378.57 gp of treasure in this pile!" Sheepishly she adds, "...Approximately." She looks down at her silver piece, and continues to play with it while flitting around the room aimlessly.

  3. "Well, they aren't normal rats, they are Were-rats!" Beranhond said, referencing Hring's speech the day before. "The healing things are, well, a little hard to explain. Much as your prestidigitation is hard to explain to a non-sorcereress. But, you are definitely right that this place is weird."
    Tigrisclawu moved closer to Nym and the gold pile.
    "You humans and your love of metals." he said shaking his head at Beranhond. "Your share should be enough to create some healing amulets to sell/use."

  4. Nym stops to listen to Beranhond, but is clearly watching Tigrisclawu closely during his explanation. As Tigrisclawu comes near her, she picks him up dropping the silver coin in disinterest and begins scratching behind his ears. "Kittyclawu! Are you hungry?" She stops scratching him to pull out a bit of dried meat, which she offers to him. "I know it's not very exciting, Meowface, but it's alright..." She said, almost apologetically, as she held the meat out for him.

  5. "How did you calculate that down to two decimals Nym?" Beranhond said quite impressed.

  6. Tigrisclawu sniffs the dried meat.
    "Why is she calling me Meowface?" He asked Beranhond as he started to eat the dried meat.
    "No idea, though it is quite funny. I know you cats have a very rigid system of masculinity and that demeans it, but it is time to get over what you assume to be a 'man.'"
    Tigrisclawu shook his head at Beranhond, "you and your crazy ideas about gender." He said and went back to eating.

  7. Nym smiled as Tigrisclawu began eating the meat, and then turned to look at Beranhond. She blinked, thinking about her answer, and then smiled more broadly, "Magic, I guess!" She chuckled, shrugged, and continued, "Traveling, one learns to do such things." Beranhond looked at her for a moment, and turned to go over to the rat queen's body. Once Tigrisclawu ate the meat, she let him down. "I'm glad you didn't think it was too bad, Mr. Meowflufferslovekittyface!" She picked up the silver piece, which she melted, reformed, and turned into a tiny kitty figure all within a few moments. Prestidigitation


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