Sunday, February 20, 2011

The trial, such as it is.

Lanarra looked up as the door opened.
"Well hello gentleman. What is the problem?"
The villagers grabbed Grumbleshanks and shoved him forward. "We caught him snooping around last night. He claimed to be looking for a more comfortable spot to sleep.
Lanarra looked him over closely.
"Well introductions first please." She quickly introduced Nym, Darvin, and the villagers to her friend Aranel, before turning back toward Grumbleshanks.
"What do you have to say for yourself?" She asked pointedly.
"Last night, I decided not to join the lovebirds." He said pointing at Nym and Darvin. "Who knows what sort of debauchery they get into. So, I went to camp outside. It was rather uncomfortable so I decided to try to sleep on one of the thatch roofs."
"That could be plausible. An odd thing to do. What do you all have to say in his defense?" Lanarra asked turning toward Darvin, Nym, and Violet.


  1. Nym wondered what the punishment would be for... sleeping on a roof would be. She considered saying, I've honestly never seen this little turd of a halfling before in my life just to find out. Nym smirked at the thought of Grumbleshanks being paddled like a child for poor behavior.

    Nym was distracted from her glorious visions of Grumbleshanks' humiliation by the sound of Pipper yapping and scratching at the door. As Nym let the fox in the room, she said, "We heard the same as you ma'am when we five parted ways last night. Grumbles here said he wanted to sleep alone for fear that Darvin and I might become intimate in his presence and that is when you and Violet went your way, Darvin and I went ours, and Grumblebumble went off to sleep somewhere else. I'm sure he meant no harm in sleeping on people's roofs. He's just a strange little fellow with no sense of propriety." She leaned toward Violet and the other two ladies and stage whispered so Grumbleshanks would hear her, "Don't let his sour disposition and smell fool you, he's only mostly a sour individual."

  2. Darvin thought that Nym had summed up Grumbleshanks pretty well, "I got the same impression as Nym did. He wanted to sleep alone and based on my experiences with him in the past I am not at all surprised he tried to sleep on the roof. He also has a pet squid, if that means anything."

  3. "I have only known the man for a couple of days, "Violet said. "In that time he has done several things that indicate to me that sleeping on a roof is well within his realm of possibilities. However, I am not sure my limited knowledge of his character should not be considered with as much weight as that of Darvin or Nym. They knew him long before I met him. "

  4. Grumbleshanks glared at Nym before turning back to Lanarra. "I happen to enjoy thatched roofs for sleeping. Plus, squiggles has nothing to do with this. Besides, this is ridiculous, these village people have no grounds or evidence. This is just classic anti-halfling mongering."

  5. Vilet observed both Lanarra and the crowd to see their reaction to Grumbleshanks' comment. She was interested to see how his recriminations affected them. How angry were the townfolk, and did they truly harbor anti-halfling feelings, or did Grumbleshanks' attitude simply rub them wrong?

    Sense Motive: Roll(1d20)+5:
    Total:25 Yay! A natural 20! Finally!

  6. Violet didn't notice any anger in the face of the villagers, more suspicion and doubt. Lanarra's face remained poised and unreadable.

  7. This is Aranel's introduction to Grumbelshanks and she does not yet know what to make of him.


  8. Sorry meant to add this.
    Sense Motive:

  9. Aside from a generally inhospitable demeanor, Aranel feels that Grumbleshanks doesn't seem to be lying.

  10. Lanarra looked over the awkwardly silent group.
    "I suppose we can let him go. He really didn't do anything." The guards, in a sullen manner, left the house.
    "Now, is there anything I can do to help your quest."

  11. "Is there anything you can tell us about armies or navies we might be able to recruit to our cause. I fear that we will not be able to overcome the armies we will surely combat without more allies to stand beside us." Violet said.

  12. "I do not have a lot of information, but I know some contacts in the border kingdoms that you can talk to about them." She turned to Aranel. "Perhaps you can escort them to our friend Ascadan, head of the royal navy in Tarsis.|

  13. Darvin's sword spoke up.
    Oh good, this group could use someone as trustworthy as an elven wizard. Hopefully she can keep track of the sneaky monkey.


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