Thursday, January 21, 2010

So Much for No Girls Allowed

As soon as the Justiciar finished his speech, Nym was off at top speed to collect her things and Nesme from the inn and bring them to the ship. As she arrived at the ship, she noticed that new crew members had not only beat her there somehow, but that they and others were on the ship fixing the masts and the like already. Nym tied Nesme up on the docks so as not to sequester the horse too soon on the ship, and brought her things into the captain's cabin. She selected a corner of the room for herself and hung a hammock near the windows and placed her things around in the corner. Once she was satisfied with her corner, she went out on the deck to watch the crew for a bit, not really sure how to be of service.

As she watched the men on the ship excitedly fixing it up, she saw Carlinya and Talathel's elf lady friend coming toward the ships with luggage. She hopped up and waved at them excitedly, yelling, "AHOY! AVAST! ARE YOU PART OF THE CREW?!" As the two women walked up the gangway, Carlinya laughed and yelled back, "Why yes we are, Admiral Nym. Permission to come aboard, sir." Nym poised with one foot resting on a small box and her fists on her hips. "PERMISSION GRANTED, MANATEES." Carlinya laughed harder, saying, "Do you mean mateys?" Nym gazed into the distance, "No, an Admiral always means what she says and says what she means!" and then smiles broadly at the women.

Nym leads the two women around the ship, and Lailsan asks, "So what exactly is the purpose of the no swearing or drinking ban?" Nym shrugs and says, "I didn't know there was a swearing ban, DAMMIT." and smiles. Carlinya laughs and says, "Well I intend to do both, unless the Admiral or Captain disapprove!" All three women have a good laugh at this.

After a bit, Nym leaves her friends and explores the ship.

Perception (1d20)+5

What do I find, Dan? I'm exploring all over the whole damn thing.


  1. I'll let you know what you find tonight. I'm not able to do as much prep work as I need to let you know what you come across from work.

  2. Nym:
    Findings by place:

    Quarterdeck: A coil of 50 feet of rope, 1 swivel gun.
    Foc’s’le Deck: 8 boards of lumber, ranging from 3 to 10 feet long.
    Master’s Cabin: A small chest with 10 gp.
    Wardroom: a deck of cards, 3 6-sided dice.
    Main Deck: 4 pails and 3 mops, 2 hammers, and several buckets of tacks and nails, several paintbrushes.
    Forecastle: empty.
    Galley: Food for 15 people-days (1 person-day is the food 1 person eats in a day)
    Chain Locker: The anchor is in good condition.
    Lower Deck: 10 bales of pottery.
    Officer’s Cabins: Each has a bed sized for a Medium creature.
    Ship’s Office: The log isn't very well kept, and the ship's paychest is empty.
    Sail Locker: 20 yards of sailcloth, firewood, 100 feet of lines.
    Lower Hold: 2 bales of gold, and 1 of silver.


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