Thursday, January 13, 2011

Talathel's Path

When Talathel looked up he saw that he was lying next to Zalkar and Lailsan on the path. Except, there was no sign of the beast, Beranhond or Aelysin. The path also looked narrower, but it stretched far in front and behind them.
"What... happened?" Lailsan asked quietly.
"I... think that the paths have found a new home." Zalkar said quietly.


  1. Talathel picked himself off the path.

    "I'm not sure what that means...I just want to know if you can follow the path to our destination."

    He heard Beranhond's voice through the speaking stone. He picked it up. "We have no idea where we are, but we seem to be safe. Whats your status?"

  2. Beranhond's voice came back after a small delay. "Glad to hear you are alive! No idea here either... the path is much narrower than before and we seem to be higher than we were." Beranhond didn't respond for a moment.
    "I think we are approaching a few portals - I just hope they lead somewhere. Perhaps we can orient and figure out where we are in relation to one another. Is there an island that looks like a giant column near you?"
    Lailsan looks around quickly and shakes her head in Talathel's direction. As Talathel looks around he sees that the path continues ahead of his group for about a half mile and then seems to split and lead to two gates. Behind him the path stretches on downward into a dark abyss.

  3. "None of that here...we have a singular path. After a while it splits off to two gates. Behind us, there's nothing."

  4. "Well, that just sounds lovely. So, we could possibly be miles from one another. I am tempted to kill Zalkar for this..."

  5. Lailsan grabs Talathel's shoulder and quickly points behind him. In the distance an odd looking critter is making its way down the path toward them.

  6. "I suggest we start making our way up the path away from the creature."

  7. Both Lailsan and Zalkar nod in agreement and dash on down the path away from the creature. The odd looking creatures turns all of its three heads toward the gorup and starts to run. Lailsa, Zalkar, and Talathel all seem to think this is a good idea and follow suit. Eventually they come to the crossroads to the two portals.
    Zalkar suggests going right, Lailsan suggests going left.

  8. "Since you have experience in this realm, I should be able to trust your judgement, Zalkar. But you did get us into this mess.."

    Talathel looked behind at the creature. He looked at Lailsan who did not make any notion that she would argue her case.

    "Lets go right and keep moving. Zalkar, be on the look out for the other path."

  9. Zalkar nodded, and then led them down the path. After running for a few minutes he stops and points off into the distance.
    "Isn't that the floating mountain they were talking about?" He then squints.
    "That means that the path that Beranhond is on is over there." He says pointing off to a distance path.
    "Let's see if it joins up before we reach that portal."
    The group of them start sprinting away from the monster. After what seemed to take an eternity the three of them were in front of the door, seemingly lacking another path.

  10. "I don't see any other choice," Talathel said. "Lets get through to the other side and discuss our options from there."

  11. Zalkar nodded gravely and pushed open the door. The three of them dashed through and quickly shut it. As they looked around they saw that they had emerged into a very solemn looking chamber covered in ornate tapestries.

  12. Before they could do anything several robed figures walked into the room.
    "Who are you and why have you come through our dreamgate?"

  13. "Dreamgate? What?" Talathel looked at Lailsan and then at Zalkar.

    "How did we end up back here?"

  14. Before Zalkar could answer a beautiful half-elven woman stepped into the room. She was clad in a long glittering robe and carried a large scepter in her hands.
    "Because, Talathel, I had the paths shifted to bring you here." She smiled and barred her teeth. "It was a lot of work, but I hope it will be worth it." She looked concerned for a moment. "I thought there were two others... where are they?"

  15. Half-elves can be beautiful? Talathel begs to differ.

    "What others? Who are you? What do you want?"

  16. "I am Wealdan Aethea, the ruler of this land. You are a special guest of mine. I was asking about your companions - the two half-elves who came with you were last here. Were they not with you in the astral sea?"

  17. "No they were not. What do you want with us?"

  18. She frowned. "That is too bad, I would have liked to have thanked them for their hard work. As for my plans for you... why don't we discuss that over dinner."
    She snapped her finger and the men took a hold of the three of them and led them out of the room and down a corridor.
    The corridor was covered with a series of illustrations of stern looking men. There were various doors leading off of the corridor and ocassionally they would open and more men clad in robes would lean out and take a look at the group. When the Wealdan looked back they would quickly dart shut the door and hide themselves.

    After a few minutes of being led/dragged through the hallways they were led into a large banquet hall. Aethea snapped another finger and a series of flunkies dashed into the room carrying various dishes.
    "Please sit. My sources told me that you are quite fond of alcohol. We have quite a nice selection - can my steward interest you in anything in particular?" Aethea asked sweetly as she sat at the head of the table.

  19. Talathel rather liked this idea of alcohol. He glanced at his companions. Lailsan pulled up a chair and Talathel followed suit.

    "Your sources would be correct. Though I feel we have much to discuss. I would like some rum."

  20. Aethea nodded to the steward. He stepped into another room and returned moments after with a large silver tray. He nodded at Talathel before setting it down next to him. On the tray were six glasses all filled with liquids of different hues.
    "I brought a selection for you to sample. Do let me know if you want any refills of any particular variety."
    Meanwhile Zalkar sat down next to him. His face was deathly white and he looked like he was in shock.

  21. "You look concerned Zalkar. Can't handle your liquor?"

  22. He shook his head.
    "It isn't the liquor..." He leaned in closer. "Do you know these people and do you know where we are?"

  23. "Well, she is named Aetha, and they are people who have better control of the trails in the astral plane than you, dear wizard of Thay."

  24. He swallowed and shut up clearly chastised. He turned back and sipped some wine sullenly.
    "So, dear Talathel, I hope that your return to Faerun went smoothly when you last left us?"

  25. "It was a little bit abrupt, but other than that it was ok. Why have you brought me back?"

  26. "Come now Talathel, this is a feast! We can talk business in a bit. How are Nym and Darvin?"


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